In C#, a dictionary is a generic collection that holds elements as pairs of keys and values. The Non-Generic Hashtable collection and the Generic Dictionary operate extremely similarly. The distinction is that we have to declare the type of both the keys and the values when we create the generic dictionary object. The namespace System.Collection.Generic. The dictionary's size automatically increases as new entries are added to the generic Dictionary<TKey, TValue> collection because it is dynamic in nature.
The following are some things to keep in mind when using C#'s Dictionary.
- The value in the Generic Dictionary<TKey, TValue> Collection may be null if its type is a reference type, however, the key cannot be null in this collection.
- In the Generic Dictionary<TKey, TValue> Collection, each key needs to be distinct. Replica keys are prohibited. An exception will be raised by the compiler if you attempt to add more than one key.
- The elements in the Generic Dictionary<TKey, TValue> Collection are limited to storing only identical types.
- The quantity of elements that a dictionary collection may include is known as its capacity.
Dictionary<TKey, TValue> object_name = new Dictionary<TKey, TValue>();
Creating the Dictionary
Dictionary<string, object> employee = new Dictionary<string, object>();
Creating the elements in Dictionary
The dictionary provides the Add method, so we can use that method for adding the data to the dictionary.
dictionary_object_name.Add(key_name, value);
Dictionary<string, object> employee = new Dictionary<string, object>();
employee.Add("Id", 1);
employee.Add("Name", "Jaimin Shethiya");
employee.Add("Location", "Vadodara");
foreach (var item in employee)
Console.WriteLine("{0} - {1}", item.Key, item.Value);
Modify elements in the Dictionary
The dictionary provides the modified element that has been inserted in the dictionary.
dictionary_name[“keyname”] = value;
Dictionary<string, object> employee = new Dictionary<string, object>();
employee.Add("Id", 1);
employee.Add("Name", "Jaimin Shethiya");
employee.Add("Location", "Vadodara");
foreach (var item in employee)
Console.WriteLine("{0} - {1}", item.Key, item.Value);
employee["Location"] = "Surat";
employee["Rank"] = 134;
Console.WriteLine("\nModified data in dictionary.");
foreach (var item in employee)
Console.WriteLine("{0} - {1}", item.Key, item.Value);
Check the key/value exists in the Dictionary
The dictionary provides a way to check if any key exists in the dictionary or not, or if you want to check the dictionary value, it also provides it to us.
Dictionary<string, object> employee = new Dictionary<string, object>();
employee.Add("Id", 1);
employee.Add("Name", "Jaimin Shethiya");
employee.Add("Location", "Vadodara");
employee["Rank"] = 134;
Console.WriteLine("Name Exists: {0}", employee.ContainsKey("Name"));
Console.WriteLine("Type Exists: {0}", employee.ContainsKey("Type"));
Console.WriteLine("Value Exists: {0}", employee.ContainsValue(1));
Console.WriteLine("Value Exists: {0}", employee.ContainsValue("Surat"));
Remove element from the Dictionary
If you want to remove any elements from the dictionary, that is also possible; for that, we need to use the Remove() method.
Dictionary<string, object> employee = new Dictionary<string, object>();
employee.Add("Id", 1);
employee.Add("Name", "Jaimin Shethiya");
employee.Add("Location", "Vadodara");
employee["Rank"] = 134;
Console.WriteLine("Total elements: {0}", employee.Count);
Console.WriteLine("\nAfter removing Id, Total elements: {0}", employee.Count);
if (employee.ContainsKey("Salary"))
Console.WriteLine("\nThe proof key is not present in the dictionary.");
![Remove method]()
Clear Elements from the Dictionary
If you want to remove all of the data from the dictionary, we need to use the Clear() method.
Dictionary<string, object> employee = new Dictionary<string, object>();
employee.Add("Id", 1);
employee.Add("Name", "Jaimin Shethiya");
employee.Add("Location", "Vadodara");
employee["Rank"] = 134;
Console.WriteLine("Total elements: {0}", employee.Count);
Console.WriteLine("\nAfter clearing elements, Total elements: {0}", employee.Count);
![Employee count]()
Get value from the Dictionary
For bringing the value from the dictionary, here are a couple of ways to bring the data.
