Clean Architecture In ASP.NET Core Web API


In this article, we will cover clean architecture practically. Clean architecture is a software architecture that helps us to keep an entire application code under control. The main goal of clean architecture is the code/logic, which is unlikely to change. It has to be written without any direct dependency. This means that if I want to change my development framework OR User Interface (UI) of the system, the core of the system should not be changed. It also means that our external dependencies are completely replaceable.

What is Clean Architecture

Clean architecture has a domain layer, Application Layer, Infrastructure Layer, and Framework Layer. The domain and application layer are always the center of the design and are known as the core of the system. The core will be independent of the data access and infrastructure concerns. We can achieve this goal by using the Interfaces and abstraction within the core system, but implementing them outside of the core system.

Clean Architecture in Core Web API

Layer In Clean Architecture

Clean architecture has a domain layer, Application Layer, Infrastructure Layer, and Presentation Layer. The domain and application layer are always the center of the design and are known as the core of the system.

In Clean architecture, all the dependencies of the application are Independent/Inwards and the Core system has no dependencies on any other layer of the system. So, in the future, if we want to change the UI/ OR framework of the system, we can do it easily because all the other dependencies of the system are not dependent on the core of the system.

Domain Layer

The domain layer in the clean architecture contains the enterprise logic, like the entities and their specifications. This layer lies in the center of the architecture where we have application entities, which are the application model classes or database model classes, using the code first approach in the application development using core these entities are used to create the tables in the database.

Application Layer

The application layer contains the business logic. All the business logic will be written in this layer. It is in this layer that services interfaces are kept, separate from their implementation, for loose coupling and separation of concerns.

Infrastructure Layer

In the infrastructure layer, we have model objects we will maintain all the database migrations and database context Objects in this layer. In this layer, we have the repositories of all the domain model objects.

Presentation Layer

In the case of the API Presentation layer that presents us the object data from the database using the HTTP request in the form of JSON Object. But in the case of front-end applications, we present the data using the UI by consuming the APIS.

Advantages of Clean Architecture

  • The immediate implementation you can implement this architecture with any programming language.
  • The domain and application layer are always the center of the design and are known as the core of the system that why the core of the system is not dependent on external systems.
  • This architecture allows you to change the external system without affecting the core of the system.
  • In a highly testable environment, you can test your code quickly and easily.
  • You can create a highly scalable and quality product.

Implementation of Clean Architecture

Now, we are going to implement the clean architecture. First, you need to create the Core API Project using the visual studio. After that we will add the layer into our solution, so after adding all the layers in the system our project structure will be like this.

Clean Architecture in Core Web API

Now you can see that our project structure will be like in the above picture.

Let’s implement the layer practically.

Domain Layer

The domain layer in the clean architecture contains the enterprise logic. Like the Entities and their specifications, this layer lies in the center of the architecture where we have application entities, which are the application model classes or database model classes. Using the code first approach in the application development, using core these entities will create the tables in the database.

Implementation of Domain layer

First, you need to add the library project to your system, so let’s add the library project to your system.

Write click on the Solution and then click on add option.

Clean Architecture in Core Web API

Add the library project to your solution.

Clean Architecture in Core Web API

Name this project the Domain Layer.

Entities Folder

First, you need to add the Models folder that will be used to create the database entities. In the Models folder, we will create the following database entities.

Clean Architecture in Core Web API

Interface Folder

This folder is used to add the interfaces of the entities that you want to add the specific methods in your Interface.

Clean Architecture in Core Web API

Specification Folder

This folder is used to add all the specifications. Let us take the example if you want the result of the API in ascending OR, in descending Order, OR want the result in the specific criteria, OR want the result in the form of pagination then you need to add the specification class. Let us take the example below:

Clean Architecture in Core Web API

The complete Code of the Project will be available on My GitHub.

