In the following article we will be looking into credit card payment and credit card design using the Stripe element. Stripe is one of the online and in-person payment processing systems. It's not open source. In the below sample, we are using the test version. We can do operations like creating a customer, payment, custom UI element design using the Stripe card element, etc.
In the below sample, I have used the stripe.js npm package for Stripe payment processing in Angular and Stripe REST APIs.
And for business logic, I have used the dot net in this article. I have defined back-end functionality.
Package Installation
Use the below npm command to install Stripe in Angular.
npm install @stripe/stripe-js
![Payment infromation]()
Create a customer using card tokenization
Creates a new customer in the Stripe system, associating a payment source; basically, it will create a customer after getting card info from users.
In this sample I am using a modal popup to get the card info.
In the below sample, we are loading the card number, expiry date and CVV using stripe element.
<div class="modal-body">
<!-- Modal content area -->
<h2>Enter Your Credit Card Information</h2>
<!-- Title -->
<form (ngSubmit)="onSubmit()">
<!-- Angular form submission handler -->
<!-- Card Number -->
<label for="card-number">Card Number</label>
<!-- Label for card number -->
<div id="card-number" class="stripe-element"></div>
<!-- Stripe Element placeholder for Card Number -->
<!-- Expiry Date -->
<label for="card-expiry">Expiration Date</label>
<!-- Label for expiration date -->
<div id="card-expiry" class="stripe-element"></div>
<!-- Stripe Element placeholder for Expiration Date -->
<!-- CVC -->
<label for="card-cvc">CVC</label>
<!-- Label for CVC -->
<div id="card-cvc" class="stripe-element"></div>
<!-- Stripe Element placeholder for CVC -->
<!-- Errors -->
<div id="card-errors" role="alert"></div>
<!-- Placeholder to show card input errors -->
<!-- Buttons -->
<div class="modal-buttons">
<!-- Button container -->
<button type="button" (click)="vm.closeCardModal()">Cancel</button>
<!-- Button to cancel the modal -->
<button type="submit" [disabled]="isSubmitting">Submit</button>
<!-- Submit button, disabled while `isSubmitting` is true -->
.modal-body {
background-color: #f9f9f9;
padding: 20px;
border-radius: 8px;
box-shadow: 0 2px 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);
max-width: 400px;
margin: auto;
.modal-content {
background: #fff;
padding: 20px;
border-radius: 8px;
width: 400px;
box-shadow: 0 4px 6px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);
text-align: center;
.modal-buttons {
display: flex;
justify-content: space-between;
margin-top: 20px;
.requiredIndicate {
color: red; font-weight: bold;
h2 {
text-align: center;
color: #333;
form {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
font-size: 15px;
color: #df0707;
padding: 2px;
label {
margin-top: 10px;
color: #555;
input {
padding: 10px;
margin-top: 5px;
border: 1px solid #ccc;
border-radius: 4px;
button {
margin-top: 20px;
padding: 10px;
border: none;
border-radius: 4px;
cursor: pointer;
button[type="submit"] {
background-color: #28a745;
color: white;
button[type="button"] {
background-color: #dc3545;
color: white;
button:hover {
opacity: 0.9;
#card-errors {
color: red;
font-size: 0.9em;
margin-top: 5px;
In Component, we are loading the Stripe element to our UI element using Id. Don't hardcode the publish and secret key in the front end. try to get from backend
- The mount() method is used to attach a Stripe Element (such as cardNumber, cardExpiry, or cardCvc) to a specific DOM element in your HTML.
- Each Stripe Element can only be mounted to one DOM element. If you need to move it to a new location, unmount it first using the unmount() method
- loadStripe() The method is used to create an instance of the stripe using the publish key.
- displayError() method used to bind the error message to an HTML element.
- onSubmit() method used for form submission and external validation if need means.
