Building An IoT Based Smart Trash Can


In this article, I will explain the concept of an IoT based smart trash can.  It will automatically open when we take waste to it; and when it is full, a light will come on automatically
Parts Of List
Hardware Parts 
  • Arduino Uno
  • UltraSonic Sensor-2
  • Servo motor
  • LED
  • Buzzer
  • Bread Board
  • HookUp wires.
Software Parts
  • Arduino IDE.
Parts Explanation
UltraSonic Sensor
  • It is used to produce a high-frequency sound effect.
  • It can measure the signal from the sender to the receiver.
  • The echo is to be determined from the object.
Figure1 UltraSonic Sensor. 
  • It is small and cost-effective.
  • It is used for small robotics and radio controls.
Figure 2 ServoMotor
  •  A buzzer is a sound maker which can alert you to a problem
  • Then in the buzzer which can have the gnd and vcc
Figure 2 Buzzer 
Step 1 UltraSonic Sensor-1 to Arduino
  • Connect the Vcc of the Ultrasonic Sensor to the 5v of the Arduino Uno.
  • Connect the Gnd of the Ultrasonic Sensor to the Gnd of the Arduino Uno.
  • Connect the First Trigger of the Ultrasonic Sensor to the 5 of the digital Input in the Arduino Uno.
  • Connect the First Echo of the Ultrasonic Sensor to the 4 of the digital Input in the Arduino Uno.
Step 2 UltraSonic Sensor-2 to Arduino
  • Connect the Vcc of the Ultrasonic Sensor to the 5v of the Arduino Uno.
  • Connect the Gnd of the Ultrasonic Sensor to the Gnd of the Arduino Uno.
  • Connect the First Trigger of the Ultrasonic Sensor to the 7 of the digital Input in the Arduino Uno.
  • Connect the First Echo of the Ultrasonic Sensor to the 6 of the digital Input in the Arduino Uno.
Step 3 Servo Motor To Arduino
  • Connect the Vcc of the ServoMotor to the 5v of the Arduino Uno and also connect the vcc in the 8th pin of the Arduino.
  • Connect the Gnd of the ServoMotor to the Gnd of the Arduino Uno. 
Step 4 Buzzer To Arduino
  • Connect the Vin of the buzzer to the 2 of the Arduino Uno.
  • Connect the Gnd of the buzzer to the Gnd of the Arduino Uno.
Step 5 Led To Arduino
  • Connect the Led1 to Negative pin to the Arduino Uno
  • Connect the Led1 to positive pin 8 to the Arduino Uno
  • Connect the Led2 to Negative pin to the Arduino Uno
  • Connect the Led2 to positive pin 9 to the Arduino Uno
  • Connect the Led3 to Negative pin to the Arduino Uno
  • Connect the Led3 to positive pin 10 to the Arduino Uno
  • Connect the Led4 to Negative pin to the Arduino Uno
  • Connect the Led4 to positive pin 11 to the Arduino Uno
Figure Of the Connection
Figure 4 Connection 
  1. #define pingTrig2 7  
  2. #define pingEcho2 6  
  3. #define pingTrig 5  
  4. #define pingEcho4  
  5. #define buzzer 2  
  6. #include < Servo.h >   
  7. Servo myservo()  
  8. void setup() {  
  9.     Serial.begin(9600);  
  10.     PinMode[PingTrig2, OUTPUT];  
  11.     PinMode[PingEcho2, OUTPUT];  
  12.     PinMode(8, OUTPUT);  
  13.     PinMode(9, OUTPUT);  
  14.     PinMode(10, OUTPUT);  
  15.     PinMode(11, OUTPUT);  
  16.     PinMode(Buzzer, OUTPUT);  
  17.     PinMode(pingTrig, OUTPUT);  
  18.     PinMode(pingEcho, OUTPUT);  
  19.     myservo, attach(3);  
  20. }  
  21. Void Loop() {  
  22.         lond duration2 distance2;  
  23.         digitalWrite(pingTrig2.LOW);  
  24.         delay Microsecconds(2);  
  25.         digitalWrite(pingTrig2.HIGH);  
  26.         delay Microsecconds(10);  
  27.         digitalWrite(pingTrig2.LOW);  
  28.         digitalWrite(buzzer, LOW);  
  29.         duration2 = PulseIn(pingEcho2, HIGH);  
  30.         distance2 = duration 2 / 20 / 2;  
  31.         if (distance 2 > 15) {  
  32.             open close();  
  33.         } else {  
  34.             mysowo,  
  35.             write(0)  
  36.             lighting();  
  37.             digitalwrite(buzzer, low)  
  38.         }  
  39.         void openclose() {  
  40.                 long during, inches, cn;  
  41.                 digitalwrite(pingTrig, LOW);  
  42.                 delay Microseconds(02);  
  43.                 digitalwrite(pingTrig, HIGH);  
  44.                 delay Microseconds(10);  
  45.                 digitalwrite(pingTrig, Low);  
  46.                 duration = pulseIn(pingEcho, High);  
  47.                 cn = duration / 29 / 2;  
  48.                 if (cn < 10) {  
  49.                     myservo.write(50);  
  50.                     delay(100);  
  51.                 } else {  
  52.                     myservo.write(0);  
  53.                 }  
  54.                 delay(1000);  
  55.                 void lighting() {  
  56.                     digitalWrite(buzzer, HIGH);  
  57.                     digitalWrite(8, HIGH);  
  58.                     digitalWrite(9, HIGH);  
  59.                     delay(300);  
  60.                     digitalWrite(8, LOW);  
  61.                     digitalWrite(9, LOW);  
  62.                     digitalWrite(10, High);  
  63.                     digitalWrite(11, High);  
  64.                     delay(300);  
  65.                     digitalWrite(10, Low);  
  66.                     digitalWrite(11, Low);  
  67.                     delay(300);  
  68.                }  
  • It will sense when we want to put waste in the can and when the can is full a light will come on. 
Figure 5 Output 1 
Figure 6 Output 2

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