Different Type Of Variables In C#

This article will explain the different types of variables available in C#. The three major types of variables are given below.

  1. Class variables
  2. Function level variables
  3. Block variables

Class variables

Class level variables are called instance variables. It will be declared in the class itself with any of the access specifiers and we can use it anywhere in the class. If we declare a variable with public access modifier it can be accessed outside. If a variable is protected, derived class has access to use it.

This type of variable will be initialized once the object is created. It takes a default value like integer and float 0, boolean false. Class variables can also be declared as static, this can be used in the static as well as non-static methods. The same is explained in the below code.


namespace ConsoleExamples {
    class Program {
        int instanceMember = 10; //instance field
        static float staticMember; //static field
        protected int intDerived; //instance class variable
        public void Voidmethod() //non static function
        public static void VoidstaticMethod() //static function
        static void Main(string[] args) {
            Program obj = new Program();
            ProgramDerived objDerived = new ProgramDerived();
    class ProgramDerived: Program {
        public void VoidmethodDerived() {

Function variables

Function variables are called local variables. It has access only inside a method alone. Local variables can't be used outside.

While function scope is ended inside a function variable is also lost. The same name for two variables should not be used within a function. Without assigning a value can't have access to use local variables. Function variables are not taken as default values. A static function variable is not valid in a non-static function. Local variables can't become static or dynamic.


class Program
    int instanceMember = 10; //instance field
    static float staticMember; //static field
    protected int intDerived; //instance class variable
    public void Voidmethod() //non static function
        int localvarible = 12; // Local variables
        //static int 120; //static function variable not valid in non static function
    public static void VoidstaticMethod() //static function
        // dynamic float floatvar =10.0f; //not vaild
        int localvarible = 1;
    static void Main(string[] args)
        Program obj = new Program();
        ProgramDerived objDerived = new ProgramDerived();
class ProgramDerived : Program
    public void VoidmethodDerived()

Block variable

Block variable is mostly used in looping statements. Before the block is declared variables can have access inside the loop and methods. Once block execution is finished block variables did not exist. In nested looping statements have access to method variable, class variable, and block variable. Block variables are also termed loop variables or looping statements.


class Program {
    int instanceMember = 10; //instance field
    static float staticMember = 5; //static field
    protected int intDerived; //instance class variable
    static void Main(string[] args) {
        int i, j;
        Program obj = new Program();
        for (i = 0; i < staticMember; i++) {
            for (j = 0; j == i; j++) {

This article will help you to understand the variable scopes.

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