Code Examples for .NET 8 Features with C# 12


With .NET 8, a suite of new features and improvements are included to enhance performance, introduce advanced language features, and broaden cross-platform support for the .NET framework. With practical code examples, this article explores the key updates in .NET 8, focusing on performance improvements and new language capabilities in C# 12.

Key Features in .NET 8

Performance Enhancements

Improved JIT Compiler

As a result of .NET 8's Just-In-Time (JIT) compiler improvements, your code might run faster and have less overhead.

// Example of optimised JIT compilation
namespace DotNet8FeaturesApp;

public static class MathOperations
    public static int Sum(int[] numbers)
        int total = 0;
        foreach (int number in numbers)
            total += number;
        return total;
    public static void DisplaySum(int[] numbers)
        int sum = Sum(numbers);
        Console.WriteLine(sum switch
            0 => "The array is empty.",
            > 0 => $"The sum is {sum}.",
            _ => "An error occurred."

using DotNet8FeaturesApp;

Console.WriteLine("Hello and welcome to Article Code Examples for .NET 8 Features with C# 12 by Ziggy Rafiq");

int[] numbers = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };

Enhanced Garbage Collection

In .NET 8, garbage collection (GC) is optimized to reduce pauses, which is especially helpful for high-throughput applications.

 namespace DotNet8FeaturesApp;
public class LargeObject
    private byte[] _data = new byte[10_000_000];
    public void UseLargeObject()
        Console.WriteLine($"LargeObject with {_data.Length} bytes created.");

public record LargeObjectStatus(bool IsInUse, int Size);
var largeObject = new LargeObject();

var status = new LargeObjectStatus(IsInUse: true, Size: 10_000_000);
Console.WriteLine(status switch
    { IsInUse: true, Size: > 0 } => $"Large object is in use with size {status.Size} bytes.",
    _ => "Large object status is unknown."

Faster Startup Times

Runtime and library optimizations make applications start up faster:

Console.WriteLine("This Application has started quickly!");

Language Enhancements in C# 12

Enhanced Pattern Matching

Using C# 12, you can perform more powerful pattern matching. For example, you can:

 namespace DotNet8FeaturesApp;

public static class TypeDescriptor
    public static string Describe(object obj) =>
        obj switch
            int i when i > 0 => "Positive integer",
            int i when i < 0 => "Negative integer",
            string s => $"String of length {s.Length}",
            double d when d > 0 => "Positive double",
            DateTime dt => $"DateTime value: {dt:yyyy-MM-dd}",
            _ => "Unknown type"
Console.WriteLine(TypeDescriptor.Describe("Hello Reader"));

Record Types Enhancements

Interoperability has been improved, and non-destructive mutations are now supported:

 namespace DotNet8FeaturesApp;

public record Person(string FirstName, string LastName)
     public Person WithNewLastName(string newLastName) =>
        this with { LastName = newLastName };
var person = new Person("Mike", "Joe");
var updatedPerson = person.WithNewLastName("Walker");

Nullable Reference Types Refinements

For better nullability handling, nullable reference types have been improved:

 namespace DotNet8FeaturesApp;

public static class NullabilityExample
    public static void PrintLength(string? text)
        Console.WriteLine(text is not null ? text.Length.ToString() : "Text is null ok");

New Libraries and APIs

Enhanced System.Text.Json

Improved handling of complex JSON is possible with System.Text.Json:

namespace DotNet8FeaturesApp;
using System.Text.Json;
public class Human
    public string Name { get; set; }=string.Empty;
    public int Age { get; set; }
var json = "{\"Name\":\"Lisa\",\"Age\":28}";
var human = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<Human>(json);

Console.WriteLine($"Name: {human?.Name}, Age: {human?. Age}");

New System.Device Namespace

It simplifies hardware interaction with the new namespace System.Device:

using System.Device.Gpio;
using var gpioController = new GpioController();
gpioController.OpenPin(18, PinMode.Output);
gpioController.Write(18, PinValue.High);
Console.WriteLine("Pin 18 set to High");

Advanced Networking APIs

Support for modern scenarios is enhanced by networking APIs:

using var client = new HttpClient();
var response = await client.GetStringAsync("");
Console.WriteLine(response. Substring(0, 100));

Cross-Platform Improvements

Improved Linux Support

.NET 8 supports Linux better, improving compatibility and performance for Linux-based .NET applications.

Native Apple Silicon Support

Newer Macs are supported natively with Apple Silicon processors for optimal performance:

 if (RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.OSX))
    // Check if running on Apple Silicon (ARM64) or Intel (x64)
    if (RuntimeInformation.ProcessArchitecture == Architecture.Arm64)
        Console.WriteLine("Running natively on Apple Silicon!");
        Console.WriteLine("Running on macOS (Intel chip)!");
// Check if the application is running on Windows
else if (RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Windows))
    Console.WriteLine("Running on Windows!");
    Console.WriteLine("Running on an unsupported OS!");


.NET 8 introduces significant improvements in performance, language features, and cross-platform capabilities. Developers can optimize application performance, improve code quality, and ensure compatibility across a variety of environments by leveraging these new features and optimizations. The .NET 8 platform offers powerful new language features in C# 12, creating a strong and flexible foundation for modern software development.

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