- Key access
- TryGetValue
Dictionary_name.TryGetValue(“keyname”, out datatype object_name);
Dictionary<string, object> employee = new Dictionary<string, object>();
employee.Add("Id", 1);
employee.Add("Name", "Jaimin Shethiya");
employee.Add("Location", "Vadodara");
employee["Rank"] = 134;
Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}", employee["Name"]);
_ = employee.TryGetValue("Rank", out var rank);
Console.WriteLine("\nRank: {0}", rank);
If we want to bring data from the dictionary, then it will check the case-sensitive data.
If you want to case-insensitively check and bring the value from the dictionary, then we need to add that comparison type to the dictionary, and then it will check the case-insensitive data in the dictionary and bring the value.
Dictionary<string, object> employee = new Dictionary<string, object>();
employee.Add("Id", 1);
employee.Add("Name", "Jaimin Shethiya");
employee.Add("Location", "Vadodara");
employee["Rank"] = 134;
_ = employee.TryGetValue("RAnk", out var rank);
Console.WriteLine("\nRank: {0}", rank);
![Bring Data]()
Here is the code for the case-insensitively checking the dictionary and bringing the value from the dictionary.
Dictionary<string, object> employee = new Dictionary<string, object>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
employee.Add("Id", 1);
employee.Add("Name", "Jaimin Shethiya");
employee.Add("Location", "Vadodara");
employee["Rank"] = 134;
_ = employee.TryGetValue("RAnk", out var rank);
Console.WriteLine("\nRank: {0}", rank);
![Case-insensitively checking]()
Complex Type in Dictionary
public class Employee
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Location { get; set; }
public int Rank { get; set; }
public override string ToString()
var sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.AppendLine($"{nameof(Id)} - {Id}, ");
sb.AppendLine($"{nameof(Name)} - {Name}, ");
sb.AppendLine($"{nameof(Location)} - {Location}, ");
sb.AppendLine($"{nameof(Rank)} - {Rank}");
return sb.ToString();
Dictionary<int, Employee> employees = new Dictionary<int, Employee>();
employees.Add(1, new Employee { Id = 1, Name = "Jaimin Shethiya", Location = "Vadodara", Rank = 143 });
employees.Add(2, new Employee { Id = 2, Name = "Roshni Shethiya", Location = "Vadodara", Rank = 314 });
employees.Add(3, new Employee { Id = 3, Name = "Dwisha Shethiya", Location = "Vadodara", Rank = 615 });
employees.Add(4, new Employee { Id = 4, Name = "Dwiti Shethiya", Location = "Vadodara", Rank = 531 });
foreach (var employee in employees)
Console.WriteLine("Key: {0} - Employee detail: {1}", employee.Key, employee.Value);
![Complex Type]()
Another complex type is an illustration.
Dictionary<string, Action<int, int>> operations = new Dictionary<string, Action<int, int>>();
operations.Add("Addition", Addition);
operations.Add("Subtraction", Subtraction);
operations.Add("Multiplication", Multiplication);
_ = operations.TryGetValue("Addition", out Action<int, int> addition);
addition(10, 20);
_ = operations.TryGetValue("Subtraction", out Action<int, int> subtraction);
subtraction(50, 20);
_ = operations.TryGetValue("Multiplication", out Action<int, int> multiplication);
multiplication(10, 20);
static void Addition(int a, int b)
Console.WriteLine("{0}, {1}, Addition is {2}", a, b, a + b);
static void Subtraction(int a, int b)
Console.WriteLine("{0}, {1}, Subtraction is {2}", a, b, a - b);
static void Multiplication(int a, int b)
Console.WriteLine("{0}, {1}, Multiplication is {2}", a, b, a * b);
We learned the new technique and evolved together.
Happy coding!