Comparision of Java With Other Programming Languages


In this article, we will learn about the Java programming language. It is a high-level, class-based, and object-oriented programming language. Java is a secure and robust language. Java runs on multiple platforms. It means that it can work on any software or hardware platform. It has a virtual machine specification. It has its runtime environment JRE (Java Runtime Environment) and an API (Application Programming Interface) Specification. 

For more reading about Java Programming Language, Click Here.

When is Java used? 

Java is developed for small embedded systems like set-top boxes, but nowadays, many Java devices are used in the market. Java is now used in set-top-boxes, many digital devices, mobiles, games, etc.

C vs Java

Comparison C Java
Platform-independent C is a platform-dependent language.  Java is a platform-independent language.
Oops C is a procedural programming language. Java is an object-oriented programming language.
Programming paradigm C is a procedure-oriented programming language. Java is a data-oriented programming language.
Approach C follows a top-bottom approach. Java follows the bottom-top approach.
Memory management C follows user-based memory management. Java internally manages the memory.
Pointers  C makes use of pointers. We can write a pointer program in C.  Java supports pointers internally, but we can't write a program in Java. 
Portability C is a platform-dependent language, so it is not portable. Java is a platform-independent language, so it is portable.
Call by value and Call by reference  C supports call by value and call by reference both.  Java supports only calls by value. 
Structure and union C supports structures and unions   Java doesn't support structures and unions. 
Thread support  C doesn't have built-in support for the threads.  It has built-in thread support. 
Memory Allocation In C, Memory allocation is done by the malloc function. In Java, memory allocation is done by a new keyword.
Hello World Program #include <stdio.h> 
int main() 

   printf("Hello, World!"); 
   return 0; 
class A { 
public static void main(String args[]){ 
    System.out.println("Hello World"); 

C++ vs Java

Comparison C++ Java
Platform-independent C++ is a platform-dependent language.  Java is a platform-independent language.
Used for C++ is mostly used for System programming. Java is mainly used for application programming.
goto statement C++ supports the goto statement. Java doesn't support the goto statement.
Multiple inheritances C++ supports multiple inheritances. Java doesn't support multiple inheritances.
Operator overloading ++ supports operators overloading. Java doesn't support operator overloading.
Pointers C++ makes use of pointers. We can write a pointer program inC++. Java supports pointers internally, but we can't write a program in Java.
Compiler and interpreter C++ uses only the compiler. Java uses both a compiler and an interpreter.
Call by value and Call by reference C++ supports the call by value and call by reference both. Java supports only calls by value.
Structure and union C++ supports structures and unions. Java doesn't support structures and unions.
Thread support It doesn't have built-in support for the threads. It has built-in thread support.
Documentation comment/td> C++ doesn't support documentation comments. Java supports documentation comments.
Hello World Program #include<iostream> 
using namespace std;      
int main() 

    cout << "Hello World\n"; 
    return 0; 
class A { 
public static void main(String args[]){     
    System.out.println("Hello World");  

Kotlin vs Java

Kotlin has no provision for static members.

Java supports static members in the program.

Comparison Kotlin Java
Checked exception Kotlin has no provision for checked exceptions. Therefore, there is no need for a catch block or to declare any exception. Java finds it infuriating to use try/catch blocks in the code. The omission made by Kotlin can be considered a welcome change.
Code Conciseness Comparing a Java class with an equivalent Kotlin class demonstrates the conciseness of Kotlin code. Compared to a Kotlin class, Java class code is large.
Data classes  Full-size projects have several classes that are solely meant to hold data. In Java, a developer needs to write a lot of boilerplate code.
Extension function Kotlin allows developers to extend a class with new functionality via extension functions. Extension functions are not available in Java.
Implicit Widening Conversions There is no support for implicit widening conversions for numbers in Kotlin. Java has support for implicit conversions.
Non-private Fields Kotlin doesn't have non-private fields. Non-private fields in Java are useful in scenarios where the callers of an object need to change accordingly to its representation.
Static members Kotlin has no provision for static members. Java supports static members in the program.
Ternary operator Kotlin doesn't have a ternary operator. Java uses the ternary operator in the program.
Primitive Types    Variables of a primitive type are objects. Variables of a primitive type aren't objects.
Support for Constructors It can have one or more secondary constructors. You can't have secondary constructors. Although, we can have multiple constructors (constructor overloading).

