Circuit Breaker in .NET Core

A circuit breaker is a design pattern used in software development to improve the resilience and fault tolerance of applications that interact with external services or resources. It is named after its electrical counterpart, which is designed to protect an electrical circuit from damage due to excessive current. In software, a circuit breaker serves a similar purpose by preventing the application from repeatedly trying to call a failing service or resource, which can lead to performance degradation and further issues.

Circuit Breaker Pattern

Here's an explanation of the circuit breaker pattern 

1. Closed State (Normal Operation)

  • In the closed state, the circuit breaker allows requests to pass through as usual.
  • During this state, it monitors the success and failure of these requests.
  • If a certain threshold of failures is reached, the circuit breaker transitions to the open state.

2. Open State (Service Unavailable)

  • In the open state, the circuit breaker blocks requests from reaching the failing service or resource.
  • This state is entered when a predefined threshold of failures is exceeded.
  • During the open state, no requests are sent to the service/resource, which can reduce the load on the resource.
  • The circuit breaker periodically checks if the service/resource has recovered by allowing a limited number of test requests through.

3. Half-Open State (Testing Service Availability)

  • After a predefined period of time, the circuit breaker transitions into the half-open state.
  • In this state, a limited number of test requests are allowed to pass through to the service/resource to check if it has recovered.
  • If these test requests succeed without any issues, the circuit breaker transitions back to the closed state.
  • If test requests still fail, the circuit breaker returns to the open state, continuing to protect the system from further failures.

Key Concepts

  • Thresholds: Circuit breakers have thresholds that determine when to transition between states. These thresholds might include the number of consecutive failures, the failure rate, or a combination of factors.
  • Timers: Timers control how long the circuit breaker remains in each state. For example, it remains in the open state for a specific duration before transitioning to the half-open state.
  • Monitoring: Monitoring and tracking of requests are essential to determine the health of the service or resource and decide when to open or close the circuit.
  • Fallback Mechanism: During the open state, applications can implement fallback mechanisms to provide alternative functionality or graceful degradation of service.
  • Automated Recovery: Circuit breakers automatically transition back to the closed state when the service/resource appears to have recovered, reducing the impact on the system.

The circuit breaker pattern helps to prevent cascading failures in distributed systems, improves system stability, and provides a level of fault tolerance by isolating problematic services or resources. It is a fundamental concept in building robust and resilient software systems.

Circuit Breaker Pattern in .Net Core

Let's implement the same in .Net Core using two different approaches.

  • Approach 1 - Without using any specific Nuget package
  • Approach 2 - Using Polly Nuget package

Common steps for both approaches( will also upload the solution with this article). I am using Visual Studio for mac but you can use Visual Studio code as well.

  1. Create a new .NET Core API Project
  2. Add a new interface for service and the concrete service class with HttpClient as a dependency
  3. In the concrete service, add code to make an HttpRequest to a random api and get request. I am using an open source webapi for getting random jokes
  4. Add a controller and call the above created service in it

Joke Interface

namespace CircuitBreaker
	public interface IJokeService
		public Task<string> GetRandomJokes();

Joke Service

namespace CircuitBreaker
    public class JokeService : IJokeService
        private readonly HttpClient _httpClient;

        public JokeService(HttpClient httpClient)
            _httpClient = httpClient;

        public async Task<string> GetRandomJokes()
                var request = new HttpRequestMessage
                    Method = HttpMethod.Get,
                    RequestUri = new Uri("")
                var response = await _httpClient.SendAsync(request);

                var responseBody = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
                return responseBody;
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;

Joke Controller

using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;

namespace CircuitBreaker.Controllers
    public class JokeController : ControllerBase
        public readonly IJokeService _jokeService;

        public JokeController(IJokeService jokeService)
            _jokeService = jokeService;

        [HttpGet(Name ="GetRandomeJokes")]
        public async Task<IActionResult> Get()
                var response = await _jokeService.GetRandomJokes();
                return Ok(response);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;


public static void ConfigureService(IServiceCollection services)
    services.AddHttpClient<IJokeService, JokeService>();

Sample output

{"type":"general","setup":"What's brown and sticky?","punchline":"A stick.","id":271}

Now, the circuit breaker strategy usually allows an n number of failed tries before not-allowing any futher requests and breaking the circuite for some time. These tries are with state, let me explain in more clarity.

Let's suppose the n count is 3 and 3 three different users tries to access the api one after the other(irrespective of the time difference between these requests) and if all three of these fails, then the 4th atempt should not even go through. The code should not further try to hit the other api untill a specifc time internal. Uptill this time interval, all requests attempts will just by-pass the api call and provide a message to end-user to try after some time. This can go in a loop if the other api issue is not resolved. This helps in making sure that the other service that we are calling is not overwhelmed with failing requests.

