Difference Between Imperative and Declarative in React.js

The concepts of imperative and declarative programming are fundamental in understanding the approach React takes to building user interfaces:

Imperative Programming

  • In imperative programming, you tell the computer step by step how to do something. You explicitly specify the sequence of operations to achieve the desired result.
  • It focuses on the detailed control flow and specific implementation details.
  • Examples of imperative code include DOM manipulation with vanilla JavaScript or jQuery, where you directly manipulate elements to achieve a desired UI state.

Declarative Programming

  • In declarative programming, you describe what you want to achieve without specifying the step-by-step procedure to achieve it. You define the desired outcome and let the system figure out how to accomplish it.
  • It focuses on describing the desired state or result rather than the exact sequence of operations.
  • React is primarily declarative. You define the UI as a function of the application state, and React takes care of updating the DOM to match this state.
  • JSX, the syntax used in React, is a declarative way of describing the UI structure and behavior.

Difference in React.js

  • Imperative Approach in React.js: In the earlier versions of web development, developers often used imperative approaches to manipulate the DOM directly. For instance, adding event listeners, updating styles, or altering the structure of the DOM was done imperatively. While React still allows imperative DOM manipulations through refs, it encourages a declarative style for building UIs.
  • Declarative Approach in React.js: React encourages a declarative approach, where you describe what you want the UI to look like based on the current state of the application. Instead of directly manipulating the DOM, you define React components with JSX syntax, specifying how they should render in different states. React then takes care of updating the DOM efficiently to match the desired state.


Imperative: Directly manipulating the DOM

const element = document.createElement('div');
element.textContent = 'Hello, world!';

Declarative: Defining UI using React components

const App = () => {
  return <div>Hello, world!</div>;


The main difference lies in how you express the logic: imperative programming focuses on how to achieve a result, while declarative programming focuses on what the desired result should be. React's declarative nature simplifies UI development by allowing developers to describe the UI in terms of state and letting React handle the underlying operations to update the DOM accordingly.

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