This article will help you to create a SQL Database on Azure, followed by the steps we will be working with for managing the SQL Database.
Developer Requirements
- Windows Azure account (Click here to get a temporary free Azure account)
Follow the below steps to create a SQL Database on Azure and to manage it:
Step 1: Login to the Azure Management Portal with your Azure credentials.
Scroll down and move for SQL database.
![move for SQL Database]()
Step 2: Create a database now and create a new server with it.
Follow this: New - Data Services - SQL Database - Custom Create.
![Custom Create]()
Specify the database name, select the subscription you have, select the service tier as Basic, select Collation “SQL Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS”, and from the server, select “New SQL Database Server”. Click Next, now.
![Specify the Database]()
Select the SQL DB Server Login Name, Password, Confirm Password, and select the region. Make sure that you have selected “Allow Windows Azure Services to Access the Server” followed by the tick mark.
![Specify the Database]()
Now, the database will be created.
Step 3: Go to the Quick Start option of the database. Here, you can find the Connection String which we will be using later to connect the database.
![Quick Start option]()
Step 4: Now, go to Dashboard and Click on Manage Allowed IP address.
This will redirect you to the page where we can connect to the server that hosts the SQL Database. Here, we can add IPs which we need to connect to the database.
We can add to allow this DB access from any IP.
Also make sure that “Windows Azure Services” is selected as YES under Allowed services.
![Windows Azure Services]()
Step 5: Now, go to Manage option and connect to the Server. Click on Manage icon.
![Manage option]()
Now, allow the Pop-up to get loaded.
Enter the following login credentials, now, to connect to the server.
Username – sqladmin
Passsword – Passw0rd!
Once successfully logged in, it allows users to create a database and provides a table to insert data. It also allows administration of the server.