Embracing Event Sourcing in .NET 6: Design, Implementation, and Best Practices


The need for maintainable, scalable, and robust systems has never been greater in modern software architecture. One design pattern that can help achieve these goals is Event Sourcing. This blog post will discuss the background, pros, and cons of the Event Sourcing pattern, explore its implementation in .NET 6, and identify scenarios where this pattern is particularly useful.

Why Event Sourcing?

Traditionally, most applications store their current state in a database. The previous state is lost when an update occurs, and only the latest state is available. This approach has limitations, particularly regarding auditing, versioning, and scalability.

Event Sourcing is a design pattern that revolves around capturing and storing every change to the application state as a sequence of events. Instead of updating the state, the system records a new event representing the change. The current state is derived by replaying the events in order. This approach provides several benefits, such as:

  1. Auditability- The complete history of changes is available for auditing purposes.
  2. Temporal queries- The ability to query the state of the system at any point in time.
  3. Eventual consistency- Easy integration with distributed systems and CQRS (Command Query Responsibility Segregation) pattern.
  4. Improved scalability- Event-driven systems can scale horizontally by adding more event consumers.
  5. Debugging- Easier to trace and diagnose issues by examining the event log.

However, Event Sourcing also has some drawbacks,

  1. Complexity- The implementation can be more complex than traditional state-based systems.
  2. Event schema evolution- Handling changes to event schema can be challenging.
  3. Performance- Replaying many events to derive the current state can impact performance.
  4. Storage- Storing the entire event history may require more storage than storing the current state only.

Implementation in .NET 6

To implement Event Sourcing in .NET 6, we will use the following components:

  1. Event Store- A storage system for persisting events.
  2. Aggregate- A domain-driven design (DDD) concept representing a cluster of domain objects.
  3. Event Handlers- Components that process events, update the read model, or trigger side effects.

Example. Implementing Event Sourcing for a simple “Product” system.

Step 1. Define the event store and events.

// EventStore/IEventStore.cs
public interface IEventStore
    void SaveEvents(Guid aggregateId, IEnumerable<Event> events, int expectedVersion);
    List<Event> GetEventsForAggregate(Guid aggregateId);

// EventStore/InMemoryEventStore.cs
public class InMemoryEventStore : IEventStore
    // Implementation of the event store using an in-memory data structure

// Events/Event.cs
public abstract class Event
    public Guid Id { get; protected set; }
    public int Version { get; set; }

// Events/ProductCreated.cs
public class ProductCreated : Event
    public Guid ProductId { get; private set; }
    public string Name { get; private set; }
    public double Price { get; private set; }

    public ProductCreated(Guid productId, string name, double price)
        ProductId = productId;
        Name = name;
        Price = price;

// Additional events, e.g., ProductPriceUpdated, ProductDiscontinued, etc.

Step 2. Implement the Aggregate.

// Aggregates/ProductAggregate.cs
public class ProductAggregate : AggregateRoot
    private Guid _id;
    private string _name;
    private double _price;
    private bool _isDiscontinued;
    private ProductAggregate()

    public ProductAggregate(Guid id, string name, double price)
        ApplyChange(new ProductCreated(id, name, price));

    public void UpdatePrice(double newPrice)
        ApplyChange(new ProductPriceUpdated(_id, newPrice));

    public void Discontinue()
        ApplyChange(new ProductDiscontinued(_id));

    private void Apply(ProductCreated e)
        _id = e.ProductId;
        _name = e.Name;
        _price = e.Price;
        _isDiscontinued = false;

    private void Apply(ProductPriceUpdated e)
        _price = e.NewPrice;

    private void Apply(ProductDiscontinued e)
        _isDiscontinued = true;
// Aggregates/AggregateRoot.cs
public abstract class AggregateRoot
    private readonly List<Event> _changes = new();
    public Guid Id { get; protected set; }
    public int Version { get; internal set; }

    public IEnumerable<Event> GetUncommittedChanges()
        return _changes;

    public void MarkChangesAsCommitted()

    protected void ApplyChange(Event e)
        e.Version = Version + 1;
        ApplyChange(e, true);

    private void ApplyChange(Event e, bool isNew)
        dynamic me = this;
        if (isNew)

    public void LoadsFromHistory(IEnumerable<Event> history)
        foreach (var e in history)
            ApplyChange(e, false);
            Version = e.Version;

Step 3. Implement event handlers.

// EventHandlers/IEventHandler.cs
public interface IEventHandler<in TEvent> where TEvent : Event
    void Handle(TEvent e);

// EventHandlers/ProductCreatedHandler.cs
public class ProductCreatedHandler : IEventHandler<ProductCreated>
    private readonly IReadModel _readModel;

    public ProductCreatedHandler(IReadModel readModel)
        _readModel = readModel;

    public void Handle(ProductCreated e)
        _readModel.AddProduct(e.ProductId, e.Name, e.Price);

// Additional event handlers, e.g., ProductPriceUpdatedHandler, ProductDiscontinuedHandler, etc.

Step 4. Wire up the components in the Startup.cs.

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
    services.AddSingleton<IEventStore, InMemoryEventStore>();
    services.AddScoped<IReadModel, InMemoryReadModel>();

    services.AddScoped<IEventHandler<ProductCreated>, ProductCreatedHandler>();
    // Register additional event handlers

    // Other services and configurations

Scenarios for using Event Sourcing

Event Sourcing is particularly well-suited for systems with the following characteristics:

  1. Systems that require a high level of audibility and traceability.
  2. Applications that need to support temporal queries and historical data analysis.
  3. Systems with complex domain models can benefit from the use of Domain-Driven Design (DDD) principles.
  4. Applications that require eventual consistency and can be designed using the CQRS pattern.
  5. Systems where scalability, particularly horizontal scalability, is a priority.


Event Sourcing is a powerful design pattern that provides several benefits, such as improved audibility, temporal querying capabilities, support for eventual consistency, and better scalability. However, it also introduces complexity and can affect performance and storage requirements.

In this blog post, we discussed the background, pros, and cons of Event Sourcing and demonstrated its implementation using .NET 6. By leveraging components such as event stores, aggregates, and event handlers, we showed how to build a simple “Product” system using this pattern.

When considering Event Sourcing for your application, it is essential to weigh the benefits against the drawbacks and evaluate if it aligns with your specific use case and system requirements. Event Sourcing is best suited for applications that require audibility, historical data analysis, eventual consistency, and horizontal scalability.

The Event Sourcing pattern can be valuable in the software architect’s toolbox, offering a unique approach to building maintainable, scalable, and robust systems. By understanding its strengths and weaknesses and using .NET 6 to implement it, you can make informed decisions on the best architecture for your application.

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