Create, Update, and Delete Account Record with the Canvas App.
![Update and Delete Account]()
Step 1. Select vertical Gallery.
![Vertical Gallery]()
Step 2. Creating a Record: OnSelect = Select(Parent); Navigate(CreateScreen); ResetForm('Account Create Form') Navigate to the Creation Screen: Upon navigating to the CreateScreen, a new form will open for inputting new data.
![Creating Record]()
Step 3. After Navigation: Default = Accounts, meaning that upon navigation, the details of the account will be displayed.
![After Navigation]()
Step 4. Items= Defaults(Accounts).
![Items default account]()
Step 5. OnSelect = SubmitForm('Account Create Form'), Navigate(GridScreen) When the Submit button is clicked, the account will be created, and the user will be directed to the GridScreen.
![Submit Form]()
Step 6. OnSelect = Navigate(GridScreen) When the Cancel button is clicked, it will navigate back to the Home grid screen.
Step 7. OnSelect = Select(Parent); Navigate(EditScreen, ScreenTransition.Cover, {}) When the Edit icon is clicked, it will navigate to the edit screen.
Step 8. Default= Accounts.
Step 9. Item = AccountGrid.Selected The selected account will open in the edit form.
![Account Grid]()
Step 10. OnSelect = SubmitForm('EditForm'), Navigate(GridScreen) When the Submit button is clicked, the account will be updated, and the user will be navigated back to the GridScreen.
Step 11. OnSelect = Navigate(GridScreen) When the Cancel button is clicked, it will navigate back to the Home grid screen.
Step 12. OnSelect = Select(Parent); Remove(Account, ThisItem); When the Delete icon is selected, the record corresponding to the selected row will be deleted.