Creating a React Application from a Telerik Template - Part III

Super react

In this article, I’ll review how to create a React application and run the appropriate Telerik npx command.

Let’s do it!

Start creating the folder, wherever you like, to create the application. For this sample, I choose C:\Progress\Telerik\React23.

Follow these commands on the terminal console after positioning the location to your chosen application path.

a) This command installs the application Create React.

npm install -g create-react-app

b) Running the npx command to create the kendoreact app, you will be prompted to choose the configuration:

npx create-kendoreact-app

Choose configuration

Npx command.

Tip: Say Yes to SASS (Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets)  if you intend to use this technology on your React project. Otherwise, you will be using only standard CSS.

Pitfalls: Type the name of your application in lowercase. Due to new naming restrictions, names with capitalized letters are denied.

Npx command

Denied message.

c) Move the cursor to the application using the name you choose.

cd myreactapp

d) Install the npm modules.

npm i

If you followed these steps, you already have a Telerik React application to run.

In Part IV, I’ll review how to apply for the license.

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