Configuring FTP Server In Microsoft Azure


FTP server is used to transfer the files to the internet. If we have an FTP hostname, FTP username, and FTP password, we can transfer our local files to the Internet. In this demo, we will learn how to configure FTP Server in Microsoft Azure. Before we start this demo, we have already installed Microsoft Server 2016 on Microsoft Azure.
Step 1
Log into your account on Azure Portal here.
In the dashboard, click to “My-FTP” Server that we have already installed.
Configuring FTP Server In Microsoft Azure
Step 2
Click the “Connect” on the top of the “My-FTP” Server window, and then select RDP and click Download RDP File. Read the previous article to learn the process of connecting our Server using RDP, click here.
Configuring FTP Server In Microsoft Azure
Step 3
After successfully login the My-FTP server. In Windows Server Manager go to Dashboard and click “Add Roles and Features”.
Configuring FTP Server In Microsoft Azure
Step 4
In "Add Roles and Features" wizard select the "Proceed to Installation" option and confirm “Role-based or feature-based installation”, and then click “Next”.
Configuring FTP Server In Microsoft Azure
Step 5
Click the “Web Server (IIS)” role.
Configuring FTP Server In Microsoft Azure
Step 6
Click "Add Features" on the pop-up window.
Configuring FTP Server In Microsoft Azure
Step 7
In the “Role Services” step, check the FTP Server role service. Uncheck Web Server role service, if you do not need it. Click “Next”.
Configuring FTP Server In Microsoft Azure
Step 8
Proceed to the end of the wizard and click "Install".
Wait for the installation to complete.
Configuring FTP Server In Microsoft Azure
Step 9
Go to “Server Manager” and select “Tools” and open “Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager”.
Configuring FTP Server In Microsoft Azure
Step 10
In the IIS Manager, expand the “Sites” and Remove “Default Web Site”.
Configuring FTP Server In Microsoft Azure
Step 11
Right-click the “Sites” and click “Add FTP Site”.
Configuring FTP Server In Microsoft Azure
Step 12
In the "Add FTP Site" wizard.
  • FTP site name: BattiFTP
  • Physical path: in the C: Drive, I already have created a folder named “Data”. So, select the “Data” folder and click “Ok”.
Configuring FTP Server In Microsoft Azure
Step 13
In the Binding and SSL Settings,
  • IP Address: Choose All Unassigned
  • Port: by default, it’s 21
  • SSL: Click No SSL (In this demo we skip the SSL Certification configuration)
Click “Next”.
Configuring FTP Server In Microsoft Azure
Step 14
In the Authentication and Authorization Information,
  • Authentication: Select Basic
  • Authorization: Select All Users
  • Permission: Select Read and Write
Click Finish.
Configuring FTP Server In Microsoft Azure
Step 15
After successfully deployed the FTP site. Click the “BattiFTP” site, and then Open “FTP Firewall Support”.
Configuring FTP Server In Microsoft Azure
Step 16
In the External IP Address of Firewall Enter your Azure Server Public IP Address, in our demo our Public Address is, and in this case we can’t add the “Data Channel Port Range”, and Click “Apply”.
Configuring FTP Server In Microsoft Azure
Step 17
For configuring the “Data Channel Port Range”, Select My-FTP (My-FTP\viknaraj), and then select “FTP Firewall Support”.
Configuring FTP Server In Microsoft Azure
Step 18
In the Data Channel Port Range, enter “9000 to 9999”, and Click “Apply”, in this section we don’t need to enter the External IP Address of Firewall.
Configuring FTP Server In Microsoft Azure
Step 19
After having successfully configured it, we must Restart the “FTP Service”. Click the start button and type “Services”.
Configuring FTP Server In Microsoft Azure
Step 20
Select the “Microsoft FTP Services”. Right-click and press “Restart”. This will apply all the FTP settings and firewall changes we made.
Configuring FTP Server In Microsoft Azure
Step 21
After successfully deployed FTP server, we must configure “Inbound Port Rule”. Open “My-FTP” virtual machine and Click “Networking”, then Click “Add Inbound Port Rule”.
Configuring FTP Server In Microsoft Azure
Step 22
In the Add inbound security rule, we can change the “Basic” to “Advance”, it’s easy to create the port rule. So click “Basic”.
Configuring FTP Server In Microsoft Azure
Step 23
Enter the inbound security rule are bellow,
  • Service: Custom
  • Port Ranges: 9000-9999 (Data Port Range)
  • Priority: It will automatically be assigned
  • Name: Port_Data
Click the “Add” button.
Configuring FTP Server In Microsoft Azure
Step 24
Again Add the “FTP” inbound security rule, Just select “FTP” under the Service, it will automatically be assigned Port Ranges “21”, and other configuration, so click “Add”.
Configuring FTP Server In Microsoft Azure
Step 25
Now, we can test our FTP server using FTP Software. In this demo, we can use “FileZilla”, open the FileZilla as Administrator.
Configuring FTP Server In Microsoft Azure
Step 26
In the Host, enter our Azure Virtual machine Public IP Address, Username our virtual machine Username and the Password, click “Quick connect”.
Configuring FTP Server In Microsoft Azure
Step 27
The pop-up message will display, so click OK to continue.
Configuring FTP Server In Microsoft Azure
Step 28
Now, our Azure FTP Server is successfully connected.
Configuring FTP Server In Microsoft Azure
Step 29
Now, we can create the Directory under our FTP location. Right-click the Main Directory and click “Create directory”.
Configuring FTP Server In Microsoft Azure
Step 30
Enter the Directory name (in this demo, our directory name is “Batticaloa”) and click “Ok”.
Configuring FTP Server In Microsoft Azure
Step 31
Now, we can transfer the files to our FTP location, just drag and dropped the file into the Batticaloa directory.
Configuring FTP Server In Microsoft Azure
Step 32
Now, we can verify our file successfully uploaded to our Batticaloa FTP directory.
Configuring FTP Server In Microsoft Azure


In this demo, we learned FTP server configuration in Microsoft Azure. In our next demo, we will how to create Secure FTP connection using SSL certificate. If you have any questions, feel free to comment under the comment box.

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