Create Image Slider Using Angular

In this article, we will learn how we can create an image slider using Angular's ngx-slick-carousel library. Image slider, also called image carousels, is very useful to display multiple images to create a slide show.


  • Knowledge of Angular 2 or higher
  • Visual Studio Code
  • Node and NPM installed
Technologies we will use to build this demo
  • Angular 7
  • Bootstrap
  • HTML and CSS
  • ngx-slick-carousel library
Step 1
Create an Angular project by using the following command.
ng new ImageSlider
Create Image Slider Using Angular
Step 2
Open this project in Visual Studio Code.
Now, open the integrated terminal by pressing Ctrl + ~ and install ngx-slick-carousel library and bootstrap by using following commands
  1. npm install slick-carousel –save    
  2. npm install ngx-slick-carousel --save    
  3. npm install bootstrap --save   
Create Image Slider Using Angular
Now open the package.json file and check these packages installed in this project.
Create Image Slider Using Angular
Step 3
Open the angular.json file and include the required slick CSS file in 'styles'.
  1. "styles": [  
  2.              "src/styles.css",  
  3.              "node_modules/slick-carousel/slick/slick.scss",  
  4.              "node_modules/slick-carousel/slick/slick-theme.scss"  
  5.            ],  
Include the required JS files in 'scripts'.
  1. "scripts": [    
  2.             "node_modules/jquery/dist/jquery.min.js",  
  3.             "node_modules/slick-carousel/slick/slick.min.js"  
  4.           ],  
Step 4
Configure ngx-slick module in app.module.ts file. Let's import the required module in this file. 
  1. import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';  
  2. import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';  
  3. import { AppRoutingModule } from './app-routing.module';  
  4. import { AppComponent } from './app.component';  
  5. import { SlickCarouselModule } from 'ngx-slick-carousel';  
  6. @NgModule({  
  7.   declarations: [  
  8.     AppComponent  
  9.   ],  
  10.   imports: [  
  11.     BrowserModule,  
  12.     AppRoutingModule,  
  13.     SlickCarouselModule  
  14.   ],  
  15.   providers: [],  
  16.   bootstrap: [AppComponent]  
  17. })  
  18. export class AppModule { }  
Step 5 
Expand the src folder and right-click on the Assets folder. Add a new folder under it and rename that to 'images' and add some demo images to this folder.  
Create Image Slider Using Angular
Step 6
Now, open app.component.css and add the following lines,
  1. .slick-slider {  
  2.     width: 90%;  
  3.     margin: auto;  
  4.   }  
Step 7
Now, open app.component.ts and add the following lines.
  1. import { Component } from '@angular/core';  
  2. @Component({  
  3.   selector: 'app-root',  
  4.   templateUrl: './app.component.html',  
  5.   styleUrls: ['./app.component.css']  
  6. })  
  7. export class AppComponent {  
  8.   images = [  
  9.     { img: "../assets/images/1.jpg" },  
  10.     { img: "../assets/images/2.jpg" },  
  11.     { img: "../assets/images/3.jpg" },  
  12.     { img: "../assets/images/4.jpg" },  
  13.     { img: "../assets/images/5.jpg" },  
  14.     { img: "../assets/images/6.jpg" },  
  15.     { img: "../assets/images/7.jpg" },  
  16.     { img: "../assets/images/8.jpg" },  
  17.     { img: "../assets/images/9.jpg" },  
  18.   ];  
  20.   slideConfig = {  
  21.     "slidesToShow": 3,  
  22.     "slidesToScroll": 3,  
  23.     "dots"true,  
  24.     "infinite"true  
  25.   };  
  26. }  
Step 8
Now, open app.component.html and add the following HTML. 
  1. <div>  
  2.   <div class="row">  
  3.     <div class="col-sm-12 btn btn-primary">  
  4.       Image Slider  
  5.     </div>  
  6.   </div>  
  7. </div>  
  8. <hr style="background-color:black" />  
  9. <div class="row">  
  10.   <ngx-slick-carousel class="carousel" #slickModal="slick-carousel" [config]="slideConfig">  
  11.     <div ngxSlickItem *ngFor="let image of images" class="slide">  
  12.       <img src="{{ image.img }}" width="100%">  
  13.     </div>  
  14.   </ngx-slick-carousel>  
  15. </div>  
Now run the project and check the result.
Create Image Slider Using Angular


In this article, we learned how we can create an image slider using Angular.

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