Code Example of Specification Class

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq.Expressions;
using System.Text;
namespace Skinet.Core.Specifications {
    public interface ISpecifications < T > {
        Expression < Func < T,
        bool >> Criteria {
        List < Expression < Func < T,
        object >>> Includes {
        Expression < Func < T,
        object >> OrderBy {
        Expression < Func < T,
        object >> OrderByDescending {
        int Take {
        int Skip {
        bool isPagingEnabled {

Base Specification Class:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq.Expressions;
using System.Text;
namespace Skinet.Core.Specifications {
    public class BaseSpecification < T > : ISpecifications < T > {
        public Expression < Func < T,
        bool >> Criteria {
        public BaseSpecification() {}
        public BaseSpecification(Expression < Func < T, bool >> Criteria) {
            this.Criteria = Criteria;
        public List < Expression < Func < T,
        object >>> Includes {
        } = new List < Expression < Func < T,
        object >>> ();
        public Expression < Func < T,
        object >> OrderBy {
            private set;
        public Expression < Func < T,
        object >> OrderByDescending {
            private set;
        public int Take {
            private set;
        public int Skip {
            private set;
        public bool isPagingEnabled {
            private set;
        protected void AddInclude(Expression < Func < T, object >> includeExpression) {
        public void AddOrderBy(Expression < Func < T, object >> OrderByexpression) {
            OrderBy = OrderByexpression;
        public void AddOrderByDecending(Expression < Func < T, object >> OrderByDecending) {
            OrderByDescending = OrderByDecending;
        public void ApplyPagging(int take, int skip) {
            Take = take;
            //Skip = skip;
            isPagingEnabled = true;

Application Layer

The application layer contains the business logic. All the business logic will be written in this layer. In this layer, services interfaces are kept separate from their implementation for loose coupling and separation of concerns.

Now we will add the application layer to our application.

Now we will work on the application Layer. We will follow the same process that we did for the Domain layer. Add the library project in your applicant and give a name to that project Repository layer.

But here, we need to add the project reference of the Domain layer in the application layer. Right click on the project, then click the Add button after that we will add the project references in the application layer.

Clean Architecture in Core Web API

Now select the core project to add the project reference of the domain layer.

Clean Architecture in Core Web API

Click the OK button. After that, our project reference will be added to our system.

Now let’s create the Desired Folders in our Projects.

ICustom Services

Let’s add the ICustom services folder in our application in this folder. We will add the ICustom Service Interfaced that will be Inherited by all the services we will add in our Customer Service folder.

Note: Complete Code of the Project will be available on My GitHub.

Let's add some services to our project.

Code Of the Custom Service

Let us add the token service that inherits the token service interface from the Core:

Clean Architecture in Core Web API

Code Of ICustom Interface

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace Skynet.Application.ICustomServices {
    public interface ICustomService < T > {
        IEnumerable < T > GetAll();
        void FindById(int Id);
        void Insert(T entity);
        Task < T > Update(T entity);
        void Delete(T entity);

Code of the ICustomerBasket

using Skinet.Core.Entities;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace Skinet.Core.Interfaces {
    public interface ICustomerBasket {
        Task < CustomerBasket > GetBasketAsync(string basketId);
        Task < CustomerBasket > UpdateBasketAsync(CustomerBasket basket);
        Task < bool > DeleteBasketAsync(string basketId);

Custom Services Folder

This folder will be used to add the custom services to our system. It lets us create some custom services for our project, so that our concept will be clear about Custom services. All the custom services will inherit the ICustom services interface. Using that interface, we will add the CRUD Operation in our system.

Infrastructure Layer

In the infrastructure layer, we have model objects we will maintain all the database migrations and database context Objects in this layer. In this layer, we have the repositories of all the domain model objects.

Now we will add the infrastructure layer to our application.

Now we will work on the infrastructure Layer. We will follow the same process as we did for the Domain layer. Add the library project in your applicant and give a name to that project infrastructure layer.

But here, we need to add the project reference of the Domain layer in the infrastructure layer. Write click on the project and then click the Add button. After that we will add the project references in the infrastructure layer.

Clean Architecture in Core Web API

Now select the Core for adding the domain layer reference in our project.

Clean Architecture in Core Web API

Implementation of Infrastructure Layer

Let’s implement the infrastructure layer in our system.

First, you need to add the Data folder to your infrastructure layer.

Data Folder

Add the Data folder in the infrastructure layer that is used to add the database context class. The database context class is used to maintain the session with the underlying database, which you can perform the CRUD operation.

In our project, we will add the store context class that will handle the session with our database.

