Capture And Store SQL Server Database Integrity History Using DBCC CHECKDB


DBCC CHECKDB is a command that can be used in Microsoft SQL Server to check the integrity of a database. It performs a series of consistency checks on the database and reports any errors it finds. DBCC CHECKDB can also be used to capture and store the database integrity history, which can be useful for auditing purposes or for diagnosing issues that may have occurred in the past.

To capture and store the SQL Server database integrity history using DBCC CHECKDB, follow these steps:

1. Enable the trace flag 2549. This flag enables the database to track the history of integrity checks performed on it.

DBCC TRACEON (2549, -1);

2. Create a table to store the integrity history information. The table should have columns to store the date and time of the integrity check, the database's name, and any detected errors.

CREATE TABLE dbo.DBCCIntegrityHistory (
   CheckDate DATETIME,
   DatabaseName NVARCHAR(128),
   CheckResult NVARCHAR(4000)

3. Use the DBCC CHECKDB command to check the integrity of the database. Be sure to include the WITH NO_INFOMSGS option to suppress informational messages.


4. After completing the integrity check, use the following command to insert the integrity history information into the table.

INSERT INTO dbo.DBCCIntegrityHistory (
SELECT GETDATE(), 'database_name', [message]
FROM sys.dm_db_output

This command inserts the date and time of the integrity check, the name of the database, and any errors detected into the table.

5. To view the integrity history information, query the table.

SELECT * FROM dbo.DBCCIntegrityHistory;

Following these steps, you can capture and store the SQL Server database integrity history using DBCC CHECKDB. This can be a valuable tool for auditing and troubleshooting purposes.

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