![Microsoft Flow]()
Let's create a flow that returns and changes daily temperature. Let's use the Schedule trigger.
Now, use the daily recurrence.
Let´s add an action to get our company's branches from the SharePoint list.
Look for the SharePoint Connector.
Look for "Get Items" action.
Select your SharePoint site and list (using our branches list).
Now, we are going to add a repetition action so that in each item, we have an action to recover the weather.
Now, for each item that is found on Get Items action, we are going to execute the MSN Weather action called Get current weather. We could also use the Get forecast for today's action. The basic difference in both is that "the current weather" gets the temperature at the moment and the "get forecast for today" action gets the weather information for the day (like maximum and minimum temperature, humidity, and other information).
The "get current weather" action requires the location for which it should retrieve the weather. We are going to use the City (Cidade in Portuguese) column of our branches list from our item (reminding that we are inside a Get Items repetition in our flow). The field unit is used to choose if we will want the temperature in Celsius (metric) or Fahrenheit (imperial).