Code of the Database Context Class

using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Storage.ValueConversion;
using Skinet.Core.Entities;
using Skinet.Core.Entities.OrderAggregate;
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
namespace Skinet.Infrastracture.Data {
    public class StoreContext: DbContext {
        public StoreContext(DbContextOptions < StoreContext > options): base(options) {}
        public DbSet < Products > Products {
        public DbSet < ProductType > ProductTypes {
        public DbSet < ProductBrand > ProductBrands {
        public DbSet < Order > Orders {
        public DbSet < DeliveryMethod > DeliveryMethods {
        protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder modelBuilder) {
            if (Database.ProviderName == "Microsoft.EntityFramework.Sqlite") {
                foreach(var entity in modelBuilder.Model.GetEntityTypes()) {
                    var properties = entity.ClrType.GetProperties().Where(p => p.PropertyType == typeof(decimal));
                    var dateandtimepropertise = entity.ClrType.GetProperties().Where(t => t.PropertyType == typeof(DateTimeOffset));
                    foreach(var property in properties) {
                        modelBuilder.Entity(entity.Name).Property(property.Name).HasConversion < double > ();
                    foreach(var property in dateandtimepropertise) {
                        modelBuilder.Entity(entity.Name).Property(property.Name).HasConversion(new DateTimeOffsetToBinaryConverter());

Repositories Folder

The repositories folder is used to add the repositories of the domain classes, because we are going to implement the repository pattern in our solution.

Note: Complete Code of the Project will be available on My GitHub.

Let’s add some repositories to our solution, so that our concept about the repositories will be clear.

Basket Repository

Let’s create the basket as an example to clarify the concept of repositories. That will inherit the Interface of IBasket Interface from the core layer.

using Skinet.Core.Entities;
using Skinet.Core.Interfaces;
using StackExchange.Redis;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.Json;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace Skinet.Infrastracture.Repositories {
    public class BasketRepository: ICustomerBasket {
        private readonly IDatabase _database;
        public BasketRepository(IConnectionMultiplexer radis) {
            _database = radis.GetDatabase();
        public async Task < bool > DeleteBasketAsync(string basketId) {
            return await _database.KeyDeleteAsync(basketId);
        public async Task < CustomerBasket > GetBasketAsync(string basketId) {
            var data = await _database.StringGetAsync(basketId);
            return data.IsNullOrEmpty ? null : JsonSerializer.Deserialize < CustomerBasket > (data);
        public async Task < CustomerBasket > UpdateBasketAsync(CustomerBasket basket) {
            var created = await _database.StringSetAsync(basket.Id, JsonSerializer.Serialize(basket), TimeSpan.FromDays(15));
            if (!created) {
                return null;
            return await GetBasketAsync(basket.Id);


After Adding the DbSet properties, we need to add the migration using the package manager console and run the command Add-Migration.

add-migration ClearnArchitectureV1

Clean Architecture in Core Web API

After executing the Add-Migration Command, we have the following auto-generated classes in our migration folder:

Clean Architecture in Core Web API

After executing the commands, you will need to update the database by executing the update-database Command:

Clean Architecture in Core Web API

Presentation Layer

The presentation layer is the final layer, which presents the data to the front-end user on every HTTP request.

In the case of the API presentation layer, it presents us the object data from the database using the HTTP request in the form of JSON Object. But in the case of front-end applications, we present the data using the UI by consuming the APIS.

Note: Complete Code of the Project will be available on My GitHub

Extensions Folder

An Extensions Folder is used for extension methods/classes. We extend functionality. The C# extension method is a static method of a static class, where the "this" modifier is applied to the first parameter. The type of the first parameter will be the type that is extended. Extension methods are only in scope when you explicitly import the namespace into your source code with a using directive.

Let’s Create the static ApplicationServicesExtensions class, where we will create the extension method for registering all services we have created during the entire project.

Now we need to add the dependency Injection of our all services in the Extensions Classes. Then, we will use these extensions classes and methods in our startup class.