Python vs Java

Comparison Python Java
Program run time Python program runs slower than Java.  Java program runs faster than Python.
Program development time It takes less time than Java.  It takes more time to develop the same program as compared to Python.
Length of the code  Python code is 3-4 times shorter than Java code. Java code is larger than Python.
Typed Python is a dynamically typed language  Java is a statically typed language. 
Compiler and interpreter Python is an interpreted language.  Java is Compiled language.
Object-oriented Python is the Scripting and object-oriented programming language.  Java is an Object-oriented programming language.
Operator overloading Python support operator overloading.  Java doesn't support operator overloading. 
Indentation Python uses Indentation for structuring code Java uses braces for structuring code.
Hello World Program print("Hello World") class A { 
public static void main(String args[]){ 
    System.out.println("Hello World"); 

JavaScript vs Java

Comparison JavaScript Java
Oops Javascript is specifically an object-oriented Scripting language. Java is an object-oriented programming language.
Running platform Javascript runs on a web browser and doesn't need any initial setup. Java program and application runs on JVM(Java Virtual Machine), which requires JDK and JRE.
Compilation Javascript is interpreted as a scripting language that is plain text code. Java code is compiled and interpreted as it is a programming language.
Typed Javascript is a weakly typed language  Java is a strongly typed language. 
Syntax Javascript language syntax is similar to C language, but the naming convention is similar to Java Programming language. Java language syntaxes are similar to C and C++ languages. Java programs will be in class and objects.
File extension JavaScript file has file extension ".js," which is interpreted but not compiled; every browser has a Javascript interpreter to execute JS code. Java program has the file extension ".Java" and translates source code into bytecodes executed by JVM(Java Virtual Machine).
Supportive languages  Javascript is contained within a web page and integrates with its HTML content. Java is a Standalone language.   
Memory JavaScript requires less memory. Therefore, it is used in web pages. Java program uses more memory.   
Hello World Program <!DOCTYPE HTML> 
  <p>Before the script...</p> 
    alert( 'Hello, world!' ); 
  <p>...After the script.</p> 
class A { 
public static void main(String args[]){ 
    System.out.println("Hello World"); 

Node Js vs Java

Comparison Node JS Java
Creation Node JS frameworks written in C/C++ and Javascript language. Java is a Class-based object-oriented programming language derived from c++.
Software Requirement Node JS needs to install an archive file on a system. Java program and application runs on JVM (Java Virtual Machine), which requires JDK and JRE on a system.
Frameworks Node JS has many frameworks like Express.js, Sails.js, Partial.js, etc. Java has frameworks like Spring, Struts, JSF, Tapestry, etc.
Application Node JS is more suited for an application like real-time collaborative drawing/editing like Google Docs. In Java, we can simplify application development with an Object-Oriented approach.
Scope Node JS developers can utilize it on the client and server-side Java is a dominant server-side interaction.       
Multi-threading Node JS is single threaded language. Java supports multi-threading in Programming.
Based Node.js applications are event-based and run asynchronously. Java is a Standalone language.   
Running platform Node JS is a cross-platform runtime system and environment for applications written in JavaScript. Java is an Object-Oriented language that needs to be compiled and run inside JRE (Java Runtime Environment)
Hello World Program var http = require("http"); 
http.createServer(function (request, response) { 
   response.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'}); 
   response.end('Hello World\n'); 
console.log('Server running at');
class A { 
public static void main(String args[]){ 
    System.out.println("Hello World"); 

C# vs Java

Comparison C# Java
Creation C# object-oriented, component-oriented, functional, and strong typing language. Java is a Class-based object-oriented programming language derived from c++.
Software Requirement C# used huge library frameworks provided by .Net. Java program and application runs on JVM(Java Virtual Machine), which requires JDK and JRE.
Application    IN C# web and game development, famous for mobile development. In Java, we can simplify application development with an Object-Oriented approach.
Scope C# server-side language with a good programming foundation. Java has dominant server-side interaction.
Cross-platform Compared to Java, C# needs to improve on this feature. Java is highly efficient for cross-platform with its byte code.   
Usage Games, mobile development, virtual reality. Messaging, web application, highly concurrent application.
Hello World Program using System;  
namespace HelloWorldApp {   
    class A {  
        static void Main(string[] args) {  
            Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");  
class A { 
public static void main(String args[]){ 
    System.out.println("Hello World"); 


In this article, we learned about Java programming language and how Java programming language is different from other programming languages like C++, Python, Javascript, and Node JS. 

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