- the createToken method in Stripe.js is used to securely create a single-use token that represents a payment method (like a credit card). This token can then be sent to your server for processing a payment or saving card details
import { AfterViewInit, Component, EventEmitter, OnInit, Output } from '@angular/core';
import { loadStripe, Stripe, StripeCardCvcElement, StripeCardExpiryElement, StripeCardNumberElement, StripeElements } from '@stripe/stripe-js';
selector: 'app-creditcard',
templateUrl: './creditcard.component.html', // HTML template for the component
styleUrls: ['./creditcard.component.scss'] // SCSS styles for the component
export class CreditcardComponent implements OnInit, AfterViewInit {
// Stripe API keys (publishable key for client-side usage)
publishKey: string = ""; // Please replace your stripe publish key here.
// Stripe objects
stripe: Stripe | null = null; // Stripe instance
elements: StripeElements | null = null; // Stripe Elements instance
cardNumber: StripeCardNumberElement | null = null; // Card Number Element
cardExpiry: StripeCardExpiryElement | null = null; // Expiry Date Element
cardCvc: StripeCardCvcElement | null = null; // CVC Element
isSubmitting: boolean = false; // Prevent duplicate submissions
@Output() tokenGenerated = new EventEmitter<string>(); // Emit the generated token to parent component
constructor() { }
ngOnInit(): void {
// Component initialization logic (if needed)
async ngAfterViewInit() {
// Load the Stripe instance with the publishable key
this.stripe = await loadStripe(this.publishKey);
if (this.stripe) {
// Initialize Stripe Elements
this.elements = this.stripe.elements();
// Define the custom styles for Stripe Elements
const style = {
base: {
color: '#32325d', // Default text color
fontFamily: '"Roboto", sans-serif', // Font family
fontSize: '16px', // Font size
'::placeholder': {
color: '#aab7c4', // Placeholder text color
invalid: {
color: '#fa755a', // Invalid input text color
iconColor: '#fa755a', // Invalid icon color
// Create and mount the Card Number Element
this.cardNumber = this.elements.create('cardNumber', { style });
// Create and mount the Expiry Date Element
this.cardExpiry = this.elements.create('cardExpiry', { style });
// Create and mount the CVC Element
this.cardCvc = this.elements.create('cardCvc', { style });
// Attach event listeners to handle real-time validation errors
this.cardNumber.on('change', this.displayError.bind(this));
this.cardExpiry.on('change', this.displayError.bind(this));
this.cardCvc.on('change', this.displayError.bind(this));
displayError(event: any) {
// Handle real-time validation errors
const displayError = document.getElementById('card-errors');
if (displayError) {
if (event.error) {
displayError.textContent = event.error.message; // Show error message
} else {
displayError.textContent = ''; // Clear error message
async onSubmit() {
// Ensure Stripe and card elements are initialized
if (!this.stripe || !this.cardNumber) {
console.error('Stripe or card elements not initialized');
this.isSubmitting = true; // Set submission state to true
// Create a token for the card details
const { token, error } = await this.stripe.createToken(this.cardNumber);
if (error) {
// Display error message if tokenization fails
const displayError = document.getElementById('card-errors');
if (displayError && error.message) {
displayError.textContent = error.message;
} else {
// Emit the token to the parent component
// Close the modal (assumes `vm.closeCardModal()` is defined)
this.isSubmitting = false; // Reset submission state
Sample Output of UI Element
![Output of UI Element]()
Modal Popup Open/Close
ngx-bootstrap npm package was used to open and close the modal. I have used a modal popup in the payment component to open and close the modal, so I have included it in payment.module.ts and declartion included.
package installation
npm i ngx-bootstrap
Include ModalModule in required module like below,
declarations: [PaymentComponent,CreditcardComponent],
imports: [
PaymentRoutingModule, ModalModule.forRoot(),
Used to generate customer from the emitted output function creditcard.component.ts it will trigger customer generation.
openCardModal(): Used to open the modal popup with creditcard.component.ts.
