In this article, we will learn about how to create a virtual machine in an Azure portal. A virtual machine is a computer file which behaves like an actual computer. A virtual machine behaves like a server. It is a computer within a computer that provides the user with the same experience they would have on the host operating system itself as per Microsoft documentation.
- Outlook account for login Azure portal.
Create an account on the Azure portal.
Given below links for outlook and Azure portal,
If you already have an Outlook and Azure account, you can use your existing account.
Step 1
First, we need to go to the Azure portal. After login you can see the virtual machine option. Click on this option for creating a new virtual machine:
Step 2
After clicking on virtual machine option, we are getting a new page. Below you can see that -- now click on Add button.
Step 3
Now we have redirected to the new page. In this page we have basic, disks, networking, management, advanced, tags, review+ create. First, we need to fill some details in the basic tab.
Subscription - I am logged in with a free account so it is by default selected as Free.
Resource group - Click on create new resource group and give a name for the resource group. Let's say the name is rg-demo.
Virtual machine name - Now we need to enter virtual machine name vm-demo
Region - Here you can select any region where you want to create your virtual machine. I am selecting the Central US.
Availability options - No infrastructure redundancy required is by default selected. You can select another option if you want high availability. I am going with the default option.
Step 4
Image - We created windows server so I am going with windows. If you want ubuntu and other options select any option as you want.
Azure spot instance - By default no is selected.
Size - Here we can change the size of our machine RAM, disks, storage etc as per our requirement. Given the below list you can see VM size. I am selecting B2ms standard general purpose.
Step 5
Now in administrator account field set your username and password for accessing virtual machine.
Step 6
Public inbound ports - By default allow selected ports.
Select inbound ports - For accessing our virtual machine allow RDP option. We can also allow HTTP for accessing through the link.
Step 7
Disks Tab- We have three options, Premium SSD, Standard SSD, and Standard HDD. I am going with the default Premium SSD. You can select any one.
Networking Tab - If you want to change in the virtual network, public IP, subnet etc option do so as per your requirement. For now, we are going with default values.
Management Tab - If you want to change in backup option, machine auto-shutdown, do so as per your requirement. For now, we are going with default values.
Advance and Tag Tab - For now, we are going with default and blank values.
Review + Create - Now Review and click on the Create button.
Step 8
After clicking on review+create button. it validates our changes and configuration. Once validation is passed, click on create button.
Step 9
Now, it will take time to create a virtual machine. Once virtual machine creation is completed we get the message "Your deployment is complete" as you can see in the given below image.
Step 10
Now go to the virtual machine tab and select connect option, then click on RDP (remote desktop platform) for accessing remote desktop.
Step 11
Now click on download RDP file. Once the file is downloaded on the system, open the downloaded RDP file.
Step 12
Now we are getting a window for username and password. Enter the username and password, which we gave in the administrator account details section.
Once we are logged in successfully, now we can access the virtual machine, as you can see in the below image.
In this article, we learned step by step how to create a virtual machine in Azure portal. Thank you for reading.