This article will help you to create Easy Tables, using Mobile Apps on Azure and add data towards the table created, using Fiddler.
- Microsoft Azure account. (Click here to get a free trial Azure account)
- Fiddler. (Click here to download Fiddler 4)
Follow the below steps now,
Step 1- Log into the Azure portal by clicking here and by using your Azure account credentials.
Let's create a new mobile app in which we will be creating an SQL Database at Easy Tables and will add a column in it, for which, we will be adding data.
Step 2 - Click on New , Web + Mobile, Mobile Apps.
Step 3 - Enter an app name, subscription mode, resource group and app service plan for Mobile Apps. Over here I will be giving the following details.
- App Name - csharpdemomb
- Subscription - I have Bizspark subscription over here, select the one which you have.
- Resource Group - Here I will be creating a new Resource Group, click on Create New App Service Plan named csharpas, select the location as “Southeast Asia” and Pricing Tier towards “S1 Standard”, click on “Select” and “OK” followed by it.
- Select the check in button on “Pin to Dashboard” followed by a click on Create button.
Now, you can see that the deployment is completed. You have a statement on the Notification bar as “Deployments succeeded” and you can find the mobile app been created.
Lets now move in to create a database using Easy Tables and add a coloumn towards it.
Step 4 - Scroll down in your Mobile app which you have created and click on “Easy tables” as shown below.
Now, you can find a blade with the statement of “Need to configure Easy Tables/Easy APIs – Click here to continue”, click on it.
Here, you can find that the app service plan has to be initialized to continue and you should also create a database for it. So, let's now work on creating the database.
Click on “Click here to create one”.
Let's create the data connection now. Click on “Add”.
Fill the following details -
- Type: SQL Database
- SQL Database - Create a new database - Database name: “Csharpmobdb”
- Pricing Tier - Here I will be selecting the least pricing as S0 Standard
- Target Server - Configure your server with the server name, server admin login id and password followed by location (here I will be selecting the location as “SotuhEast Asia”).
- Collation - Goto Collation and select your’s.
- Click on Select now.
Configure the Connection String with Name, Username, and Password followed by a click on OK button.
Now, you can find the Data Connection gets created.
Step 5 - Further, we have to work on initializing the Easy Tables for the Mobile App that we have created with adding tables and column for their fields.
Click on the Mobile App name which you have created from the Dashboard of Azure portal. Here in our case it is “csharpdemomb”.
Goto Easy Tables again, here you can find the data connection which has been already added in the database.
Click on the Acknowledgement check in button to overwrite all site contents followed by a click on Initialize App.
Now, you can find a notification on the notification bar that the App Service app back-end gets initialized towards your mobile app.
Step 6 - Click on “Add” at Easy Tables and add a name for Table. Remember this table name to work on other platforms like UWP, Websites, etc., as we will be creating a table name which should be the same as your table name.
Add names as “FirstName, LastName and City” followed by set permissions for anonymous in Insert permission, Update permission, Delete permission, Readpermission and Undelete permission.
Click on OK now.
Here, you can find that all the three fields have been added.
Now, the table has been created.
Follow the second part of this article to work on adding the data using Fiddler.