Composite Design Pattern With C#


A composite design pattern is a structural design pattern. It allows developers to create multiple nested objects of the same type to complete one single system hierarchy.

Players in this pattern

  • Component: This player defines base contract with composite class to allow the creation of nested objects.
  • Composite: This the player that will implement the contract defined by the component.
  • Client: With the help of a composite player, this player will complete the system hierarchy for a particular requirement.

We will see with an example.


Build a smart city with smart block features.

We will define 3 players.

  • AbstractBlock Component
  • Block Composite
  • Client

We will build an Abstract block with Add and remove block features. If we want we can implement Add and Remove features explicitly. In my case I am using List, by default I will have Add, and Remove features available for adding/removing blocks.

using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace Composite.Design.Pattern.Demo.Contract
    public abstract class AbstractBlock
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public double Size { get; set; }
        public abstract void BuildBlock();
        public List<AbstractBlock> SubBlocks { get; set; }

Now implement Composite object; i.e., Block by implementing/inheriting component i.e. in our code AbstractBlock.

using Composite.Design.Pattern.Demo.Contract;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using static System.Console;

namespace Composite.Design.Pattern.Demo.Business
    public class Block : AbstractBlock
        public Block()
            SubBlocks = new List<AbstractBlock>();
        public override void BuildBlock() => WriteLine($"Block built with Name {Name} with size {Size} unit");

In the above code we can see that, we provided the implementation for the BuildBlock method. Based on our needs we can make concrete or non-concreate methods as well.

Below is the client class code.

using Composite.Design.Pattern.Demo.Contract;
using static System.Console;
using Composite.Design.Pattern.Demo.Business;
using Newtonsoft.Json;

namespace Composite.Design.Pattern.Demo
    class Client
        static void Main(string[] args)
            AbstractBlock smartCity = new Block
                Name = "SmartCity",
                Size = 100000

            AbstractBlock smartlayOut = new Block()
                Name = "SmartlayOut",
                Size = 10000,

            AbstractBlock smartHome = new Block()
                Name = "smartHome",
                Size = 1000,

            AbstractBlock smartRoom = new Block()
                Name = "smartRoom",
                Size = 1000,

            AbstractBlock smartLocker = new Block()
                Name = "smartLocker",
                Size = 20,

            AbstractBlock smartFolder = new Block()
                Name = "smartFolder",
                Size = 10,

            AbstractBlock smartFile = new Block()
                Name = "smartFile",
                Size = 5,

            string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(smartCity, Formatting.Indented);


        private static void Build(AbstractBlock block)
            block?.SubBlocks?.ForEach(b => Build(b));

In the above code, we can see that the client has utilized a composite object and built the first Smart City followed by Smart Layout.

  • Smart Layout followed by Smart Home
  • Smart Home followed by Smart Room
  • Smart Room followed by Smart Locker
  • Smart Locker followed by Smart Folder
  • Smart Folder followed by Smart File

After executing this code we can see the same hierarchy in JSON format. For easy understating, I Serialized the object into JSON. Below is the output.


When we have a requirement of implementing some nested objects with the same type then we can go for this design pattern.

We can extend this composite object to any extent with N number of blocks inside blocks.


Above is a simple example of using a composite design pattern, you can download the uploaded source code and try adding more blocks. I hope it helps.

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