Creating Azure API Management Instance Service


In this article, I will explain about Azure API Management system. Azure API is very helpful in providing REST APIs for performing operations, such as on selected entities only such as users, groups, products, & subscriptions. It is also very useful in creating and managing modern API gateways for existing backend services. This article will cover the creating of instance API management and importing and publishing API.
An active Azure subscription.
Step 1

Login to Azure portal.
Step 2

Select->create new resource -> Web-> API management.
Creating Azure API Management Instance Service
Step 3

At this step, we are going to provide the mandatory requirements for creating the service.
  • Provide a name for the Service.
  • Select the subscription
  • Select the resource group, you can also create a new resource group or select the existing resource group if any available.
  • Select the location of the Service.
  • Provide the organization name & an Administrator Email ID will be automatically generated for the Service instance.
  • Select-> Create for creating Service.
Creating Azure API Management Instance Service
Step 4

The deployment process will take some time for creating the service and now we can see that the service has been created and is running. So, the next step is importing the API.
Creating Azure API Management Instance Service
Now the next step is, enter api in the search box as given below.
Creating Azure API Management Instance Service
Select-> OpenAPI from the list and select-> Full in popup.
Creating Azure API Management Instance Service
The next step is to set the API values for creating. The red star next to a field is indicating that the field is mandatory for the creation and I have provided some values of API settings in the following table.
OpenAPI Specification
Display name
The display name field will be filled automatically.
The name field will be filled automatically.
The description page will be filled automatically
URL scheme
Select URL scheme as HTTPS
API URL suffix
Conference testing
(The API URL suffix name can give as user-defined)
Select product as unlimited and starter
And finally, select-> create.
Creating Azure API Management Instance Service
Step 5
So the next step is to test the operations of API,
  • Now we need to select the API that we created from APIs tab.
  • Select->test and select->GetSpeakers and then select->send.
  • Now we can see that backend has responded with 200 OK with some message.
Creating Azure API Management Instance Service
Creating Azure API Management Instance Service
The following steps as mentioned indicate that we have imported and published an API using publisher portal and we have tested the imported API & then in the next step  we are going to call operation using developer portal.
Step 6
  • Now for performing the call operation, switch to the Developer portal.
  • Select ->APIS, and then select-> Demo Conference API & select-> GetSpeakers.
Creating Azure API Management Instance Service
Creating Azure API Management Instance Service
Now select->Try it and select-> send, so after clicking the send button we can see that the call operation has been performed and we got a response from the developer portal.
Creating Azure API Management Instance Service
Creating Azure API Management Instance Service
So far, I have explained creating API management and importing and testing the API using publisher portal, as well as calling an API using the developer portal. In my next article, I will explain about creating and publishing a product using API management.
Thanks for reading!!!

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