Design Principle (2): Inversion of Control (IoC) Principle
The SOLID are long-standing principles used to manage most of the software design problems you encounter in daily programming process. In the previous article, Design Principle (1): SOLID in Concept, we have discussed the concept for SOLID, this article will discuss the implementations and the understanding based on the implementations.
We will discuss SOLID one by one --- the content of this article:
- Single Responsibility Principle
- Open/Close Principle
- Liskov Substitution Principle
- Interface Segregation Principle
- Dependency Inversion Principle
The code we use here are from Microsoft, DesignPatternSOLID,
Single responsibility
Here we have a class with a method to sum two number and also a method to log those operations. Two different responsabilities:
- Sum --- Line 11
- LogCauculations --- Line 18
We fix the problem by using the Single Responsibility Principle. We make two independent classes, each one has only one responsibility:
- class Solution --- Line 8
- public static class Logging --- Line 17
Open/Close Pinciple
Here we have a class does math calculation with 3 operations (Line 15, 18, and 21), how would we do if need to include others?
We fix the problem by using the Open/Close Principle. We make a abstract class:
- public abstract class BaseCalculation --- Line 7
For each action or operation, we make a concrete class inheritaed from the base class with specific implementation:
- AdditionCalculation : BaseCalculation --- Line 12
- MultiplicationCalculation : BaseCalculation --- Line 19
- SubtractionCalculation : BaseCalculation --- Line 27
- DivisionCalculation : BaseCalculation --- Line 35
Second Problem:
Here we have a class does checking validations with 2 operations (Line 21 and 2), how would we do if need to include others?
We fix the problem by using the Open/Close Principle. We make an interface, a abstration:
- public interface IValidation --- Line 17
For each action or operation, we make a concrete class inheritaed from the base class with specific implementation:
- public class DomainValidation : IValidation<MailClass> --- Line 23
- public class BodyValidation : IValidation<MailClass> --- Line 33
this is the main (client) class:
Liskov Principle:
For Liskov principle, these statements should be valid [ref] that
- Child class is a parent class.
- Subclass is a Superclass.
- Derived class is a base class.
In the following example:
- class SubstractionCalculation is class AdditionCalculation --- false statement, it is void to Liskov Substitution Principle.
We fix the problem by using the Liskov Substitution Principle. We make a abstration:
- public abstract class MethCalculate --- Line 7
For each action or operation, we make a concrete class inheritaed from the base class with specific implementation:
- public class Addition : MathCalculate --- Line 19
- public class Subtraction : MathCalculate --- Line 30
Interface Segregation Principle
One interface IAnimal (Line 7) with 4 methods are used by two subclasses:
- class Human : IAnimal --- Line 15
- class Whale : IAnimal --- Line 37, this does not use all 4 methods in the interface.
We fix the problem by using the Interface Regregation Principle. We make 4 smaller interfaces:
- public interface IFeed --- Line 8
- public interface IArgument--- Line 12
- public interface IGroundMoviment--- Line 17
- public interface IAirMoviment--- Line 21
- public interface IWaterMoviment--- Line 25
We make the concrete classes inheritaed from the specific interfaces they used:
- public class Human : IGroundMoviment, IArgument, IFeed--- Line 30
- public class Whale : IWaterMoviment, IFeed --- Line 47
Dependency Inversion Principle
class BusinessLayer is tightly dependent on class RepositoryLayer on Line 11.
We fix the problem by using the Dependency Inversion Principle. Use Dependency Injection technique
- Make interface for IRepositoryLayer --- Line 23
- Implemented by another concrete class
- Let class BusinessLayer dependent on the abstract, the interface of IrepositoryLayer --- Line 11
- that is injected into BusinessLayer through the interface of IRepositoryLayer --- Line 11