Let's try to implement this in Approach 1.

Create some static variables. We are creating them static as we want to persist the value of them between different calls. Please read comments for more understanding of each of it's use

//count of failed attempts that have been made
private static int attemptCount = 0;

//count of failed attempts allowed, post which the circiut will break
private static int maxAttemptCount = 3;

//flag to represent if the circuit is open or close
private static bool isCircuitOpen = false;

//field to keep a track of the utc time when the circuit was opened/broken
private static DateTime circuitOpenStartTime = DateTime.MinValue;

//the timestamp (in millisecond) for which the circuit should remain open and api call attempts should not be made
private static int circuitBreakerTimeSpanMilliseconds = 120000;
//method to start the circuit breaker
//if sets the isCircuitOpen to true and sets the time when the circuit was broken in utc
private void RecordCircuitBreakerStart()
    circuitOpenStartTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
    isCircuitOpen = true;
//method to end the circuit breaker
private void RecordCircuitBreakerEnd()
    circuitOpenStartTime = DateTime.MinValue;
    isCircuitOpen = false;
    attemptCount = 0;
//check if currently the circuit is broken or not
private void CheckIfCircuitBreakerTimeStampIsComplete()
    if(isCircuitOpen == true && circuitOpenStartTime.AddMilliseconds(circuitBreakerTimeSpanMilliseconds) < DateTime.UtcNow)

Now, let's call the above method in our controller method

public async Task<string> GetRandomJokes()
        //check if the circuit was earlier open can can be closed now
        if (isCircuitOpen == false)
            #region MakeAPICall
            var request = new HttpRequestMessage
                Method = HttpMethod.Get,
                RequestUri = new Uri("")
            var response = await _httpClient.SendAsync(request);

            var responseBody = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
            return responseBody;

        return "Service is not available. Please try after some time";
    catch (Exception ex)

        //in case of exception, if the max attempt of failure is not yet reached, then increase the counter
        if(isCircuitOpen == false && attemptCount < maxAttemptCount)
        //if the count of max attempt if reached, then open the circuits and retuen message that the service is not available
        if(attemptCount == maxAttemptCount)
            if (isCircuitOpen == false)
            return "Service is not reachable. Please try after some time";
        return ex.Message;

I agree with what you all must be thinking, the above approach is indeed messy and prone to more errors as we are managing multiple things at the same time. In order to make this code more readable and less error prone, we move to Approach 2

Approach 2 - In this we use an existing Nuget package, called Polly to achieve the same.

In the above code, add the nuget package Polly as in the screenshot below:


Add another nuget package - Microsoft.Extensions.Http.Polly to the solution

These packages enable us to define different policies to come into effect in case of an error. One of such policy is CircuitBreaker. Other policies to look at are RetryPolicy and WaitAndRetryPolicy.

For this, we will be adding another interface method and another service method called GetRandomJokesV2()

namespace CircuitBreaker
	public interface IJokeService
		public Task<string> GetRandomJokes();
        public Task<string> GetRandomJokesV2();
public async Task<string> GetRandomJokesV2()

            var request = new HttpRequestMessage
                Method = HttpMethod.Get,
                RequestUri = new Uri("")
            var response = await _httpClient.SendAsync(request);

            var responseBody = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
            return responseBody;
    catch (BrokenCircuitException ex)

        return $"Request failed due to opened circuit: {ex.Message}";
    catch (HttpRequestException httpEx)
        return $"Request failed. StatusCode={httpEx.StatusCode} Message={httpEx.Message}";

We then updated the ConfigureService method in Program.cs to add this policy. See code below:

public static void ConfigureService(IServiceCollection services)
    services.AddHttpClient<IJokeService, JokeService>(client =>
        client.BaseAddress = new Uri("");
    }).AddTransientHttpErrorPolicy(policy => policy.CircuitBreakerAsync(3, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(120000)));

In the above code, we are telling the middleware that in case this api call fails after 3 attempts, then by-pass all future api calls for 120000 miliseconds(2 mins). Post that there will be attempts to hit the api.

The way we call it in the Controller or servide does not change much

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;

// For more information on enabling MVC for empty projects, visit

namespace CircuitBreaker.Controllers
    public class JokeV2Controller : ControllerBase
        public readonly IJokeService _jokeService;

        public JokeV2Controller(IJokeService jokeService)
            _jokeService = jokeService;

        [HttpGet(Name = "GetRandomeJokesV2")]
        public async Task<IActionResult> Get()
                var response = await _jokeService.GetRandomJokesV2();
                return Ok(response);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;

We can clearly see that the Approach 2 is a more advisable and enterprise approach which makes our code more readable and less prone to errors. We can also make all the policies inside another folders as classes and inject them wherever required. This will make our code more abstract.

Please let me know your thoughts on this. I am also attaching my solutions in this post.

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