Problem Statement
Is it possible to implement CI/CD for the MSFT Fabric database via Azure DevOps?
DACPAC is your ally in deploying schema changes or managing versions across environments, all while keeping the existing data untouched.
A DACPAC is the build output of a Database project.
We need to create a Database Project for Microsoft Fabric Database, which can be achieved via the ways.
Enable Git Integration in the workspace managing the Dev version of the Fabric Database.
![Dev version]()
Leverage Visual Studio / Azure Data Studio to generate the database project. In this demo, we will be leveraging Azure Data Studio to achieve this.
Assuming Azure Data Studio is installed as stated in the Prerequisites, install the SQL Database projects extension.
![Azure Data Studio]()
Connect to the Dev version of the Fabric database via Azure Data Studio and right-click Select the 'Create Project from Database' option.
![Fabric database]()
After that, the Project synchronizes within the Azure DevOps repo.
After the Database Project creation, we will leverage Azure DevOps Azure Pipelines and Release Classic editor to generate and publish the DACPAC to the intended destination Fabric database.
In this scenario, we would be leveraging the Azure Pipelines Agent pool for the Build pipeline creation, and it would be using the latest Windows version.
![Azure Pipelines Agent]()
MSBuild task: To generate the DACPAC via the SQL Project file from the Azure DevOps Repo configured in the Build pipeline.
Note. One can parameterize the above highlighted Project parameter via the Azure pipeline variable group.
Copy files and Publish build artifacts tasks: Copy project build output into Azure DevOps artifacts location.
![Copy project]()
![Build output]()
After successful pipeline execution, the DACPAC artifact is published.
![Pipeline execution]()
After creating DACPAC, we would leverage the Release functionality to publish the DACPAC in the intended Fabric Database.
![Release functionality]()
The Artifacts section is set up to leverage the latest artifact from the Build pipeline.
We will be using Windows's latest Azure Agent pool during the release.
![Build pipeline]()
And the Service principal to authenticate to the destination Fabric database.
So, we need to grant the Service principal 'Member' access within the workspace.
Powershell task: Generate Access Token via the Service principal for authentication, install SQL package exe, and publish the DACPAC.
![SQL package]()
Powershell code
$TenantID = "$(TenantId)"
$clientID = "$(ClientId)"
$clientSct = "$(ClientSecret)"
$resourceAppIdURI = ''
$tokenResponse = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -UseBasicParsing `
-Uri "$($TenantID)/oauth2/token" `
-Body @{
resource = $resourceAppIdURI
client_id = $clientId
grant_type = 'client_credentials'
client_secret = $clientSct
} -ContentType 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
if ($tokenResponse) {
Write-Debug "Access token type is $($tokenResponse.token_type), expires $($tokenResponse.expires_on)"
$Token = $tokenResponse.access_token
dotnet tool install -g microsoft.sqlpackage
& "C:\Users\VssAdministrator\.dotnet\tools\sqlpackage.exe" `
/SourceFile:"$(SourceFilePath)" `
/Action:Publish `
/TargetServerName:"$(TargetServer)" `
/TargetDatabaseName:"$(TargetDatabase)" `
where values appended with $ like $(TenantId) are Pipeline variables.
![Pipeline variables]()
Build Pipeline YAML
# Variable 'DACPACPath' was defined in the Variables tab
- job: Job_1
displayName: Agent job 1
vmImage: windows-latest
- checkout: self
fetchDepth: 1
- task: MSBuild@1
displayName: Build DACPAC
solution: $(DACPACPath)
- task: CopyFiles@2
displayName: 'Copy Files to: $(build.artifactstagingdirectory)/DB/'
SourceFolder: '$(agent.builddirectory)\s\'
TargetFolder: '$(build.artifactstagingdirectory)/DB/'
- task: PublishBuildArtifacts@1
displayName: 'Publish Artifact: drop'