In this article, we will learn how conditional formatting works in Microsoft PowerApps. We will use examples to show the use of Conditional Formatting.
I have taken an example of a User Information Form. How to create the form and submit the data in Share Point List is described in my previous articles.
Please go through my previous articles before reading this article.
Conditional Formatting for Email/ Create a Popup to Check Email in Power Apps Form
Overview of the User Information Form
![Conditional Formatting In Microsoft PowerApps]()
In the above image, there is no pop up displayed for Email.
Steps to create a Popup
![Conditional Formatting In Microsoft PowerApps]()
Go to Control Panel on the top of the Power Apps screen, click on Insert, and select Label to add a label, set the Label under the Email Input Box as displayed in the above image.
Set the Text Property of the Label,
![Conditional Formatting In Microsoft PowerApps]()
Now set the Formula for this pop-up
- Set Color: Red
![Conditional Formatting In Microsoft PowerApps]()
As you don’t want this popup always, so set the formula in the Visible property of the created popup
- Set Visible:
If(Or(IsBlank(EmailAddress), If(And(!IsBlank(EmailAddress),!IsMatch(EmailAddress.Text, Email)), false, true)), false, true)
![Conditional Formatting In Microsoft PowerApps]()
- The popup will be displayed as per the user Requirements, after setting this formula.
When you preview the app from the top left corner of the app,
- The popup will not be there
- When you will start type, some alphabets the Popup will be displayed
- When you will type a perfect mail or mail pattern, ****@****.Com again the Popup will disappear.
From this article we are able to learn how to create popup and also we are able to learn the formula to set Visibility of Popup as per the user's requirement .
Thank You.. Hope you enjoyed this.