constructor(private modalService: BsModalService,private paymentService:PaymentService)
openCardModal = () => {
// Opens the CreditcardComponent as a modal
this.modalRef =, {
animated: true, // Enables animation for the modal
keyboard: false, // Disables closing the modal via the ESC key
backdrop: 'static', // Prevents clicking outside the modal to close it
initialState: {
vm: this.vm, // Passes a custom `vm` object to the modal component's input
// Subscribes to the `tokenGenerated` EventEmitter from the modal component
this.modalRef.content.tokenGenerated.subscribe((token: string) => {
this.createCustomerForToken(token); // Calls the function to handle token processing
createCustomerForToken(token) method
This method processes the token emitted by the modal and uses it to create a customer by calling the paymentService
createCustomerForToken(token: string) {
// Calls the `createCustomer` method in the payment service
this.cardDetails.Name, // Name of the cardholder
this.cardDetails.CardNumber, // Card number (masked or partial if passed)
token // Token generated from Stripe
.subscribe((data: any) => {
// You can handle the response here, e.g., show success messages
closeCardModal Method
This method closes the modal when the operation is complete or canceled.
closeCardModal = () => {
this.modalRef?.hide(); // Hides the modal if `modalRef` exists
OnInit Method
This method used to initialize the vm's property and method
ngOnInit(): void {
this.vm = {
cardHolderName: null, // Placeholder for the cardholder's name input field (starts with null)
cardNumber: null, // Placeholder for the credit card number (starts with null)
expiryDate: null, // Placeholder for the card's expiry date (starts with null)
cvv: null, // Placeholder for the CVV input field (starts with null)
// Methods to open and close the card modal
openCardModal: this.openCardModal, // Reference to the method that opens the credit card modal
closeCardModal: this.closeCardModal, // Reference to the method that closes the modal
Generate an object using the generate customer, and for REST APIs, I am using the previous article. Create customers with a tokenization block to generate customers based on tokens.
var apiUrl = ""; should be end point of the service.
return {
Email: Email, // Use the passed 'Email' parameter
Name: Name, // Use the passed 'Name' parameter
Phone: "1234567890", // Replace with the actual phone number if needed
Description: "Customer for test", // Replace with an appropriate description if needed
SourceID: token // The token passed from payment process
public createCustomer(customer: any) {
return + "/create-customer-with-tokenisation", customer);
public GeneratePaymentIntent(amount:number,offSession:boolean,paymentMethodID:string)
return {
paymentMethodID: paymentMethodID,
customerId: null,
public createPaymentIntent(paymentMethod:any)
return + "/create-payment-intent",paymentMethod);
public createPayment(amount:any)
return + "/create-payment-intent-without-paymentmethod",{ amount: amount });
Pay using a card with the customer and payment method
Payment template used to pay amount using credit card.
<ng-template #paymentTemplate>
<div class="modal-header">
<h3 class="modal-title">Payment Information</h3>
<div class="modal-body">
<div class="modal-content">
<form (submit)="handlePayment($event)">
Without PaymentMethod:
<ng-toggle [(ngModel)]="isPaymentMethod" name="toggle" required />
Card Holder Name:
<input type="text" [(ngModel)]="cardHolderName" name="cardHolderName" required />
<input type="text" [(ngModel)]="amount" name="amount" required />
<div id="pay-card-element" class="card-element"><!-- Stripe Card Element --></div>
<div id="pay-card-errors" role="alert"></div>
<div class="pay-modal-buttons">
<button type="button" class="btn btn-failure" (click)="closeCardModal()">Cancel</button>
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-success" [disabled]="loading">Pay {{ amount | currency }}</button>
In payment component, variable declaration and constructor, Don't hard code publish key and secret key in html side try to get from server side.
// Declaring a dynamic object for storing values related to the modal and card details.
vm: any = {};
// Secret key for server-side Stripe API communication (should not be exposed on the client-side).
secretKey: string = "";
// Publishable key used for client-side Stripe communication.
publishKey: string = "";
// ViewChild decorator for referencing the modal template.
