Given a linked list where each node contains an additional random pointer that could point to any node in the list or null, we need to create a deep copy of the list.
Consider an example to illustrate this.
Original List
Node1(val=1) -> Node2(val=2) -> Node3(val=3)
With random pointers
- Node1.random: Node3
- Node2.random: Node1
- Node3.random: Node2
The new list will look like this.
NewNode1(val=1) -> NewNode2(val=2) -> NewNode3(val=3)
With random pointers
- NewNode1.random: NewNode3
- NewNode2.random: NewNode1
- NewNode3.random: NewNode2
The new list shouldn't have any reference to the node of the original list.
public Node CopyRandomList(Node head)
if (head == null) return null;
Dictionary<Node, Node> keyValuePairs = new Dictionary<Node, Node>();
Node curr = head;
while (curr != null)
keyValuePairs[curr] = new Node(curr.val);
curr =;
curr = head;
while (curr != null)
keyValuePairs[curr].next = == null ? null : keyValuePairs[];
keyValuePairs[curr].random = curr.random == null ? null : keyValuePairs[curr.random];
curr =;
return keyValuePairs[head];
Step-by-Step Breakdown
- Initialization: A dictionary key-value pair is created to map original nodes to their corresponding new nodes.
- First Pass: Creating New Nodes.
- Traverse the original list and create new nodes with the same value as the original nodes.
- Store these new nodes in the dictionary with the original nodes as keys.
- Second Pass: Setting Next and Random Pointers.
- Traverse the original list again.
- For each original node, set the next and random pointers of the corresponding new node using the dictionary.
- Return the Head of the New List: Return the new head node from the dictionary.
This approach ensures that we create a deep copy of the linked list with random pointers in O(n) time complexity and O(n) space complexity. The use of a dictionary helps in efficiently mapping original nodes to their corresponding new nodes, making the process straightforward and easy to understand.