Cloud Service For Azure Using Eclipse


In this article, I will explain how to create a cloud service in Azure using Eclipse. To learn about Eclipse IDE and its usage, you can refer to this link.


  • JDK (java developer kit ) v1.7 or 1.8.
  • Eclipse IDE of JEE for Neon or later version of it. It can be downloaded from the following link.
  • Azure SDK; it can be downloaded and installed from here.
  • Apache Tomcat (local server for Eclipse).
  • Azure Toolkit for Eclipse and you can visit this article for installing in Eclipse.
  • An active Azure subscription.

Create a Cloud Service application using Eclipse

Step 1

Open Eclipse and click Menu->File->Dynamic web project.

Cloud Service application using Eclipse 

Step 2

Provide a name for your project and click Finish.

Cloud Service application using Eclipse 

Step 3

In the left side of Eclipse project explorer View, right click your project and select web content >> New >> JSP file.

 Cloud Service application using Eclipse

Step 4

In JSP File dialog, name the file index.jsp and click Finish.

Cloud Service application using Eclipse 

Step 5

The index.jsp file will be opened in Eclipse. In the text to display “service “within the existing <body> element tag as shown. (I have inserted text as service, you can enter any name or any content as your wish).

Cloud Service application using Eclipse 

Azure deployment of Cloud Service from Eclipse

Step 6

In Project Explorer, click project name. 

Step 7

In the Eclipse toolbar, click the Publish button and then click on Cloud Service.

Publish Azure Cloud Service

Step 8

Before publishing as cloud service, make sure that you have installed Azure SDK tool at begining before deploying.

Step 9

In Publish Wizard window, click "Import from file settings".

Publish Azure Cloud Service 

Step 10

In the Import Subscription Information dialog box, click "Download PUBLISH SETTINGS File".

Publish Azure Cloud Service 

step 11

After clicking, you will be redirected to login into your Azure portal and you will get a publish settings file to save it.

Publish Azure Cloud Service 

Publish Azure Cloud Service 

Publish Azure Cloud Service

Step 12

Browse the Publish settings file from downloaded location and click OK.

Publish Azure Cloud Service

Publish Azure Cloud Service

Step 13

The following window asks for Service name, select the Cloud Service that you want to use or click New to create a new one.

Publish Azure Cloud Service 

Step 14

The remote access is an optional one. You can use your username along with password for signing in.(OPTIONAL)

Step 15

Click on "Publish" button.

Step 16

You can see the Azure activity log as shown for View to see the progress of your deployment.

Azure activity log 

Step 17

When your deployment is successful, the Azure activity log will show a status as published.

Deploy Azure cloud service 

Step 18

By clicking the published link, it will direct you to the browser.

Publish Azure cloud service 

I hope this article will be useful.

Thank you.

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