Step 2The above requirements should have been installed on your computer by the guidelines provided by each software during the installation procedure. After installation, all the three would be listed in Programs of Start Menu in your computer.
Step 3
Make sure the above requirements are available for two sets of operating systems (either 32-bit OS or 64-bit OS). My computer runs on 64-bit so my software downloads are based on 64-bit and run on the same.
Step 4To start the connection, first, we have to manually connect the string and to do that, go to Start menu and select Control Panel and get inside the selection window.
Step 5After getting inside the Control Panel area select Administrative Tools and click on it once.
Step 6Inside Administrative Tools, you will be displayed a list of optional services available where you have to select the ODBC data sources.
Step 7Upon clicking the datasource, a new window opens where you are supposed to add the datasource in User DSN.
Step 8After clicking the Add button, it takes you into another window where you have to select the Oracle in XE service. The below picture will help you to understand. After selecting the desired name, click on Finish.
Step 9Once the Finish button is clicked, ODBC driver configuration window opens up where you have to fill certain credentials for creating the connectivity.
Step 10
The fields to be filled are displayed in the below-given picture. Here, User ID is specifically given as HR and this is only for sample purpose since the HR user is already available in Oracle and I am going to use it along with its data.
Step 11After filling the fields in the above pic manner, click on Test Connection to check whether the database is connected to its service or not.
Step 12
The connection window pops up and asks the user for the password field. Here I have given the password as HR same as username so that I could easily remember. After giving the password click OK.
Step 13
If all went well, the below picture is the result you will get prompting you with successful connection.
Step 14The above procedure was configuring the connection with ODBC and now we have to do certain commands in SQL Command Line. This is completely different from our usual cmd prompt. SQL command line will appear automatically on start menu as it comes with ORACLE installation. Go to Start Menu and select Run SQL Command Line.
Step 15
SQL command line looks something like the below picture. There you can type the commands for execution. For starting purpose, I have typed the command show user which will list me the common user. Here it shows the user with double quotes.
Step 16
Now it's time to connect the user. By default, it is a system and while installation of ORACLE, I have given the password as oracle. The below command shows how to connect with default user with password.
Step 17
Now to list out the number of usernames available by default inside our database we type the following below code in the SQL command line and find the list and its account status.
Step 18
As we have already discussed in the above steps we would be using the user
HR as sample purpose and you can see its status as
Step 19
Suppose an unexpected scenario, like if the HR username has the status EXPIRED & LOCKED, then I would type the below-given command
(alter user HR identified by HR account unlock;) and press
ENTER. The command will change the status of the username. I have typed the command and displayed the result in the below picture.
After altering the username, now we have to connect using the command conn HR/HR.
Step 20
Since the username is connected, now we will see the default available tables inside the database which is supposedly filled with data where the user can work on. To do that, type the command displayed in the picture given below. Here, we are going to select the table EMPLOYEES which has some data.
Step 21
The above steps will give you the proof that there are inbuilt tables with some names and lots of data to be analyzed. Now we again get out of command typing mode and enter into GUI selection mode. It's time to get inside the real software that is R. This is available from Start Menu select RStudio.
Step 22
Inside RStudio, you will get workspace called the Console where you have to again type the commands of R to execute your logic. The below picture shows the R environment. The greater than (>) symbol shows the starting place of typing the command.
Step 23
The first command that you have to type is initial package installation inside the R environment and to do this type the below command. Once the package is installed you will be prompted with the message of successful unpacking of package.
Step 24
To list out the data inside the EMPLOYEES table type the below-given command.
Before typing the above command in the console, first, you have to test the connection string is really working, but this time from R environment. And to do this type the following command given in the picture below.