@ViewChild('paymentTemplate') paymentModal!: TemplateRef<any>;
// The modal reference to control its visibility and behavior.
modalRef!: BsModalRef;
// Stripe object initialized for Stripe.js integration (holds the Stripe instance).
private stripe: Stripe | null = null;
// The card element used for securely collecting card details.
private cardElement: any;
// States for loading, error messages, and cardholder's name.
public loading = false;
public error = '';
public cardHolderName = '';
// Amount to be processed for payment.
public amount = 1;
// A flag to track if it's a payment method or another type of payment action.
isPaymentMethod: boolean = true;
// Constructor injecting modal service for modal control and payment service for backend communication.
constructor(private modalService: BsModalService, private paymentService: PaymentService) {}
// ngOnInit lifecycle hook, currently not used but reserved for any initialization logic.
ngOnInit(): void {
// Any initialization logic goes here if needed.
loadStripe() method
This method initializes Stripe Elements for securely collecting payment details.
- loadStripe(this.publishKey): Asynchronously loads Stripe.js with the public key for client-side operations.
- this.stripe.elements(): Creates an instance of Stripe Elements which provides a secure method to collect card information.
- this.cardElement.mount('#pay-card-element'): Mounts the cardElement (a Stripe UI element) into the DOM, allowing users to enter credit card information.
async loadStripe() {
// Load Stripe.js with the public key for client-side operations.
this.stripe = await loadStripe(this.publishKey);
// Check if Stripe was successfully initialized.
if (this.stripe) {
// Initialize Stripe Elements, which will be used to securely collect card details.
const elements = this.stripe.elements();
// Create a 'card' element for collecting card details, hiding postal code field.
this.cardElement = elements.create('card', {
hidePostalCode: true
// Mount the card element onto the HTML element with id 'pay-card-element' to display it on the page.
} else {
// Log an error if Stripe is not initialized properly.
console.error('Stripe is not initialized');
handlePayment() Method
This method handles the payment process, triggered when the user submits the payment form
- event.preventDefault(): Prevents the form submission to allow custom handling via JavaScript.
- this.paymentService.createPayment(this.amount): Calls a service to create a payment request with the backend, sending the payment amount.
- this.stripe.confirmCardPayment(): Uses Stripe's API to confirm the payment using the card details entered by the user.
- Error handling: Sets the error message if payment fails, and resets the loading state.
- this.loading = false: Updates the loading state to stop the spinner once the payment process is finished.
async handlePayment(event: Event) {
// Prevent default form submission behavior.
// Set loading state to true to show a loading spinner or message.
this.loading = true;
// Check if Stripe is initialized before proceeding.
if (this.stripe) {
// Call the backend to create a payment, passing the amount to charge.
this.paymentService.createPayment(this.amount).subscribe(async (data: any) => {
// Ensure Stripe is initialized before proceeding with payment confirmation.
if (this.stripe) {
// Use Stripe to confirm the payment using the card details and secret key.
const { error } = await this.stripe.confirmCardPayment(this.secretKey, {
payment_method: {
card: this.cardElement, // The card element that holds the user's card information.
billing_details: {
name: this.cardHolderName, // The name of the cardholder.
// Handle error if payment confirmation fails.
if (error) {
this.error = error.message ? error.message : 'An unknown error occurred';
this.loading = false; // Reset loading state.
} else {
this.error = ''; // Clear any previous errors.
this.loading = false; // Reset loading state.
} else {
// Error handling if Stripe is not initialized.
this.error = 'Stripe is not initialized';
this.loading = false; // Reset loading state.
} else {
// Error handling if Stripe is not initialized.
this.error = 'Stripe is not initialized';
this.loading = false; // Reset loading state.
openpaymentModal() Method
This method opens the payment modal where the user can enter payment details.
openpaymentModal = () => {
// Show the modal using the BsModalService, passing the initial state with the modal data.
this.modalRef =, {
animated: true, // Enable animations for the modal.
keyboard: false, // Disable closing the modal via the keyboard.
backdrop: 'static', // Prevent closing the modal by clicking outside.
initialState: {
vm: this.vm // Pass initial data (vm) to the modal component.
