ConcurrentBag<T> in C#: Thread-Safe Collection for Concurrency


Concurrent programming in C# often involves managing shared data among multiple threads. Ensuring thread safety while accessing collections is crucial to prevent race conditions and data corruption. One of the thread-safe collections provided by .NET is the ConcurrentBag<T> class. In this article, we'll delve into what ConcurrentBag<T> is, how it works, and when to use it.

Understanding ConcurrentBag<T>

ConcurrentBag<T> belongs to the System.Collections.Concurrent namespace in .NET and is designed for scenarios where multiple threads concurrently add and remove items from a collection. Unlike other concurrent collections like ConcurrentQueue<T> or ConcurrentStack<T>, ConcurrentBag<T> does not enforce any particular order on the items. It resembles a bag or multiset, allowing duplicate items.

Thread Safety

One of the primary advantages of ConcurrentBag<T> is its inherent thread safety. Multiple threads can add or remove items from the bag simultaneously without explicit locking mechanisms. The class internally manages synchronization, ensuring that operations are performed atomically and without conflicts.

Adding and Removing Items

Adding items to a ConcurrentBag<T> is done using the Add method while removing items can be done using the TryTake method. Both operations are thread-safe and can be performed concurrently by multiple threads without the risk of data corruption.

Support for Duplicate Items

Unlike some other concurrent collections that enforce uniqueness, ConcurrentBag<T> allows duplicate items. Each item is added individually without regard to its presence in the bag. This makes it suitable for scenarios where duplicate items are expected or allowed.

Usage Scenarios

ConcurrentBag<T> finds application in various concurrent programming scenarios. Some common use cases include:

  1. Producer-Consumer Patterns: In scenarios where multiple threads are producing items and adding them to a shared collection while other threads consume them concurrently, ConcurrentBag<T> can be a suitable choice. Its thread-safe nature ensures seamless coordination between producers and consumers.

  2. Parallel Processing: When performing parallel processing tasks where different threads are working on independent data sets, ConcurrentBag<T> can serve as a container for intermediate results. Threads can add their results to the bag concurrently, simplifying the coordination process.

  3. Task Parallelism: In applications leveraging the Task Parallel Library (TPL) for concurrent execution of tasks, ConcurrentBag<T> can be used to aggregate results from multiple tasks running in parallel. The thread safety of the bag allows tasks to add their outputs without explicit synchronization.

Example Usage

Let's illustrate the usage of ConcurrentBag<T> with a simple example:

using System;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

class Program
    static void Main()
        ConcurrentBag<int> bag = new ConcurrentBag<int>();

        // Parallel add operation
        Parallel.For(0, 10, i =>
            Console.WriteLine($"Thread {Task.CurrentId} added {i} to the bag.");

        // Parallel remove operation
        Parallel.ForEach(bag, item =>
            bag.TryTake(out int result);
            Console.WriteLine($"Thread {Task.CurrentId} removed {result} from the bag.");


In this example, multiple threads add items to the ConcurrentBag<int> concurrently using Parallel.For(), and then multiple threads retrieve items from the bag concurrently using Parallel.ForEach(). The ConcurrentBag<T> handles the thread-safety internally.


ConcurrentBag<T> in C# provides a convenient and efficient way to manage collections in multi-threaded environments. Its thread-safe nature, support for duplicate items, and simplicity of usage make it a valuable tool for concurrent programming tasks. By understanding its features and usage patterns, developers can effectively leverage ConcurrentBag<T> to build robust and scalable concurrent applications.

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