High-Performance Apps Using C# Span<T>

Memory Location


Span is a struct type introduced in C# 7.2 as part of the Span<T> struct in the System namespace. It is designed to represent a contiguous region of arbitrary memory. Unlike arrays or collections, Span does not own the memory or region of memory it points to; instead, it provides a lightweight view over existing memory blocks. This characteristic makes Span particularly powerful for scenarios where you need to work with memory buffers efficiently without incurring additional overhead and unsafe code scenarios.

Key Characteristics of Span

  1. Non-Owning Nature: Span is a non-owning type, meaning it does not allocate or de-allocate managed memory or unmanaged memory. It operates on existing memory, making it an excellent choice for scenarios where memory ownership is either handled elsewhere or shared among multiple components.
  2. Contiguous Memory: A Span represents a contiguous region of memory. This contiguous nature allows for seamless interaction with other memory-based constructs, such as arrays, pointers, and native interop scenarios.
  3. Performance Benefits: The non-owning and contiguous characteristics of Span contribute to its performance benefits. Since it doesn't involve memory allocations or copying, working with Span can lead to more efficient and faster code execution.
  4. Zero-Cost Abstractions: One of the design principles behind Span is to provide zero-cost abstractions. This means that using Span in your code should not introduce any runtime overhead, making it suitable for performance-critical scenarios.


Using ReadOnlySpan instead of string can be advantageous in scenarios where you want to avoid unnecessary string allocations and improve performance, especially when working with large strings or doing substring operations. ReadOnlySpan<char> is particularly useful for scenarios where you need read-only access to a portion of a string without creating new string objects. Let's explore how to use ReadOnlySpan<char> in various situations:

1. Creating ReadOnlySpan from String

You can create a ReadOnlySpan<char> from a string easily using the AsSpan method.

string originalString = "Hello, World!";

ReadOnlySpan<char> spanFromString = originalString.AsSpan();

2. Working with Substrings

Instead of using Substring, you can use Slice on the ReadOnlySpan<char>.

ReadOnlySpan<char> substringSpan = spanFromString.Slice(startIndex, length);

3. Passing Substring to a Method

When passing substrings to methods, instead of passing substrings as strings, use ReadOnlySpan<char>.

void ProcessSubstring(ReadOnlySpan<char> substring)
    // Perform operations on the substring
// Usage
ProcessSubstring(spanFromString.Slice(startIndex, length));

4. Searching within a String

You can use IndexOf on ReadOnlySpan<char> for searching within a string.

int index = spanFromString.IndexOf('W');

5. Using Memory-Mapped Files

When working with large files, especially in scenarios like memory-mapped files, ReadOnlySpan<char> can be more efficient.

using (MemoryMappedFile mmf = MemoryMappedFile.CreateFromFile("largeFile.txt"))
    using (MemoryMappedViewAccessor accessor = mmf.CreateViewAccessor())
        long fileSize = new FileInfo("largeFile.txt").Length;
        ReadOnlySpan<byte> fileData = accessor.ReadArray(0, (int)fileSize).Span;

        // Process fileData as ReadOnlySpan<byte>

6. Efficient String Manipulation

For certain scenarios, ReadOnlySpan<char> can be used for efficient string manipulation.

// Replace a character in a substring without creating a new string

spanFromString.Slice(startIndex, length).CopyTo(newSpan);

7. Passing Substring to APIs

Some APIs might accept ReadOnlySpan<char> for performance reasons. For example, when working with external libraries or APIs that operate on character spans.

void ExternalApiMethod(ReadOnlySpan<char> data)
    // Call the external API with the character span

// Usage
ExternalApiMethod(spanFromString.Slice(startIndex, length));

ReadOnlySpan<char> provides a way to work with strings more efficiently, especially in scenarios where memory allocations and copying should be minimized. It's a powerful tool for optimizing performance-critical code and can be particularly beneficial when dealing with large amounts of string data.

Span Limitations

While Span in C# is a powerful feature with numerous advantages, it does come with certain limitations and considerations, particularly in the context of contiguous and non-contiguous memory buffers. Let's explore these limitations.

