Creating Custom NuGet Packages in C#


NuGet packages have revolutionized the way .NET developers manage dependencies and share reusable components. While NuGet is commonly used for consuming packages, creating custom NuGet packages can be incredibly beneficial for sharing your own libraries and frameworks. In this article, we'll walk through the process of creating custom NuGet packages in C#, accompanied by examples at each stage.

Step 1. Setting Up Your Project Before creating a NuGet package, you need a C# project containing the components you want to package. For this example, let's create a simple class library project in Visual Studio.

  1. Open Visual Studio and create a new project.
  2. Select "Class Library (.NET Standard)" as the project template.
  3. Name your project (e.g., MyCustomLibrary) and click "Create."

Step 2. Adding Your Components In this step, we'll add some components (e.g., classes, interfaces) to our project that we want to include in the NuGet package.

// ExampleComponent.cs
namespace MyCustomLibrary
    public class ExampleComponent
        public void SayHello()
            Console.WriteLine("Hello from ExampleComponent!");

Step 3. Creating a NuGet Specification (.nuspec) File The .nuspec file is a metadata file that describes your package. We'll create one manually for our project.

  1. Right-click on your project in Visual Studio and select "Add" -> "New Item."
  2. Choose "XML File" and name it MyCustomLibrary.nuspec.

Add the following content to the .nuspec file:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<package >
    <description>A brief description of your package.</description>
    <file src="bin\Release\**\*.*" target="lib\netstandard2.0" />

Step 4. Packaging Your Project Now, we'll use the NuGet CLI to create the NuGet package from our project and .nuspec file.

  1. Open a command prompt or terminal window.
  2. Navigate to your project directory.

Run the following command:

nuget pack MyCustomLibrary.nuspec

Step 5. Publishing Your Package (Optional) Once you've created the NuGet package, you may want to publish it to a NuGet repository for others to consume.

  1. Create an account on if you haven't already.
  2. Obtain an API key from your account settings.

Use the following command to publish your package:

nuget push MyCustomLibrary.1.0.0.nupkg -Source -ApiKey YourApiKey

Replace MyCustomLibrary.1.0.0.nupkg with the name of your NuGet package file and YourApiKey with your actual API key.


Creating custom NuGet packages in C# is a straightforward process, as demonstrated in this step-by-step guide. By following these steps, you can package your libraries and frameworks and share them with other developers via NuGet repositories. Whether you're building reusable components for internal use or open-source projects, custom NuGet packages streamline distribution and promote code reuse within the .NET ecosystem.

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