Create And Build An Email Bot Using Microsoft Bot Framework


The Bot Application runs inside an application, like Cortana, Skype, Email, web chat, Facebook, Message, etc. Users can interact with bots by sending them messages, commands, and inline requests. You control your bots using HTTPS requests to the bot API.
Email Bot can communicate with users via email. When a Bot is configured to access an email account, it receives a message whenever a new email arrives. Sometime, the user will get satisfied with the email so always, a user sends the email and gets the response. The support team can’t avoid reading the email. If you are using an auto-reply, the email also can’t help for dynamic messaging. The Microsoft Email Bot, however, can help a lot on this. When a user sends a problem and asks for help, the Bot will reply with the exact resolution to the user. If any other issue is there other than frequently asked questions, it will ask to send an email to the official email id. 
Create and Build an Email Bot Using Microsoft Bot Framework 

Creating a FAQ Bot Application

You can refer to my previous article to create and build a Xamarin FAQ Bot using Azure Bot Service and deploy it into Azure. I am not using any coding for developing the Bot Application, you can follow the provided steps in the article to create and deploy FAQ Bot.
Create and Build an Email Bot Using Microsoft Bot Framework 

Connect Email Channels

Log into the Azure portal > select All Resources > Channels > Email icon. Let us start configuring the “Email “Channel and follow the below steps. At the end of this article, you will be able to configure the Bot into the Email.
Create and Build an Email Bot Using Microsoft Bot Framework 

Configure Email Bot

You should not use your own personal email accounts for bots, as every message sent to that email account will be forwarded to the bot. The Email channel currently works with Office 365 only, so you can provide your Office365 account email id and password and click on Save.
Create and Build an Email Bot Using Microsoft Bot Framework

Test Email Bot

I have configured my Office356 email account with the Bot, so when you send your Xamarin question to [email protected], the Xamarin FAQ Bot will reply to your question. The message format should be like below.
Create and Build an Email Bot Using Microsoft Bot Framework 


In this article, you learned how to create a FAQ Bot, usage of Email Bot and configuration. I hope this article will help you. Please leave your feedback/query using the comments box, if you like this article, please share it with your friends.

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