Contiguous Memory Buffers

  1. Memory Ownership: Span is a non-owning type. It doesn't own the memory it points to, which means that you need to ensure the underlying memory/unmanaged memory stays valid throughout the Span's lifetime. If the memory instance is deallocated or becomes invalid, using the Span can lead to undefined behavior.
  2. Immutable Strings: Span is designed to work efficiently with mutable memory, but strings in C# are immutable. Converting a string to a Span<char> might lead to unintended issues, especially if the Span is used to modify the string's content.
  3. Array Bounds Checking: While Span itself provides zero-cost abstractions, operations on a Span do not eliminate array bounds checking. This means that when accessing elements using the Span, the runtime still checks for array bounds, potentially incurring a slight performance overhead compared to using unsafe pointers.
  4. Garbage Collection Impact: If you create a Span over an array and that array is collected by the garbage collector, using the Span afterward can lead to undefined behavior. This is because the underlying memory might be reclaimed, and accessing it through the Span can lead to accessing invalid memory.
  5. Inability to Use in Some APIs: Some APIs or libraries may not accept Span directly, especially older or third-party libraries that were not designed with Span support. In such cases, you may need to convert between Span and other types like arrays or pointers.

Non-Contiguous Memory Buffers

  1. Limited Support for Non-Contiguous Memory: Span is primarily designed to work with contiguous memory buffers /blocks. It might not be the most suitable choice for scenarios where you need to work with non-contiguous memory buffers or structures with gaps in memory.
  2. Structural Limitations: Certain data structures or scenarios involving non-contiguous memory may not be well-suited for Span. For example, a linked list or a graph structure may not align well with the contiguous memory requirement of Span.
  3. Complex Pointer Operations: When dealing with non-contiguous memory, especially in scenarios requiring complex pointer arithmetic, Span may not provide the low-level control and flexibility that you might achieve with raw pointers in languages like C++. In such cases, using unsafe code with pointers might be more appropriate.
  4. Lack of Direct Support in Some APIs: Just like with contiguous memory, some APIs or libraries might not directly support non-contiguous memory represented by Span. Adapting such scenarios might require additional intermediate steps or conversions.

Span and Unmanaged Memory

In C#, Span can be effectively used with unmanaged memory to perform memory-related operations in a controlled and efficient manner. Unmanaged memory refers to memory that is not managed by the .NET runtime's garbage collector, and it often involves using native memory allocations and deallocations. Here's how Span can be utilized with unmanaged memory in C#:

Allocating Unmanaged Memory

To allocate unmanaged memory, you can use the Marshal class, which is part of the System.Runtime.InteropServices namespace. The Marshal.AllocHGlobal method allocates unmanaged memory and returns a pointer to the allocated block. The memory allocated or memory address is held in an unmanagedMemory pointer and will have read-write access. The contiguous regions of memory can be easily accessed.

using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

class Program
    static void Main()
        const int bufferSize = 100;
        IntPtr unmanagedMemory = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(bufferSize);

        // Create a Span from the unmanaged memory
        Span<byte> span = new Span<byte>(unmanagedMemory.ToPointer(), bufferSize);

        // Use the Span as needed...

        // Don't forget to free the unmanaged memory when done

In this example, we allocate a block of unmanaged memory using Marshal.AllocHGlobal and then create a Span<byte> using the pointer obtained from the unmanaged memory. This allows us to work with unmanaged memory using the familiar Span API.

Copying Data to and from Unmanaged Memory

Span provides methods like Slice, CopyTo, and ToArray that can be used for copying data between managed and unmanaged memory efficiently.

using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

class Program
    static void Main()
        const int bufferSize = 100;
        IntPtr unmanagedMemory = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(bufferSize);

        // Create a Span from the unmanaged memory
        Span<byte> span = new Span<byte>(unmanagedMemory.ToPointer(), bufferSize);

        // Copy data to the unmanaged memory
        byte[] dataToCopy = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };

        // Copy data from the unmanaged memory      
        byte[] copiedData = span.ToArray();

        // Don't forget to free the unmanaged memory when done

In this example, we copy data from a managed array to the unmanaged memory using CopyTo, and then we copy the data back from the unmanaged memory to a managed array using ToArray.

