Creating Visually Engaging Dashboards: Ultimate Power BI Theme

The theme is designed to create a visually appealing and cohesive data presentation experience. This theme features a harmonious palette and thoughtful design elements that enhance readability and engagement.

1. Theme Name

"name": "Hussain PBI Theme",

This identifies the theme, giving it a unique name that reflects its design style.

2. Color Palette

"dataColors": [

        "#8989F6",  "#A1A1F4",  "#3CA6E1",  "#7D71BB",  "#8A91D0",  "#586A89",
        "#728FB0",  "#83A0B5",  "#AED7DE",  "#CED3E6",  "#D7EDF9",  "#4AC5BB",
        "#5F6B6D",  "#FB8281",  "#F4D25A",  "#36446B"

"background": "#364476",
"foreground": "#FFFFFF",

 Color Palette

  • Data Colors: A list of primary colors for charts and visuals, providing a vibrant and engaging appearance.
  • Background: A deep color (#323D55) that sets a sophisticated base.
  • Foreground: A crisp white (#FFFFFF) to ensure text and visual elements are easily readable against the darker background.

3. Typography

"textClasses": {
    "label": {
        "fontSize": 11,
        "color": "#B4BAC3",
        "fontFace": "'Segoe UI', wf_segoe-ui_normal, helvetica, arial, sans-serif"
    "callout": {
        "fontSize": 23,
        "color": "#FFFFFF",
        "fontFace": "'Segoe UI Bold', wf_segoe-ui_bold, helvetica, arial, sans-serif"
    "title": {
        "fontSize": 14,
        "color": "#FFFFFF",
        "fontFace": "'Segoe UI Bold', wf_segoe-ui_bold, helvetica, arial, sans-serif"
    "header": {
        "fontFace": "'Segoe UI Semibold', wf_segoe-ui_semibold, helvetica, arial, sans-serif"


This section defines the font styles for various text elements

  • Labels: Subtle gray color for less prominent text.
  • Callouts and Titles: Larger, bold white text for emphasis and visibility.
  • Headers: Semibold font for important sections.

4. Visual Styles

"visualStyles": {
    "multiRowCard": {
        "*": {
            "title": [
                    "show": true,
                    "fontColor": {
                        "solid": {
                            "color": {
                                "expr": {
                                    "ThemeDataColor": {
                                        "ColorId": 8,
                                        "Percent": 0
                    "fontSize": 13,
                    "fontFamily": "'Segoe UI Semibold', wf_segoe-ui_semibold, helvetica, arial, sans-serif"
            "dataLabels": [
                    "fontSize": 20,
                    "fontFamily": "'Segoe UI Bold', wf_segoe-ui_bold, helvetica, arial, sans-serif",
                    "color": {
                        "solid": {
                            "color": {
                                "expr": {
                                    "ThemeDataColor": {
                                        "ColorId": 7,
                                        "Percent": 0

Visual Styles

Multi-Row Cards: Customized styles for titles and data labels ensure that key information stands out. Titles are semibold and data labels are bold for visibility.

5. Tooltips and Backgrounds

"visualTooltip": [
        "themedTitleFontColor": {
            "solid": {
                "color": "#FFFFFF"
        "themedValueFontColor": {
            "solid": {
                "color": "#66CCFF"
        "themedBackground": {
            "solid": {
                "color": "#44546A"
        "actionFontColor": {
            "solid": {
                "color": "#66CCFF"

Tooltips and Backgrounds

This section defines the appearance of tooltips

  • Title Color: White for clarity.
  • Value Color: A bright blue (#66CCFF) for emphasis.
  • Background Color: A darker shade (#44546A) that enhances readability.

6. Neutral Colors

"foregroundNeutralSecondary": "#B4BAC3",
"backgroundNeutral": "#323D55",

These colors provide additional options for neutral elements, ensuring consistency across different components and maintaining an elegant look.

7. Performance Indicators

"bad": "#E62A72",
"neutral": "#FE7150",
"good": "#28D2CE",

These colors are specifically chosen for performance indicators where.

  • Bad: Bright red for negative values.
  • Neutral: Orange for caution.
  • Good: Teal for positive outcomes.


The Hussain PBI Theme combines a carefully chosen color palette, modern typography, and tailored visual styles to create a professional and user-friendly experience in Power BI. Each component of the JSON code works together to ensure that data visualizations are not only functional but also aesthetically pleasing.

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