Different Type of Modern Function in JavaScript

JavaScript has a modern function to make use of advanced methods like the Arrow function, Async/Await and Anonymous functions. I will see some examples here. Let's start with Simple and general Traditional function examples.

Code Example


Anonymous function

This is a function without having a name, also preferred for a short period of time, being in use, and in an Event handler function. Let's have some examples of Immediately Invoked Function Expression (IIFE) and Event handler


(function() {
    console.log("immediate function !\");

2. Event Handlers

document.getElementById("Button").addEventListener("click", function() {
    alert("Button was clicked!");

Async/Await Functions

Async and await function example here. It will wait for a promise and return the response. The Async method will come with the await keyword.

function fetchData() {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        setTimeout(() => {
            const data = "Data fetched!";
        }, 2000);

async function getData() {
    try {
        console.log("Fetching data...");
        const result = await fetchData();
        console.log(result); //"Data fetched!"
    } catch (error) {
        console.error("Error fetching data:", error);

//Call the async function

Arrow function

Arrow Functions are  Introduced in the ES6 version, its way short syntax method expression.

const greet = () => {

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