Dynamics 365 - Modern Advance Find

We have been all very much excited about the upcoming wave to upgrade in Microsoft Dynamics CRM and one of the biggest changes which Microsoft is bringing to Dynamic CRM in the wave to upgrade is advanced find capabilities.

Modern advanced find comes up with multiple capabilities, and one of the most important capabilities is it opens up in the same window as your user interface, which makes it more suitable for more handheld devices, including your mobile, tablets, and touchscreen monitors. 

All the controls which have been always there are traditional advanced find that have been moved across different entities based upon the required functionalities.

Dynamics 365 - Modern Advance Find - Wave 2 Upgrade

Let's say one of the functionalities export to excel. This functionality has been moved to the entity. Now if you need to export the records from an entity, select the records in the respective entity and then the button would be visible on the top of the screen which you can click to export the records out in Excel.

At the moment the functionalities are still pending moving to their across their entities including let's say creating a new view through advanced find. 

One of the most important features which I noticed that is missing in the advanced find is the ability to create new views out in there initially. 

  1. If you can recall in the advanced find we could create views, edit the columns and perform various actions and then save the same, it’s not available anymore in Modern Advance find.
  2.  Another missing capability is that you are not allowed the switch to select multiple views on a table initially if you can recall in the modern advanced find user needed to select the entity and based upon entity – different views were available for selection.

In the modern advanced find, this capability has been removed. Users can now select only the default view on the selected table. Users need to edit it with the filter criteria and perform the action out in there. 

For now, Microsoft has given the ability to the administrators that they can disable this modern advance find experience for the users, but I think in upcoming upgrades this would be this would become a default. Functionality in the application.

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