All resources that hold data in Azure need to be backed up. Recovery Service Vaults are the mechanism, in this case, we are using Azure Storage Account so that the data is stored on an Azure Storage Account and the backups can be scheduled to run as frequently as you like.
To set up Recovery Service Vaults you will need
- Access to the Azure portal and the subscription in question
- Access to the resources that need to be backed up
- An understanding of when the backups need to occur and how frequently
Log into the Azure Portal and browse the Recovery Services Vault
Click Backup Items and select the Backup Management Type (in this example will be Azure Storage (Azure Files))
![Creating Backups using Recovery Services Vaults]()
Click Add
![Creating Backups using Recovery Services Vaults]()
Make sure the top line is for Azure, then change the backup you want to provide to either Azure file share or Virtual Machine (in this case will be Azure file share) and click the Backup button.
![Creating Backups using Recovery Services Vaults]()
Click Select under the Storage Account* box, and on the pop out screen select the storage account you want to back up and click OK. Leave the enable lock box selected. Be patient here – could take up to 10 minutes to process.
![Creating Backups using Recovery Services Vaults]()
Back on the Configure backup screen, click Add to select which file share to backup. Click OK to select it and back on the Configure Backup screen, click the drop down in Policy Details and select the specific Policy. Then click Enable backup.
![Creating Backups using Recovery Services Vaults]()
Next page will be the Deployment in process page – when is done click Go to resource
![Creating Backups using Recovery Services Vaults]()
Click Backup Items on the Recovery Services Vault and click Backup items
![Creating Backups using Recovery Services Vaults]()
Click the resource you just added (in this case is Azure Storage (Azure Files)
![Creating Backups using Recovery Services Vaults]()
Here you will find the resource you just added. Note that you will see that the initial backup is pending.
![Creating Backups using Recovery Services Vaults]()
To run the backup to make sure it is successful and are no issues, click the box with … in it (is all the way to the right) and select Backup Now
![Creating Backups using Recovery Services Vaults]()
Select the date to keep the backup until (leave Default) and click OK
![Creating Backups using Recovery Services Vaults]()
Click the notification bell to see what is happening – in this case is triggering
![Creating Backups using Recovery Services Vaults]()
Once done
If you need to add a Virtual Machine to the Recovery Service Vault to add for backups, you will follow similar steps
In this article, we have learned how to Create Backups using Recovery Services Vaults. If you have any suggestion/query, please share your thoughts in the comment section.