Covid-19 App In Xamarin Forms

Covid-19 App In Xamarin Forms
Hello guys.

In this article, we are creating an app, and this is the first part of the Covid-19 App. In this app we have the following pages.
  1. Global
  2. Home
  3. Covid-19 Search Countries
  4. About us
  5. CovidTabbedPage
Idea: During the COVID pandemic situation all over the world, I got an idea to develop an app which  tracks records of the cases by counties and also show safety measures.
In this article, we have a COVID-19 App Global Page and Home Page, In the home page, we add a carousel view and cell view for showing the COVID-19 global data.
I am not going to describe the basic project setup steps here.
So let's design......
In this Global page, we add one carousel and show the global data of COVID-19 like Total Cases, Total Recovery, Total Deaths and Total Active.
  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>    
  2. <ContentPage    
  3.     x:Class="Covid19.Views.GlobalReport"    
  4.     xmlns=""    
  5.     xmlns:x=""    
  6.     xmlns:customcontrols="clr-namespace:Covid19.CustomControls"    
  7.     xmlns:d=""    
  8.     xmlns:helper="clr-namespace:Covid19.Helper"    
  9.     xmlns:local="clr-namespace:Covid19"    
  10.     xmlns:mc=""    
  11.     xmlns:pancakeview="clr-namespace:Xamarin.Forms.PancakeView;assembly=Xamarin.Forms.PancakeView"    
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  126.                                     Text="Total Cases"    
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  133.                                     IsRunning="{Binding IsBussy}"    
  134.                                     IsVisible="{Binding IsBussy}"    
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  137.                                     Grid.Row="1"    
  138.                                     Grid.Column="0"    
  139.                                     Style="{StaticResource MediumLabelStyle}"    
  140.                                     Text="{Binding GlobalCovid.cases, StringFormat='{0:N0}'}"    
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  155.                                     Source="{local:ImageResource Covid19.Resources.covid19.png}"    
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  180.                                     Grid.Row="0"    
  181.                                     Grid.Column="0"    
  182.                                     Style="{StaticResource SmallLabelStyle}"    
  183.                                     Text="Total Recovery"    
  184.                                     TextColor="#1FD34E" />    
  185.                                 <ActivityIndicator    
  186.                                     Grid.Row="1"    
  187.                                     Grid.Column="0"    
  188.                                     Margin="0,5"    
  189.                                     HorizontalOptions="Start"    
  190.                                     IsRunning="{Binding IsBussy}"    
  191.                                     IsVisible="{Binding IsBussy}"    
  192.                                     Color="#1FD34E" />    
  193.                                 <Label    
  194.                                     Grid.Row="1"    
  195.                                     Grid.Column="0"    
  196.                                     Style="{StaticResource MediumLabelStyle}"    
  197.                                     Text="{Binding GlobalCovid.recovered, StringFormat='{0:N0}'}"    
  198.                                     TextColor="#1FD34E" />    
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  213.                                                        Glyph={x:Static helper:IconFont.Heart},    
  214.                                                        Size=40,    
  215.                                                        Color='#21CF55'}"    
  216.                                     VerticalOptions="CenterAndExpand"    
  217.                                     WidthRequest="50" />    
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  221.                         <Frame    
  222.                             Grid.Row="2"    
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  224.                             Padding="10,0"    
  225.                             BackgroundColor="White"    
  226.                             BorderColor="LightGray"    
  227.                             CornerRadius="10"    
  228.                             Visual="Material">    
  230.                             <Grid Padding="10">    
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  241.                                 <Label    
  242.                                     Grid.Row="0"    
  243.                                     Grid.Column="0"    
  244.                                     Style="{StaticResource SmallLabelStyle}"    
  245.                                     Text="Total Deaths"    
  246.                                     TextColor="#EF3936" />    
  247.                                 <ActivityIndicator    
  248.                                     Grid.Row="1"    
  249.                                     Grid.Column="0"    
  250.                                     Margin="0,5"    
  251.                                     HorizontalOptions="Start"    
  252.                                     IsRunning="{Binding IsBussy}"    
  253.                                     IsVisible="{Binding IsBussy}"    
  254.                                     Color="#EF3936" />    
  255.                                 <Label    
