Create Web App In Azure

In this article, I am going to describe how to create a Web App from Azure. In a Web App, we can deploy either .NET application, Java-based application, PHP-based application.

In this article, I am going to show how to create a simple website from the Azure portal. In the upcoming article, I will show how to deploy .NET Core based application from Visual Studio.

Open the Azure portal and click on “Create a resource” button on the left side menu.

Create Web App In Azure

Then, click on the “Web App” icon.

Create Web App In Azure

Then, it will open another slide. Fill all the details here.

  • The “App name” should be unique.
  • Now, we need to select the “Resource group”. Here, I have selected the already existing “Resource group”. If we want to create a new “Resource group”, we must select the “Create new” and then we need to give a “Resource group name”.
  • Now, we have to select the “App service plan”. Here, I am going to create the new “New App Service Plan”.
Create Web App In Azure

Click on “App service plan/Location”; it will open another screen.

Create Web App In Azure

Here, I am going to create a new “App service plan”. Once we click on the “Create new” option, it will open another screen.

Create Web App In Azure

We need to provide the “App service plan name” and location and we need to select the Pricing tier. Based on the "Pricing tier", Azure will provide different types of configurations. We will discuss the “Pricing tier” in the coming article series.

Create Web App In Azure

Here, we are going to take a free plan with 1GB memory. Once we are done with selecting the pricing tier, click on the Apply button.

Create Web App In Azure

Then, click on the "Create" button. If all pre-validations are passed, the new web app will be created within a few seconds.

Create Web App In Azure

After a few seconds, we will see “Deployment succeeded” message saying that a web app is created successfully.

Create Web App In Azure

On the above screen, we are seeing the new “Web app”. Once we click on the newly created web app, it will redirect  to the new screen.

Create Web App In Azure

In the above screen, we have different options that we will discuss later. In the above screen, we are able to see the “URL”; once we click on it, it will redirect us to our newly created website.

Create Web App In Azure

Finally, our web app is up and running.

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