Content type
- Content type is a reusable piece metadata for list columns,
- Content type defines the attribute of list, list item document.
Content type hub
- Content type hub is central location for manage and publish content type in a web applications
- It will be available for all the site collections under web applications.
Content type syndication
- Helps to syndicate the content types across the farm, web application using MMS service (Managed metadata service).
Let’s go and create a web application in your SharePoint server
Open central administration -> click application management -> click manage web application -> click new.
Provide the name of the web application “VinodhCThub”
Let’s go and create a root site collection under newly created web application.
Navigate to create site collection -> pick your web application
So as now the site has been created successfully.
Now activate the sharepoint server publishing features and “content type syndication hub“
under site collection.
Let’s go and set up the managed metadata service application
Open central administration -> Under application management -> open manage service application
Click New -> Pick managed metadata service
Provide the name of “Metadata service CTHub”
Enter the database server
Provide the database name for “Metadata service CTHub service application”
In the content type hub section provide the root site collection URL “http://technologygeeks:14797/”
Provide the “Application pool name” and click ok
So now the managed metadata service application has been created successfully.
Click on the properties of service application
Enable the following option to consume the content types, store keywords and update the publishing content types into subsite, list using content type.
Click ok
Open sharepoint root site collection -> site actions -> site settings ->under web designer and galleries -> Click site content types
Click create for adding a new custom content type
Please follow the below article to discussed about creating content type briefly
Click here to create Content type
Click ok to complete the new content type creation
Add a new site column for the newly created content type
Now click on “Manage publishing for this content type”
Pick “Publish” -> Click “Ok”
When I click “Ok” have this error “No valid proxy can be found to this operation”
Open CA -> Application management -> Click on the CT hub web application -> Click on service connections
Pick the “Metadata service CTHub [default]”-> Click ok
Now let’s go and publish
After successful publish, let’s go and run the timer job for content type will be applicable to all the subscribers,
“Content type subscriber” timer job for the selected web application -> Click run now
Now check the timer job history under -> Job history
Its run succeeded.
Now open the root site collection -> under site settings -> site collection administration -> click content type publish -> Enable “refresh the published content type on next update” click ok
It will help you to update the content types after successful run of “Content type subscriber” timer job.
Now let’s go and create a site collection from the same or different site collection,
Navigate to site actions - > site settings -> web designer galleries -> site content types
You are now able to see the “Published content type from the hub”
So, the content type is only in “read only mode” you are not able to edit or add such things.
Now let’s go and add a column in “root site collection” for content type.
After successful creation of site column
Again, republish it
Run the timer job ”Content type subscriber” set it for run every “5 mins”
So it has been updated successfully
Happy learning!