Code of Extension Method

using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
using Skinet.Application.CustomServices;
using Skinet.Core.Interfaces;
using Skinet.Errors;
using Skinet.Infrastracture.Data;
using Skinet.Infrastracture.Repositories;
using Skinet.Infrastracture.SeedData;
using System.Linq;
namespace Skinet.Controllers.Extensions {
    public static class ApplicationServicesExtensions {
        public static IServiceCollection AddApplicationServices(this IServiceCollection services) {
            services.AddScoped < ITokenService, TokenService > ();
            services.AddScoped < StoreContext, StoreContext > ();
            services.AddScoped < StoreContextSeed, StoreContextSeed > ();
            services.AddScoped < IProductRepository, ProductRepository > ();
            services.AddScoped < ICustomerBasket, BasketRepository > ();
            services.AddScoped < IUnitOfWork, UnitOfWork > ();
            services.AddScoped < IOrderService, OrderService > ();
            services.AddScoped(typeof(IGenericRepository < > ), typeof(GenericRepository < > ));
            services.Configure < ApiBehaviorOptions > (options => options.InvalidModelStateResponseFactory = ActionContext => {
                var error = ActionContext.ModelState.Where(e => e.Value.Errors.Count > 0).SelectMany(e => e.Value.Errors).Select(e => e.ErrorMessage).ToArray();
                var errorresponce = new APIValidationErrorResponce {
                    Errors = error
                return new BadRequestObjectResult(error);
            return services;

Modify The Startup.cs Class

In Startup.cs Class we will use our extensions method that we have created in extensions folders.

using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting;
using Skinet.Core.Entities;
using Skinet.Core.Interfaces;
using Skinet.Infrastracture.Data;
using Skinet.Infrastracture.Repositories;
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
using Skinet.Infrastracture.SeedData;
using Skinet.Helpers;
using Skinet.ExceptionMiddleWare;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using System.Linq;
using Skinet.Errors;
using Microsoft.OpenApi.Models;
using Skinet.Controllers.Extensions;
using StackExchange.Redis;
using Skinet.Infrastracture.identity;
using Skinet.Extensions;
namespace Skinet {
    public class Startup {
        public IConfiguration Configuration {
        public Startup(IConfiguration configuration) {
            Configuration = configuration;
        // This method gets called by the runtime. Use this method to add services to the container.
        public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services) {
            services.AddDbContext < StoreContext > (options => options.UseSqlite(Configuration.GetConnectionString("DefaultConnection")));
            services.AddDbContext < IdentityContext > (options => options.UseSqlite(Configuration.GetConnectionString("DefaultIdentityConnection")));
            services.AddSingleton < IConnectionMultiplexer > (c => {
                var configuration = ConfigurationOptions.
                Parse(Configuration.GetConnectionString("Radis"), true);
                return ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect(configuration);
            services.AddCors(options => {
                options.AddPolicy("CorsPolicy", policy => {
        // This method gets called by the runtime. Use this method to configure the HTTP request pipeline.
        public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IWebHostEnvironment env) {
            app.UseMiddleware < ExceptionMiddle > ();
            app.UseEndpoints(endpoints => {

Clean Architecture in Core Web API


Helpers’ folder is where we create the auto mapper profiles, used for mapping the entities with each other.

Code Example of Auto Mapper

using AutoMapper;
using Skinet.Core.Entities;
using Skinet.Core.Entities.OrderAggregate;
using Skinet.Dtos;
namespace Skinet.Helpers {
    public class MappingProfiles: Profile {
        public MappingProfiles() {
            CreateMap < Products, ProductDto > ().
            ForMember(d => d.ProductBrand, o => o.MapFrom(s => s.ProductBrand.Name)).ForMember(p => p.ProductType, pt => pt.MapFrom(p => p.ProductType.Name)).ForMember(p => p.PictureUrl, pt => pt.MapFrom < ProductUrlResolvers > ());
            CreateMap < Core.Entities.Identity.Address, AddressDto > ();
            CreateMap < CustomerBasket, CustomerbasketDto > ();
            CreateMap < BasketItem, BasketItemDto > ();
            CreateMap < AddressDto, Core.Entities.OrderAggregate.Address > ();

Clean Architecture in Core Web API

Data Transfer Object Folder (DTOs)

DTO stands for data transfer object. As the name suggests, a DTO is an object made to transfer data. We can create the data transfer object class for mapping the incoming request data.

Code Of DTOs

Lets us create the Basket DTOs for clearing the concept:

using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
namespace Skinet.Dtos {
    public class BasketItemDto {
        public int Id {
        public string Name {
        public decimal Price {
        public int Quantity {
        public string PictureUrl {
        public string Brand {
        public string Type {


Controllers are used to handling the HTTP request. Now we need to add the student controller that will interact will our service layer and display the data to the users.

