Exploring The Services Of Azure Database For MySQL Server


Nowadays, the Organization started moving SQL data to the cloud platform. Did you experienced running the MySQL Server in the cloud platform? It’s amazing, and in this article, I will explain the step-by-step procedure of how to create and deploy Azure Databases for MySQL Server.

Azure Database for MySQL

Azure Database for MySQL is a fully managed relational database service provided by Microsoft Azure. This service provides greater flexibility for database operations. It offers high-level security and availability with 99.99% SLA.

Steps to Create Azure Database for MySQL Server Service

In the search bar, type Azure Database for MySQL Servers service.


Click Create option.

Azure Database for MySQL Database

Choose Flexible Server and then click Create button.

Select Azure Database

First, provide an Azure subscription and create a new Resource group as retailRG.

Type the Server name as retailserver and choose Region as US East US.

Choose MySQL version 5.7 and also click Workload type For development or hobby projects.

Flexible Server

Choose the Authentication method as MySQL Authentication only.

Type Admin username as retail admin

Provide Login credentials by giving a password and confirming password options.

Configure Server

In the Networking tab, choose Public Access as the connectivity method.

Check to Allow public access from any Azure service within Azure to this server.

Add current client IP address.

Flexible Server

Click the Review + Create button.

Deployment started initialized in a minute or two this became successful.

MySQL Flexible Server

Click the goto resource button.

Click Connect button in the window where it appeared on the screen.

Retail Server

It will ask you to create storage, which is mentioned below.

Create Storage

After that, you will get the message as Cloud Shell Succeeded.


Please provide password details.

Select Azure Database

Users can type commands, like listing all the databases and creating new ones.

Checking it in the terminal by typing the command as show databases;



This article taught us how to successfully create and deploy the Azure Database for MySQL Server service. Azure Database for MySQL Server is a fully managed service that helps organizations manage, scale, and operate their relational databases in the cloud platform.

I hope you have enjoyed reading this article!

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