Dispose() and Finalize() Methods in C#

Summary: Dispose() and Finalize() are resource management methods used in the.NET framework and C#, particularly in object cleanup scenarios. Though they have somewhat different functions, they are connected to the process of releasing resources that an object is holding. Here in this article, we are going to explain the Dispose and Finalize methods.

What is the Dispose() Method in C#?

  • In C#, the IDisposable interface includes the Dispose() method. A method for releasing unmanaged resources, like file handles, database connections, or network connections, is provided by this interface. 
  • When an object is no longer needed, or the developer desires to release the resources associated with the object, it is their responsibility to explicitly call the Dispose() method.
  • The statement and the dispose() method are usually used together to guarantee that the resources are released on time.


public class MyDisposableObject : IDisposable
    private bool disposed = false;

    public void Dispose()

    protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
        if (!disposed)
            if (disposing)
                // Release managed resources

            // Release unmanaged resources

            disposed = true;


What is Finalize() method in C#?

  • The garbage collector calls the Finalize() method, which is a member of the Object class, prior to recovering memory that an object that is no longer accessible had taken up.
  • During the garbage collection process, it is employed to tidy up mismanaged resources.
  • It is crucial to remember that because garbage collection is not deterministic, depending solely on the Finalize() method for resource cleanup may cause resources to be released later than intended.


public class MyFinalizableObject
        // Cleanup code for unmanaged resources


To sum up, use Finalize() as a backup plan in case Dispose() isn't called, and utilize Dispose() for deterministic resource cleanup. However, in order to prevent resource leaks and guarantee effective memory management, it's imperative to use these mechanisms sparingly.

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