Go to https://dev.azure.com/ and log in using your email (ex: [email protected] and password)
![Azure DevOps]()
On Azure DevOps Tenant
Click ->>> New Organization
![New Organization]()
After that, you have to accept the Microsoft terms and conditions, then click-->> Continue
After that, need to give a unique
Name of your organization. (Ex: dev.azure.com/mtmmdevops)
Host your project place :(choose the nearest place to your country) ---->>continue
![Host your project]()
Now that the organization is created, you have to create the project to manage your entire project.
- Project Name: Azure
- Visibility: (According to your project purpose select private or public), now I'm choosing Private because I don't want to let anyone know who wants to see my source code or project-related matter except my organizational members.
Then Click ----> Create Project
![Create Project]()
After that, you can see your project Dashboard to manage an entire project.
Thanks for your support!
Mohamed Mufthy- DevOps Engineer