Configure Or Change The Audit Settings In SharePoint Online

In this article, I would like to share an overview of audits and steps to change the audit settings in SharePoint Online.


Auditing helps us to track the user actions on the list, library, list items, library files and site content types within our site collections. Using auditing we could know that who has edited the items and delete the items.

Steps to change the settings

Follow the below few listed steps to configure or change the audit settings in SharePoint sites.

Step 1. Open your SharePoint site where you want to change the audit settings.


Step 2. Then, open the site settings, using the Gear icon as shown below.

 Gear icon

Step 3. On the Site Settings page, click on the "Site collection audit settings" option under site collection administration category,

Site collection audit settings

Step 4. After you have clicked, it will navigate to configure the audit settings page, where you can see the below items,

  • Audit Trimming: Specify the duration for audit data to retain before it is trimmed and optionally store all of the current audit data in a document library. The schedule for audit log trimming is configured by your server administrator.
  • Documents and Items: Specify the events that should be audited for documents and items within this site collection.
  • Lists, Libraries and sites: Specify the events that should be audited for lists, libraries, and sites within this site collection.

SharePoint configuring

Step 5. I have changed the number of days of audit log data to retain as I want 2-month audit logs, you can also change up to 90 days since the retention period in the audit DB and we can change the document library path for audit reports.

Audit DB

Step 6. I want the audit log of copying or moving the items to another location or site so I’ve checked that option based on your requirement you can check and uncheck the options,

Uncheck the options

Step 7. Then click on “OK” button to save the changes. Finally your changes will be saved.

OK button


In this article, we have explored how to configure or change the audit settings in SharePoint Online. I hope you have found it useful. Share your feedback on the comment box. Happy learning.

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