  256.                                     Grid.Row="1"    
  257.                                     Grid.Column="0"    
  258.                                     Style="{StaticResource MediumLabelStyle}"    
  259.                                     Text="{Binding GlobalCovid.deaths, StringFormat='{0:N0}'}"    
  260.                                     TextColor="#EF3936" />    
  262.                                 <ImageButton    
  263.                                     Grid.Row="0"    
  264.                                     Grid.RowSpan="2"    
  265.                                     Grid.Column="1"    
  266.                                     Padding="15"    
  267.                                     Aspect="AspectFit"    
  268.                                     BackgroundColor="#FADEDA"    
  269.                                     BorderColor="#EF3936"    
  270.                                     BorderWidth="1"    
  271.                                     CornerRadius="25"    
  272.                                     HeightRequest="50"    
  273.                                     HorizontalOptions="CenterAndExpand"    
  274.                                     IsEnabled="False"    
  275.                                     Source="{FontImage FontFamily=FontAwesome,    
  276.                                                        Glyph={x:Static helper:IconFont.Close},    
  277.                                                        Size=40,    
  278.                                                        Color=Red}"    
  279.                                     VerticalOptions="CenterAndExpand"    
  280.                                     WidthRequest="50" />    
  281.                             </Grid>    
  282.                         </Frame>    
  283.                         <Frame    
  284.                             Grid.Row="3"    
  285.                             Grid.Column="0"    
  286.                             Padding="10,0"    
  287.                             BackgroundColor="White"    
  288.                             BorderColor="LightGray"    
  289.                             CornerRadius="10"    
  290.                             Visual="Material">    
  292.                             <Grid Padding="10">    
  293.                                 <Grid.RowDefinitions>    
  294.                                     <RowDefinition Height="4*" />    
  295.                                     <RowDefinition Height="6*" />    
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  297.                                 <Grid.ColumnDefinitions>    
  298.                                     <ColumnDefinition Width="*" />    
  299.                                     <ColumnDefinition Width="Auto" />    
  300.                                 </Grid.ColumnDefinitions>    
  301.                                 <Label    
  302.                                     Grid.Row="0"    
  303.                                     Grid.Column="0"    
  304.                                     Style="{StaticResource SmallLabelStyle}"    
  305.                                     Text="Total Active"    
  306.                                     TextColor="#0A7FF3" />    
  307.                                 <ActivityIndicator    
  308.                                     Grid.Row="1"    
  309.                                     Grid.Column="0"    
  310.                                     Margin="0,5"    
  311.                                     HorizontalOptions="Start"    
  312.                                     IsRunning="{Binding IsBussy}"    
  313.                                     IsVisible="{Binding IsBussy}"    
  314.                                     Color="#0A7FF3" />    
  315.                                 <Label    
  316.                                     Grid.Row="1"    
  317.                                     Grid.Column="0"    
  318.                                     Style="{StaticResource MediumLabelStyle}"    
  319.                                     Text="{Binding, StringFormat='{0:N0}'}"    
  320.                                     TextColor="#0A7FF3" />    
  321.                                 <ImageButton    
  322.                                     Grid.Row="0"    
  323.                                     Grid.RowSpan="2"    
  324.                                     Grid.Column="1"    
  325.                                     Padding="10"    
  326.                                     Aspect="AspectFit"    
  327.                                     BackgroundColor="#CFE3FC"    
  328.                                     BorderColor="#0A7FF3"    
  329.                                     BorderWidth="1"    
  330.                                     CornerRadius="25"    
  331.                                     HeightRequest="50"    
  332.                                     HorizontalOptions="CenterAndExpand"    
  333.                                     IsEnabled="False"    
  334.                                     Source="{local:ImageResource}"    
  335.                                     VerticalOptions="CenterAndExpand"    
  336.                                     WidthRequest="50" />    
  339.                             </Grid>    
  340.                         </Frame>    
  341.                     </Grid>    
  342.                 </ScrollView>    
  343.             </Grid>    
  344.         </Grid>    
  345.     </ContentPage.Content>    
  346. </ContentPage>       
Now we are creating the ViewModel for the binding the data with a view.