In this article, we will focus on Basket controllers because in the whole article we have talked about Basket.

Clean Architecture in Core Web API

Code of Basket Controller

using AutoMapper;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using Skinet.Core.Entities;
using Skinet.Core.Interfaces;
using Skinet.Dtos;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace Skinet.Controllers {
    public class BasketController: BaseApiController {
        private readonly ICustomerBasket _customerBasket;
        private readonly IMapper _mapper;
        public BasketController(ICustomerBasket customerBasket, IMapper mapper) {
                _customerBasket = customerBasket;
                _mapper = mapper;
        public async Task < ActionResult < CustomerBasket >> GetBasketElement([FromQuery] string Id) {
                var basketelements = await _customerBasket.GetBasketAsync(Id);
                return Ok(basketelements ?? new CustomerBasket(Id));
        public async Task < ActionResult < CustomerBasket >> UpdateProduct(CustomerBasket product) {
                //var customerbasket = _mapper.Map<CustomerbasketDto, CustomerBasket>(product);
                var data = await _customerBasket.UpdateBasketAsync(product);
                return Ok(data);
        public async Task DeleteProduct(string Id) {
            await _customerBasket.DeleteBasketAsync(Id);

Let’s us Take another example of Product Controller.

Code of the Product Controller

using AutoMapper;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using Skinet.Core.Entities;
using Skinet.Core.Interfaces;
using Skinet.Core.Specifications;
using Skinet.Dtos;
using Skinet.Errors;
using Skinet.Helpers;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace Skinet.Controllers {
    public class ProductsController: BaseApiController {
        private readonly IGenericRepository < Products > _productRepository;
        private readonly IGenericRepository < ProductBrand > _brandRepository;
        private readonly IGenericRepository < ProductType > _productType;
        public IMapper _Mapper;
        public ProductsController(IGenericRepository < Products > productRepository, IGenericRepository < ProductBrand > BrandRepository, IGenericRepository < ProductType > productType, IMapper mapper) {
                _productRepository = productRepository;
                _brandRepository = BrandRepository;
                _productType = productType;
                _Mapper = mapper;
        public async Task < ActionResult < Pagination < ProductDto >>> GetProducts(
                [FromQuery] ProductSpecPrams productSpecPrams) {
                var spec = new ProductWithSpecificationTypesAndBrand(productSpecPrams);
                var speccount = new ProductWithFilterCountSpecification(productSpecPrams);
                var total = await _productRepository.CountAsync(spec);
                var products = await _productRepository.ListAsync(spec);
                var data = _Mapper.Map < IReadOnlyList < Products > ,
                    IReadOnlyList < ProductDto >> (products);
                return Ok(new Pagination < ProductDto > (productSpecPrams.pageIndex, productSpecPrams.pageSize, total, data));
            [ProducesResponseType(typeof(APIResponce), StatusCodes.Status404NotFound)]
        public async Task < ProductDto > GetProductById([FromQuery] int Id) {
                var spec = new ProductWithSpecificationTypesAndBrand(Id);
                var products = await _productRepository.GetByIdAsync(Id);
                return _Mapper.Map < ProductDto > (products);
        public async Task < ActionResult < List < ProductBrand >>> GetProductBrand() {
                var obj = await _brandRepository.GetAllAsync();
                return Ok(obj);
        public async Task < ActionResult < List < ProductType >>> GetProductTypes() {
            var obj = await _productRepository.GetAllAsync();
            return Ok(obj);


Now we will run the project and will see the output using the swagger.

Clean Architecture in Core Web API

Clean Architecture in Core Web API

Clean Architecture in Core Web API

Let’s Get the Product using the Product Controller.

Clean Architecture in Core Web API

These are the parameter that is very helpful for getting the desired data.

Clean Architecture in Core Web API

Now we can see that when we hit the get products endpoint, we can see the data of students from the database in the form of the JSON object.

Clean Architecture in Core Web API


In this article, we have implemented the clean architecture using the Entity Framework and Code First approach. We have now the knowledge of how the layer communicates with each other in clean architecture and how we can write the Generic code for the Interface repository and services. Now we can develop our project using clean architecture for API Development OR MVC Core Based projects.

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