We can use Content type in SharePoint list, library, event receiver, workflow and page layout.
Steps for creating a Content TypeStep1 Go to Site settings -> click Site content type under Web Designer Galleries .
Click on New - > the below screen will appears.
Now you can add the Name and Description of the Content type and you have to choose parent content type. Next you have to choose the group, in which group you want to add your content type then click on Ok.
Once it's created the created content type screen looks like this.
Now you can create site column under your content type. You can use existing site columns or create a new site columns .
Now, I have created three new columns under Content type or you can use existing site columns
![SharePoint 2013]()
Now, I have created a list and I will use the same content type in that list.
Go to list -> List Settings - > Advanced settings under General settings menu.
Select Allow management of content type ="Yes " then click on Ok .
Then go to content type section in your list settings page and click on add from existing site content types .
Choose your content type and click on Ok button.
Then go to your list and add an item in your list . Once it is added then edit the item and see if your content type is visible here .
If I choose MyContentType then I will see one more page to add items.
Finally, the ListView looks like this.
![SharePoint 2013]()
These are the steps to create a content type in List . You can create the same for Library.