Demystifying Hide Legacy App in Dynamics 365


In this article, we will dive deep into the concept of hiding legacy applications in Dynamics 365. Aimed at beginners, this guide explains everything you need to know in an easy-to-understand manner. Whether you want to hide these apps from general users, make them accessible only to admins, or carefully control their visibility, we’ve got you covered.


Understanding Dynamics 365 Custom App Visibility

Before we delve into the specifics of hiding legacy apps, let's make sure you understand what Dynamics 365 custom apps are. Dynamics 365 is a suite of apps (formerly known as modules) for enterprise resource planning (ERP) and customer relationship management (CRM). Custom apps are those created specifically to meet unique business needs. But what happens to the older or "legacy" apps? More often than not, they become clutter and can confuse users. That's where hiding these legacy apps comes into play.

Why Hide Legacy Apps?

  • Streamlining User Experience: By hiding outdated apps, you reduce complexity and enhance user experience.
  • Minimizing Errors: Users won’t mistakenly interact with obsolete apps.
  • Security: Restricting access can prevent unauthorized usage.

Hiding Model-Driven Apps

A Basic Overview

Model-driven apps are component-focused apps built on the Common Data Service (CDS). If you have older model-driven apps that are no longer relevant, it's easy to hide them. Here’s how.

  1. Go to Power Platform Admin Center: Navigate to
  2. Select your Environment: Choose the environment that contains the legacy app.
  3. Navigate to Settings: Click on the gear icon to open settings.
  4. Control App Visibility: You will find options to hide or show the app under the "Features" section.

Showing Legacy Apps only for Admins

Sometimes, you might still need legacy apps to be accessible, but only for administrative purposes. Here's how to manage this.

  1. Security Roles: Assign the 'System Administrator' role to the legacy app. This ensures only admins can see it.
  2. Permissions: Adjust user-level permissions to restrict app visibility to non-admins.

Understanding Control Visibility Settings in Dynamics 365

In Dynamics 365, the visibility of all apps, including the legacy ones, is controlled through the Power Platform Admin Center. Here are the steps.

  1. Navigate to Admin Center: Visit the Power Platform Admin Center.
  2. Environment Settings: Choose the environment and navigate to "Settings."
  3. App Visibility: From the settings menu, you can control which apps are visible to which users.

Admin Settings in Dynamics 365

There are extensive settings within the admin interface to help you manage legacy app visibility.

  • Visibility Setting: Offers a simple toggle option to hide or show legacy apps.
  • User Management: Adjusts visibility at a granular level based on user roles and permissions.
  • Audit Logs: Track changes and access, ensuring compliance and security.

Managing Legacy App Dynamics 365 Environment

Managing the environment is crucial for a streamlined and efficient Dynamics 365 system. Here’s a best practices guide.

  • Routine Checks: Conduct regular reviews of all apps and their usage.
  • User Feedback: Gather user perspectives to understand which apps are no longer useful.
  • Archival Plan: Have a strategy for archiving obsolete apps rather than deleting them, keeping historical data intact.


Navigating Dynamics 365’s myriad settings can be daunting, especially for beginners. However, understanding how to hide legacy apps can significantly enhance the user experience and security. By following the steps outlined above, you can streamline your Dynamics 365 environment efficiently.


Q. How do I hide a legacy app in Dynamics 365?

A. Go to the Power Platform Admin Center, select your environment, navigate to the settings, and control app visibility by toggling off the legacy app.

Q. How can I make a legacy app visible only to admins in Dynamics 365?

A. You can make a legacy app visible only to admins by assigning the 'System Administrator' security role to it and adjusting user-level permissions.

Q. What settings control the visibility of legacy apps in Dynamics 365?

A. The visibility settings in the Power Platform Admin Center control the visibility of all apps, including legacy apps.

Q. Can users see legacy apps in Dynamics 365?

A. Users can only see legacy apps if they have the necessary permissions. By adjusting these permissions, you can control who sees what.

Q. What is the legacy app visibility setting in the Power Platform Admin Center?

A. It’s a setting within the Power Platform Admin Center that allows administrators to show or hide specific apps, including legacy apps, based on user roles and permissions.

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