CRUD Operation in Power Platform with Canvas App

Create, Update, and Delete Account Record with the Canvas App.

 Update and Delete Account

Step 1. Select vertical Gallery.


 Vertical Gallery

Step 2. Creating a Record: OnSelect = Select(Parent); Navigate(CreateScreen); ResetForm('Account Create Form') Navigate to the Creation Screen: Upon navigating to the CreateScreen, a new form will open for inputting new data.

Creating Record

Step 3. After Navigation: Default = Accounts, meaning that upon navigation, the details of the account will be displayed.

After Navigation

Step 4. Items= Defaults(Accounts).

Items default account

Step 5. OnSelect = SubmitForm('Account Create Form'), Navigate(GridScreen) When the Submit button is clicked, the account will be created, and the user will be directed to the GridScreen.

Submit Form

Step 6. OnSelect = Navigate(GridScreen) When the Cancel button is clicked, it will navigate back to the Home grid screen.


Step 7. OnSelect = Select(Parent); Navigate(EditScreen, ScreenTransition.Cover, {}) When the Edit icon is clicked, it will navigate to the edit screen.


Step 8. Default= Accounts.


Step 9. Item = AccountGrid.Selected The selected account will open in the edit form.

Account Grid

Step 10. OnSelect = SubmitForm('EditForm'), Navigate(GridScreen) When the Submit button is clicked, the account will be updated, and the user will be navigated back to the GridScreen.


Step 11. OnSelect = Navigate(GridScreen) When the Cancel button is clicked, it will navigate back to the Home grid screen.


Step 12. OnSelect = Select(Parent); Remove(Account, ThisItem); When the Delete icon is selected, the record corresponding to the selected row will be deleted.


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