Deploy A Website From BitBucket To Microsoft Azure


In this article, we will see how you can deploy a website from the Bitbucket account to Microsoft Azure. I will be walking you all through how to configure Bitbucket account with Azure and deploying the webapp from Bitbucket repository to Azure.

Step 1

First you must create a repository in your bitbucket account. Login to your Bitbucket account and click on Create button, then select Repository.

Deploy A Website From BitBucket To Microsoft Azure

Step 2

Fill in the required fields (You can use Advanced settings option as well if you required) and click on Create repository button to create the repository.

Deploy A Website From BitBucket To Microsoft Azure

Step 3

Then you will be able to see the created repository.

Deploy A Website From BitBucket To Microsoft Azure

Step 4

Click on Add file button and add your Index.html file.

Deploy A Website From BitBucket To Microsoft Azure

After adding the Index.html file, you will be able to see the file in the list.

Deploy A Website From BitBucket To Microsoft Azure

Step 5

Go to your Web App in Azure portal. Click on the URL. And make sure that your Web App is up and running.

Deploy A Website From BitBucket To Microsoft Azure

Step 6

Now we will try to deploy the content from the Bitbucket account. Go to Deployment Center and select the Source as Bitbucket. For the very first time you will have to authorize your Bitbucket account. So, click on Authorize button, provide your Bitbucket credentials and Grant access.

Deploy A Website From BitBucket To Microsoft Azure

Step 7

Then provide the required information and click on Save button.

Deploy A Website From BitBucket To Microsoft Azure

Step 8

Now click on your URL again and you will see the content in your Index.html file.

Deploy A Website From BitBucket To Microsoft Azure


In this article we learned how to deploy a website from Bitbucket to Azure, please use the comments section if you have any question.

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