Purpose of Output Cache
- Using Output Cache settings, we can improve the page performance in SharePoint online.
- Faster page load and better user experience
- Page output cache settings can be configured at the site collection level, the site level, and for individual page layouts.
- It reduces the server control activities and calls to the database
Note. Make sure to activate the SharePoint publishing infrastructure feature on your site collection.
The site collection administrator can only define a new cache profile.
Steps to Enable the Output Cache
Follow the below-listed steps to configure the Output Cache settings.
Step 1. Go to the SharePoint site collection where you want to enable the output cache.
![Output Cache]()
Step 2. Then, go to the Site Settings page by clicking the gear icon on the site.
![Site Settings page]()
Step 3. On the Site Settings page, you can see the Site collection output cache settings under the Site Administration category.
![Site collection]()
Step 4. Then, check the “Enable Output Cache” on the output cache settings page, as shown below.
![Enable Output Cache]()
Step 5. Then, select the cache profile. By default, 3 cache profiles are available. I’ve selected Intranet since I am enabling this feature for an intranet site.
![Intranet site]()
Step 6. If you want individual page layouts to be able to override the default cache profile, click the "Page Layouts can use a different page output cache profile" option under Page Output Cache Policy.
![Page Layouts]()
Step 7. Then, enable the debug cache information page if you want to include the date and time when the page contents were last rendered.
![Debug cache information]()
Step 8. Finally, click the “OK” button to save the output cache settings.
![Cache settings]()
We can configure the output cache settings at the site level.
More References: https://support.office.com/en-us/article/improve-page-rendering-by-configuring-output-caching-d7d7d175-30ba-4b4f-a933-dc3528006786
In this article, we have explored how to enable the Output Cache option in SharePoint online.