Create React, Webpack And Babel Scratch Set Up


In this article, we will learn how to create Babel for React scratch setup with Webpack.
We’ll start with a React project.
Step 1
Now that we have Node and npm installed, we will create a new folder for our project, newreact.
Step 2
Initialize it as an Npm project
npm init -y
Create React, Webpack And Babel Scratch Set Up
Step 3 - Installing Dependencies using NPM
Run the below command in the terminal:
npm i webpack webpack-cli --save-dev
Create React, Webpack And Babel Scratch Set Up
Webpack is a tool that will bundle your code and its dependencies into a single .js file.
Let's install the Babel dependencies:
npm i @babel/core babel-loader @babel/preset-env @babel/preset-react --save-dev
Create React, Webpack And Babel Scratch Set Up 
What is Babel?
Babel is a toolchain mainly used to convert ECMAScript 2015+ code into a backward-compatible version of JavaScript in current and older browsers or environments.
Step 4 - Create Project Folder structure
Now, we will config the Babel. Let’s create a new file, (.babelrc)
Create React, Webpack And Babel Scratch Set Up 
  • babel preset env for compiling modern Javascript down to ES5
  • babel preset react for compiling JSX and other stuff down to Javascript.
installing react and react-dom

npm i react react-dom
installing the HTML webpack plugin
npm i html-webpack-plugin html-loader --save-dev
Create React, Webpack And Babel Scratch Set Up
Then update the webpack's configuration file:
  1. const HtmlWebPackPlugin = require("html-webpack-plugin");  
  2. module.exports = {  
  3.     module: {  
  4.         rules: [{  
  5.             test: /\.(js|jsx)$/,  
  6.             exclude: /node_modules/,  
  7.             use: {  
  8.                 loader: "babel-loader"  
  9.             }  
  10.         }, {  
  11.             test: /\.html$/,  
  12.             use: [{  
  13.                 loader: "html-loader"  
  14.             }]  
  15.         }]  
  16.     },  
  17.     plugins: [  
  18.         new HtmlWebPackPlugin({  
  19.             template: "./src/index.html",  
  20.             filename: "./index.html"  
  21.         })  
  22.     ]  
  23. };  
Now, create an HTML file in src/index.html,
  1. <!DOCTYPE html>  
  2. <html lang="en">  
  3.     <head>  
  4.         <meta charset="utf-8">  
  5.             <title>Welcome React</title>  
  6.         </head>  
  7.         <body>  
  8.             <div id="id"></div>  
  9.         </body>  
  10.     </html>  
Then, create src/component folder user.js
  1. import React, {  
  2.     Component  
  3. } from "react";  
  4. import ReactDOM from "react-dom";  
  5. class userForm extends Component {  
  6.     constructor() {  
  7.         super();  
  8.         this.state = {  
  9.             value: ""  
  10.         };  
  11.         this.handleChange = this.handleChange.bind(this);  
  12.     }  
  13.     handleChange(event) {  
  14.         const {  
  15.             value  
  16.         } =;  
  17.         this.setState(() => {  
  18.             return {  
  19.                 value  
  20.             };  
  21.         });  
  22.     }  
  23.     render() {  
  24.         return ( < form > < input type = "text"  
  25.             value = {  
  26.                 this.state.value  
  27.             }  
  28.             onChange = {  
  29.                 this.handleChange  
  30.             }  
  31.             /> < /form>);  
  32.     }  
  33. }  
  34. export default userForm;  
  35. const iscontain = document.getElementById("id");  
  36. iscontain ? ReactDOM.render( < userForm / > , iscontain) : false;  
Step 5
Please check the below screen:
Create React, Webpack And Babel Scratch Set Up
Now, we will run the build:
npm run build
Create React, Webpack And Babel Scratch Set Up
Step 5
To install and setup the Webpack dev server, install the package with:
npm i webpack-dev-server --save-dev
Open package.json file and add scripts:
  1. "scripts": {  
  2.     "start""webpack-dev-server --open --mode development",  
  3.     "build""webpack --mode production"  
  4. },  
Step 7
Finally, run the application.
npm start


In this article, we learned how to install and configure React, Webpack, the Webpack dev server, and Babel.

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