CSS3 Transition Timing Functions


CSS3 transition timing functions are a crucial part of creating dynamic effects using CSS3 transitions. A transition timing function is a mathematical algorithm that determines how the transition progresses from its initial state to its final state. CSS3 provides several built-in timing functions, such as ease-in, ease-out, linear, and cubic-bezier, which can be used to create various effects.

The ease-in timing function starts the transition slowly and accelerates as it progresses, making it useful for creating effects like bouncing or popping. The ease-out timing function does the opposite, starting the transition quickly and slowing down as it progresses. This timing function is useful for creating effects like fading out or shrinking.

The linear timing function provides a consistent transition speed throughout the entire transition, making it useful for creating effects like scrolling or sliding. Finally, the cubic-bezier timing function allows developers to create custom timing functions by specifying four values that control the transition's progress over time.

In addition to these built-in timing functions, developers can also create their own custom timing functions using JavaScript or by specifying a cubic-bezier function with custom values. Custom timing functions can be used to create unique and complex effects that are not achievable with the built-in timing functions.

When using CSS3 transition timing functions, it's important to keep in mind that the duration of the transition and the properties being transitioned will affect the timing function's appearance. Longer transitions with more properties being transitioned may require different timing functions than shorter transitions with fewer properties.

Understanding CSS3 transition timing functions is essential for creating dynamic and engaging effects using CSS3 transitions. By mastering timing functions, developers can create unique and impressive effects that enhance the user experience on a web page.

What are CSS3 Transition Timing Functions?

CSS3 transition timing functions are a set of predefined functions that control the pace and progression of a transition over time. These functions determine how the transition progresses from the initial state to the final state, such as whether it starts slow and speeds up, or starts fast and slows down.

There are four main types of timing functions in CSS3, which are as follows.


This timing function progresses the transition at a constant rate from start to finish, without any acceleration or deceleration. It is the default timing function for CSS3 transitions.


This timing function starts slow, accelerates in the middle, and then slows down again at the end. It is commonly used for simple animations and transitions.


This timing function starts slow and gradually accelerates towards the end of the transition. It is commonly used for transitions that start off slowly, such as a box fading in.


This timing function starts fast and gradually decelerates towards the end of the transition. It is commonly used for transitions that end slowly, such as a box fading out.

Each timing function has a unique curve that represents the progression of the transition over time. These curves can be visualized using a tool such as the cubic-bezier() function, which allows developers to create custom timing functions by specifying the points on a cubic Bézier curve.

 CSS3 transition timing functions are an essential tool for creating dynamic and engaging user experiences on web pages. By understanding how these functions work and experimenting with different timing functions, developers can create unique and visually stunning transitions that enhance the overall design of their website.

How to do CSS3 Transition Timing Functions Work?

When a transition is applied to an element, the browser calculates intermediate values for the transitioned properties at regular intervals based on the specified timing function. These intermediate values are then used to gradually change the properties of the element over time, creating the transition effect.

For example, if an element is set to transition its width property from 100px to 200px over a duration of 1 second, and an ease-in timing function is specified, the browser will calculate intermediate values for the width property at regular intervals over the course of the 1-second duration. The width will start off growing slowly, then accelerate towards the middle of the transition, and finally slow down again towards the end, before reaching the final width of 200px.

The different types of timing functions can be used to create a wide variety of effects. For example, a linear timing function can be used to create a smooth, constant transition, while an ease-in function can create a sense of anticipation and build-up. Similarly, an ease-out function can create a sense of relaxation and release, while an ease function can create a balanced and natural feel to the transition.

Custom timing functions can also be created using the cubic-bezier() function. This allows developers to specify their own timing curves by adjusting four control points, which define the rate of change of the transition over time. Custom timing functions can be useful for creating more complex and unique transition effects.

CSS3 transition timing functions allow developers to control the pace and progression of transitions, making it possible to create smooth, gradual changes in element properties over time. By choosing the right timing function for a given transition, developers can enhance the user experience and create engaging and visually appealing effects on their websites.

Examples of CSS3 Transition Timing Functions

Now that we've covered the basics of CSS3 transition timing functions, let's take a look at some examples of how they can be used to create different effects.

Linear Timing Function

The background colour of a box changes from blue to red in a linear fashion when it is hovered over. The transition property is used to specify the property being changed (background-color) and the duration of the transition (1 second), as well as the timing function (linear). The linear timing function progresses the transition at a constant rate from start to finish, without any acceleration or deceleration.

.box {
  background-color: blue;
  transition: background-color 1s linear;

.box:hover {
  background-color: red;

This code will change the background colour of a box from blue to red in a linear fashion when it is hovered over, using a 1 second linear timing function.

Ease-In Timing Function

In this example, a box is faded in by changing its opacity from 0 to 1 over a 1 second ease-in timing function when the show class is applied to it. The transition property is used to specify the property being changed (opacity) and the duration of the transition (1 second), as well as the timing function (ease-in). The ease-in timing function starts slow and gradually accelerates towards the end of the transition.

.box {
  opacity: 0;
  transition: opacity 1s ease-in;

.box.show {
  opacity: 1;

This code will fade in a box by changing its opacity from 0 to 1 over a 1 second ease-in timing function when the show class is applied to it.

Custom Timing Function

In this example, a box is rotated 180 degrees when it is hovered over, using a custom timing function created using the cubic-bezier() function. The transition property is used to specify the property being changed (transform) and the duration of the transition (2 seconds), as well as the timing function (cubic-bezier(0.17, 0.67, 0.83, 0.67)). The cubic-bezier() function allows developers to create custom timing functions by specifying the x and y coordinates of two control points on a graph. In this case, the timing function starts slow, speeds up in the middle, and then slows down again at the end.

.box {
  transform: rotate(0deg);
  transition: transform 2s cubic-bezier(0.17, 0.67, 0.83, 0.67);

.box:hover {
  transform: rotate(180deg);

This code will rotate a box 180 degrees when it is hovered over, using a custom timing function created using the cubic-bezier() function.


CSS3 transition timing functions are a crucial aspect of creating visually engaging and dynamic transitions on web pages. They determine how a transition progresses over time and control the pace at which it moves from the initial state to the final state. There are four main types of predefined timing functions in CSS3, including linear, ease, ease-in, and ease-out.

Developers can use the transition-timing-function property to specify timing functions, which can be either predefined or custom-created using the cubic-bezier() function. Custom timing functions are created by adjusting four values between 0 and 1 that represent the x and y coordinates of two control points on a cubic bezier curve.

Careful consideration should be given to the selection of the timing function as it can greatly affect the user experience. For example, a linear timing function may make the transition seem jarring or abrupt, while an ease-out timing function may make it feel too slow or sluggish.

When used appropriately, CSS3 transition timing functions can be combined with other CSS3 features, such as transitions and animations, to create complex and impressive effects that enhance the user experience. It is important for developers to choose the appropriate timing function and consider the context in which the transition is being used to achieve the desired effect.

CSS3 transition timing functions are a powerful tool that enables developers to create visually engaging and dynamic transitions on web pages. They provide developers with a wide range of options to control the pace and progression of transitions, allowing them to create unique and customized effects. By understanding the different types of timing functions available and how they work, developers can take their web design skills to the next level and create impressive and effective user interfaces.

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