Using unsafe Code

When dealing with unmanaged memory, you may also use unsafe code with pointers. In such cases, you can obtain a pointer from the Span using the GetPinnableReference method.

using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

class Program
    static void Main()
        const int bufferSize = 100;
        IntPtr unmanagedMemory = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(bufferSize);

        // Create a Span from the unmanaged memory
        Span<byte> span = new Span<byte>(unmanagedMemory.ToPointer(), bufferSize);

        // Use unsafe code to work with pointers
            byte* pointer = (byte*)Unsafe.AsPointer(ref MemoryMarshal.GetReference(span));

            // Use the pointer as needed...

        // Don't forget to free the unmanaged memory when done

In this example, we use the Unsafe.AsPointer method to obtain a pointer from the Span. This allows us to use unsafe code when working with pointers directly.

Remember, when working with unmanaged memory, it's crucial to manage the allocation and deallocation properly to avoid memory leaks. Always free unmanaged memory using appropriate methods, such as Marshal.FreeHGlobal. Additionally, exercise caution when using unsafe code, as it can introduce potential security risks if not handled properly.

Span and Asynchronous Method Calls

Using Span in conjunction with asynchronous method calls in C# is a powerful combination, especially when dealing with large amounts of data or I/O operations. The goal is to efficiently handle asynchronous operations without unnecessary copying of data. Let's explore how you can leverage Span in asynchronous scenarios:

1. Asynchronous I/O Operations

When dealing with asynchronous I/O operations, such as reading or writing data to a stream, you can use Memory<T> or Span<T> to efficiently work with the data without creating additional buffers.

async Task ProcessDataAsync(Stream stream)
    const int bufferSize = 4096;
    byte[] buffer = new byte[bufferSize];

    while (true)
        int bytesRead = await stream.ReadAsync(buffer.AsMemory());

        if (bytesRead == 0)

        // Process the data using Span without unnecessary copying
        ProcessData(buffer.AsSpan(0, bytesRead));

void ProcessData(Span<byte> data)
    // Perform operations on the data

In this example, the ReadAsync method asynchronously reads data from a stream into the buffer. The ProcessData method then processes the data directly from the Span<byte> without copying it to another buffer.

2. Asynchronous File Operations

Similar to I/O operations, when dealing with asynchronous file operations, you can use Span to efficiently process data without additional copying.

async Task ProcessFileAsync(string filePath)
    const int bufferSize = 4096;

    using (FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
        byte[] buffer = new byte[bufferSize];

        while (true)
            int bytesRead = await fileStream.ReadAsync(buffer.AsMemory());

            if (bytesRead == 0)

            // Process the data using Span without unnecessary copying
            ProcessData(buffer.AsSpan(0, bytesRead));

void ProcessData(Span<byte> data)
    // Perform operations on the data

Here, the ReadAsync method reads data from a file stream into the buffer, and the ProcessData method processes the data directly from the Span<byte>.

3. Asynchronous Task Processing

When working with asynchronous tasks that produce or consume data, you can use Memory<T> or Span<T> to avoid unnecessary copying.

async Task<int> ProcessDataAsync(int[] data)
    // Asynchronous processing of data
    await Task.Delay(1000);

    // Returning the length of the processed data
    return data.Length;

async Task Main()
    int[] inputData = Enumerable.Range(1, 1000).ToArray();

    // Process the data asynchronously without copying
    int processedLength = await ProcessDataAsync(inputData.AsMemory());

    Console.WriteLine($"Processed data length: {processedLength}");

In this example, the ProcessDataAsync method processes the data asynchronously and returns the length of the processed data without requiring additional copies.


Span in C# is a powerful addition to the language, offering a performant and efficient way to work with memory. Its non-owning, contiguous nature makes it particularly suitable for scenarios where minimizing memory allocations and copying is crucial. By leveraging Span, developers can achieve better performance in a variety of applications, ranging from string manipulation to high-performance numeric processing. As C# continues to evolve, Span remains a key tool for optimizing code and building robust, high-performance applications.

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