1. Go to Marketing App
![Custom Triggers in D365 Marketing]()
2. Navigate to Engagement àTriggers
![Custom Triggers in D365 Marketing]()
3. Click on New trigger, Name the trigger, Select the second option (When a customer interacts with a website/app), and click Create.
![Custom Triggers in D365 Marketing]()
4. Able to see the below screen, enter Title, Description.
![Custom Triggers in D365 Marketing]()
5. Add attribute as needed per the screenshot below and click Next.
![Custom Triggers in D365 Marketing]()
6. Below the screen, we can either download the snippet code to use it in our web application.
![Custom Triggers in D365 Marketing]()
7. Click Ready to use custom trigger.
![Custom Triggers in D365 Marketing]()
8. After that, you will be able to see the below screenshot, and we can be ready to use it.
![Custom Triggers in D365 Marketing]()