  1. using Covid19.Models;    
  2. using Newtonsoft.Json;    
  3. using System;    
  4. using System.Collections.Generic;    
  5. using System.Collections.ObjectModel;    
  6. using System.Diagnostics;    
  7. using System.IO;    
  8. using System.Linq;    
  9. using System.Net.Http;    
  10. using System.Net.Http.Headers;    
  11. using System.Text;    
  12. using System.Threading.Tasks;    
  13. using Xamarin.Forms;    
  15. namespace Covid19.ViewModel    
  16. {    
  17.    public class GloalViewModel:BaseViewModel    
  18.     {    
  19.         public GloalViewModel()     
  20.         {    
  21.          GetGlobalCoronaDataCommand.Execute(null);     
  22.          CarouselList = new List<string>() { "darkcar01.png""darkcar02.png""darkcar03.png" };    
  23.         }    
  24.         #region Properties     
  26.         private bool isbussy=false;     
  27.         public bool IsBussy     
  28.         {    
  29.             get { return isbussy; }    
  30.             set { isbussy = value; RaisePropertyChanged(() =>IsBussy); }    
  31.         }    
  33.         private List<string> carouselList;    
  34.         public List<string> CarouselList    
  35.         {    
  36.             get { return carouselList; }    
  37.             set { carouselList = value; RaisePropertyChanged(() => CarouselList); }    
  38.         }    
  41.         private CountryModel globalcovid;    
  42.         public CountryModel GlobalCovid    
  43.         {    
  44.             get { return globalcovid; }    
  45.             set { globalcovid = value; RaisePropertyChanged(() => GlobalCovid); }    
  46.         }     
  48.         private List<CountryModel> allcountry;    
  49.         public List<CountryModel> AllCountry    
  50.         {    
  51.             get { return allcountry; }    
  52.             set { allcountry = value; RaisePropertyChanged(() => AllCountry); }    
  53.         }    
  55.         private ObservableCollection<CountryModel> searchcountry;    
  56.         public ObservableCollection<CountryModel> SearchCountry    
  57.         {    
  58.             get { return searchcountry; }    
  59.             set { searchcountry = value; RaisePropertyChanged(() => SearchCountry); }    
  60.         }    
  62.         private List<CountryFlag> countryflags;     
  63.         public List<CountryFlag> CountryFlags    
  64.         {    
  65.             get { return countryflags; }    
  66.             set { countryflags = value;RaisePropertyChanged(()=>CountryFlags); }    
  67.         }    
  69.         #endregion    
  71.         #region Commands    
  72.         public Command GetGlobalCoronaDataCommand => new Command(async()=>await GetGlobalCoronaDataCommandExecution());     
  73.         #endregion    
  75.         #region CommandExecution    
  76.         private async Task GetGlobalCoronaDataCommandExecution()    
  77.         {    
  78.             var current = Xamarin.Essentials.Connectivity.NetworkAccess;    
  79.             if (current != Xamarin.Essentials.NetworkAccess.Internet)    
  80.                 UserDialogs.Instance.Alert("Please Check the internet connection""Network Error""OK");    
  81.             else    
  82.             {    
  83.                 IsBussy = true;    
  84.                // UserDialogs.Instance.ShowLoading();    
  85.                 await Task.Delay(1000);    
  86.                 using (var client = new HttpClient())    
  87.                 {    
  88.                     try    
  89.                     {     
  90.                     client.BaseAddress = new Uri("");    
  91.                     client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Clear();    
  92.                     client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));     
  94.                     //GET Method    
  95.                     HttpResponseMessage result = await client.GetAsync("countries");    
  96.                     if (result.IsSuccessStatusCode)    
  97.                     {    
  98.                         var rawResult = result.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;    
  99.                         AllCountry = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<CountryModel>>(rawResult);    
  100.                         SearchCountry = new ObservableCollection<CountryModel>(AllCountry);    
  101.                         GlobalCovid = AllCountry.Where(e => == "World").SingleOrDefault();    
  102.                         App.AppSetup.HomeViewModel.Country = AllCountry.Where(e => == "India").SingleOrDefault();    
  103.                         IsBussy = false;     
  104.                     }    
  105.                     else    
  106.                     {    
  107.                         IsBussy = false;    
  108.                         UserDialogs.Instance.Alert("Internal server Error""Server Error""OK");    
  109.                         }    
  110.                     }    
  111.                     catch (Exception ex)    
  112.                     {     
  113.                  //UserDialogs.Instance.Alert("Internal Error", $"Internal Error {ex.Message}", "OK");    
  114.                     }    
  115.                 }    
  116.             }    
  117.         }    
  118.         #endregion     
  119.     }    
  120. }    
Covid-19 App In Xamarin Forms
Home Report 
In this Home page, we add the redirecting button for the social app (MyGov Corona) and show the home country (India) data of COVID-19 like Total Cases, Total Recovery, Total Deaths and Total Active.
  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>    
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  354.     </ContentPage.Content>    
  355. </ContentPage>    
Now we are creating the ViewModel(HomeViewModel) and binding the data with a view.
  1. public class HomeViewModel:BaseViewModel    
  2.     {    
  3.         public HomeViewModel { }    
  4.         #region Properties      
  5.         private CountryModel country;    
  6.         public CountryModel Country    
  7.         {    
  8.             get { return country; }    
  9.             set {country = value; RaisePropertyChanged(() => Country); }    
  10.         }     
  11.         #endregion     
  12.         #region Commands     
  13.         public Command WhatsAppCommand => new Command(() => Device.OpenUri(new Uri("")));    
  14.         public Command TelegramCommand => new Command(() => Device.OpenUri(new Uri("tg://resolve?domain=MyGovCoronaNewsdesk")));    
  15.         public Command InstagramCommand => new Command(() => Device.OpenUri(new Uri("instagram://user?username=mygovindia")));    
  16.         public Command FBCommand => new Command(() =>  Device.OpenUri(new Uri("fb://group/224193992332793")));    
  17.         public Command MessengerCommand => new Command(() => Device.OpenUri(new Uri("")));     
  18.         #endregion      
  19.     }   
Covid-19 App In Xamarin Forms
That's it for this article, we will cover more in the next article.
If you want to see part 2 click here.  

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