// Call loadStripe to initialize Stripe and display the payment form inside the modal.
Full code snippet of payment.compoent.ts
import { trigger, state, style, transition, animate } from '@angular/animations';
import { Component, OnInit, TemplateRef, ViewChild, ViewEncapsulation } from '@angular/core';
import { BsModalRef, BsModalService } from 'ngx-bootstrap/modal';
import { CreditcardComponent } from '../creditcard/creditcard.component';
import { PaymentService } from './payment.service';
import { loadStripe, Stripe } from '@stripe/stripe-js';
selector: 'app-payment',
standalone: false,
templateUrl: './payment.component.html',
styleUrl: './payment.component.scss'
export class PaymentComponent implements OnInit{
vm: any={};
secretKey:string ="sk_test_51Q2TApRw3m8aFNMV8RYvLabAEmwYOwHtiNWXrP1pR88IlVeuItDrhoxbb80YcCm45BoN9ncle0Mw84wv74Vc4rV700Y0gwbdh7";
publishKey:string ="pk_test_51Q2TApRw3m8aFNMVKcnlDcs0EH3pu0EuhPpKyYe99eaBXE2ex9Nd1aSkCi4dxZQ3jBZwjlyrUAU30RN8nuGth6dv00HGMKk8vH";
@ViewChild('paymentTemplate') paymentModal !: TemplateRef<any> ;
modalRef!: BsModalRef;
private stripe: Stripe | null = null;
private cardElement: any;
public loading = false;
public error = '';
public cardHolderName = '';
public amount = 1;
isPaymentMethod:boolean =true;
constructor(private modalService: BsModalService,private paymentService:PaymentService)
ngOnInit(): void {
this.vm = {
cardHolderName: null,
cardNumber: null,
expiryDate: null,
cvv: null,
openCardModal: this.openCardModal,
closeCardModal: this.closeCardModal,
openCardModal=()=> {
this.modalRef =,{ animated: true,
keyboard: false,
backdrop : 'static', initialState: {
vm: this.vm
this.modalRef.content.tokenGenerated.subscribe((token: string) => {
createCustomerForToken(token: string)
this.paymentService.createCustomer(this.paymentService.GenerateCustomer('', '', token)).subscribe((data: any) => {
closeCardModal=()=> {
async loadStripe() {
this.stripe = await loadStripe(this.publishKey);
if (this.stripe) {
const elements = this.stripe.elements();
this.cardElement = elements.create('card', {
hidePostalCode: true
} else {
console.error('Stripe is not initialized');
async handlePayment(event: Event) {
this.loading = true;
if (this.stripe) {
const { paymentMethod, error } = await this.stripe.createPaymentMethod({
type: 'card',
card: this.cardElement,
billing_details: { name: this.cardHolderName },
if (error) {
const displayError = document.getElementById('pay-card-errors');
if (displayError && error.message) {
displayError.textContent = error.message;
this.loading = false;
} else {
// Send payment method to backend
this.paymentService.createPayment(this.amount).subscribe(async (data: any) => {
if (this.stripe) {
const { error } = await this.stripe.confirmCardPayment(this.secretKey, {
payment_method: {
card: this.cardElement,
billing_details: {
name: this.cardHolderName,
if (error) {
this.error = error.message ? error.message : 'An unknown error occurred';
this.loading = false;
} else {
this.error = '';
this.loading = false;
} else {
this.error = 'Stripe is not initialized';
this.loading = false;
} else {
this.error = 'Stripe is not initialized';
this.loading = false;
makePayment(paymentMethodId: string) {
this.paymentService.createPaymentIntent(this.paymentService.GeneratePaymentIntent(this.amount, false, paymentMethodId)).subscribe((data: any) => {
openpaymentModal=()=> {
this.modalRef =,{ animated: true,
keyboard: false,
backdrop : 'static', initialState: {
vm: this.vm
Sample UI
![Sample UI]()
This approach enables the creation of a robust payment system integrated with Stripe, giving you the ability to scale and manage payments efficiently within your application.
Attached is the sample code.