In this article, I will explain about creating the HDInsight Clusters in Azure. HDInsight cluster is a distribution from Cloud for Hadoop components. Hadoop refers to a type of cluster, which is used for Map reducing. Hadoop is easy to use. It is more useful with less setup with configurations, high availability, reliability and security etc. It also includes Apache Hive and HBase, Spark, Kafka etc.
- An active Azure subscription.
Steps to create Linux based cluster in HDInsight
Step 1
Login into Azure portal.
Step 2
Click New->Intelligence+analytics->HDInsight.
Step 3
Now, we need to configure some basic settings from the left side of HDInsight blade->select ->custom (size, settings,apps) and fill the requirements given below.
- Provide a unique name for the cluster.
- Select->cluster type and select the Hadoop and select the version of it.
- Select the platform as linux for HDInsight.
- You can select the cluster tier as standard or premium, since HDInsight provides the support by two categories, such as standard tier and premium tier.
- Now, we need to provide a name for the cluster login with the password.
- Create a resource group or you can select the existing resource group.
- Select the data location center of the cluster to be created and click Next.
![HDInsight Settings]()
Step 4
Select the type of storage, which we need from the storage blade and select the primary storage as Azure storage and select the Storage account. Click Next and click Purchase by accepting the legal terms and conditions in the Applications.
![DSS on HDInsight]()
Step 5
Click->Cluster size to display the information about the number of nodes, which are created for the cluster and click Next.
Step 6
In advanced settings->configure the setting as joining the virtual network or not and proceed.
Step 7
After verifying the information which is created in the summary blade, click Create.
Step 8
The deployment process will take some time to create and after successful deployment, click the Application of the created cluster and the basic information about the cluster will be displayed.
The overview tab provides the information about the cluster, which contains the name and the resource group with the location of the cluster and it is based on the type of platform of the operating system being used.
The dashboard tab will direct to the Ambari portal associated with the cluster.
The secure shell contains valuable information accessing the cluster.
The delete option deletes the cluster that has been created.